
Our Insecurities:

We are living in the world of insecurities, correct me if I am wrong. What is this so-called insecurity? Is it okay to, have it? Is it justified if we use it as an excuse for our wrongdoings?

Its most commonly lack of confidence which means you don't trust yourself. If you are insecure about something or someone, in reality you don't trust yourself and it seems you are actually degrading yourself. Let's take an example, most commonly people are worried that others are running fast, and they will lose their status or position in company or society if they didn't run fast than others and for that they end becoming someone they used to loathe more (criminal, corrupt, bad guy, manipulator etc.) Whatever you want to call it. What actually causes all this is none other than you and only you are to be blame. In these cases, most likely people blame the society or surroundings (even their family) but they forget one thing that your hands, tongue, mind or body is under your command only even your very own thoughts and if you give them too much freedom, or let them float your mind, what happens is you lose it. Try to control yourself and your thoughts if you don't want to end up becoming a person you once hated!

How can I control my thoughts 💭? Its simple just like controlling your tongue but you yourself make it complicated. Just because you can't do it doesn't mean it's impossible.

The next answer to the question is no its not okay to have it because having it means you are insulting yourself and a person that doesn't respect him/herself doesn't have the right to respected by the people or world. And self-respect should not be mistaken with treating others badly and ignoring other's feelings as trash. Many people just don't really get the meaning of self-respect even though they have PHD degrees with them. No one is more illiterate than them in terms of my subjectivity.

And last but not least is its not okay to use it as excuse for our wrong attitudes. The other person is not responsible for what you did. Life always gives us a chance, some people don't bother to see or realize it, but others realize it but don't make the right choice and different people have different definitions for the word right. And blaming others for this is just as stupid as considering ants responsible for malaria.