
The greatest loss

The women was upset and drained from using her abilities but kept going. Kept gaining ground between her and the child and where she had come from. It had been maybe 10 minutes since she had left her newborn child when she heard dogs barking and people talking in the distance. She kept going and trying until she felt pain. It was coming from her stomach and then down she got off by a tree and tried to hide in the bushes as she had a sudden realization that she was giving birth again. Thought we're raising through her mind wondering what had went wrong why was she giving birth again she had just given birth less than 20 minutes ago. The sounds from her hunters were getting louder and louder as they got closer and closer. She gave birth when the hunter were almost on top of her location. She gave birth to a baby boy. The boy she had wanted to give birth to back in the cave. It was a mix up he looked like the girl. She realized her stomach had been bigger then it was in the past when she had given birth but she just thought it was because the child was going to be bigger. She hadn't ever thought that maybe it was possible that she would have two babies, instead of one. In that moment her heart broke. She gave birth to the first born children of the king a male and a female, but the female came first so she would have more abilities then her brother. She also could steal her brothers powers if he died close enough to her. Twins could were connected and that meant there powers were as well, so when one died the other gain there strength and power, so when there were twin they normally killed the less healthy of the two children. Newborns were also know to steal some of there mothers power if she died soon after there birth. In that realization the women grabbed her newborn baby boy and got up and ran she used all of her strength that she had left to get back new the cave where she had left her newborn daughter. She new she would die and they would kill her newborn son but if they were close enough her daughter could get both of there powers. She could have a real chance at being able to live. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her and the baby boy. Her hunters had noticed her run right away and started to find the chase more and more amusing as now she had given birth and had a child with her. They teased and fired shot that were not meant to kill her or the child but hurt them and make it harder for her to go anywhere. They had also leashed the dogs so they couldn't attack them. She knew what they were doing but she also knew that it was giving her a chance to get close to the waterfall, they didn't know they were helping her achieve her goal and her making it so a newborn of there kind was going to be able to become extremely powerful, they just saw a fun game. She could hear the water so she knew she was close. Although there was pain running through her entire body and blood running down her arms and legs and sides from the bullets that were shot she continued on. The baby boy cries were loud and ear piercing the entire time so she knew that they wouldn't lose her. She couldn't hear her daughters cries due to the water falls, she was concealed. When she got to the rocks near the bottom of the water fall where the pool of water was that then lead into a river a smile appeared on her face. They humans had there fun, and were ready to be finished was there game as they had now been chasing the women and the baby for the past 10-15 minutes so they were no longer as amused by it. They released the dogs and fired a shot at the women's shoulder. She felt a sharps pain as the bullet hit her heart and she fell to the ground. The dog ran over tearing at her body as tears ran down her eyes and the baby boy laid on the group crying. She watch still barely alive and breathing as they took her newborn son and held him under the water. She heard sounds of crying stop and men laughing as the newborns little arms and legs flailed helplessly in the water attempting to get air. Then it stopped, the babies cold wet lifeless body was thrown against her. The dogs followed the baby there master had thrown and tour it apart, as if it was a toy. Her tears continued to run down her face as she noticed a little light that only people with magic could see, his powers had reached her daughter. Although it was a sin she was wish to give birth to and to of saved, at least one of her children might living a small smile came across her face as she shut her eyes and everything went dark and then quiet. She could see her body and her new born sons body that was torn apart as well as the men and there dogs as she was rising. She went towards the waterfall and back into the cave. She saw her newborn daughter back by a wall with a vine rocking her basket so she wouldn't cry. For the first and the last time she touched her newborn daughters face and smiled. Then a whole opened up in the back of the cave and a young fire wolf came out and looked down at the child and a bigger one followed. Fear ran through the mother's entire spirit as she was sure now her daughter would be killed but the young wolf did nothing but look and the big wolf jumped at her spirit and started dragging her back into the whole. She wolf seemed to be frustrated trying to get the young one to follow. These wholes were to the afterlife and would only open up when someone of powers dies but it opens near there spirit and after the spirit entire the whole closes. If the wolf is left of the other side after the whole closes, it will be able to be seen by everyone not just spirits. These wolfs grow big. On all fours the one that had grabbed her who was a female was taller then her and was probably was a little over 6 feet tall. They also had a metal like substance for claws that were sharp and could be retracted like cats. They have thick fur and sharp teeth and they can light parts of themselves on fire, they will have black patters in there majority grey or white fur. The black marking and patterns are the areas that they can light on fire at will. The young with seemed interested by her new born and she could tell it had intentions of harming it. She stopped fighting with the big wolf and it quickly pulled her into the whole. Her and wolf had been tugging and fighting back so when she stopped it was quickly and out of nowhere and the wolf used one big tug and that was enough to send them both back into the whole. The young wolf on the other hand who had been entranced by the newborn didn't make it back into the whole before it closed as it was so sudden. The young wolf was still in a trance and hadn't realized the struggle it's mother was having with the spirit or that the whole had close so it was trapped here. It just continued to look at the newborn child and how calm and peaceful it was. The young wolf was entranced by the power that was let off by the newborn, because it was entrance and very strong and yet seemed to be gentle and southing and the young wolf was only a month old, it was the first time it had ever come out of the den and it wondered through the whole after its mother. The young wolf finally snapped out of its trance about 20 mins after the whole was close and turned to go back but it was gone. The little wolf howled and barked and cries as it dug at the wall calling for its mother and it's siblings. The young pup had been doing this with no luck for 20 minutes before it woke up the sleeping newborn. Joined by it cries were higher pitched cries from the hungry newborn. The young wolf heard this new sound and went over to the child and looked down at it the child had her eyes shut and continued to cry as the young wolf stood over it staring at it with it beautiful dark blue eyes that revealed its sadness and confused. The one peaceful child and southing energy coming from it was now filled with sadness and want. A plant can grew and moved down placing nectar into the babies mouth feeding it. This plants grew fruits that contained strong nectars that people believed the gods used to drink and eat for nourishment. They were very rare to come by as the needed powerful Ora to be around them in order to grow. The plant kept growing a few more fruits blossomed. The newborn had the power of the strongest male and female and there tribe was the biggest tribe in North America and they had the strongest people in it. She not only had the power of first born and first born female but also first born male and some from her mother. She was extremely powerful as her Ora was enough to cause these to grow and to make her own baskets and the have nature already helping take care of her. The young wolf smelling the nectar realized it was hungry as it's stomach growled. The new born was full from just one fruit. The puppy crawled over nervously to plant and sniffed a fruit. After confirming that it was what smelled amazing it hesitantly took a bite out of it. The young wolf was amazed at how good it tasted and how quickly it filled it. The wolf was tired after eating it and still longing for its mother as it went back over to the wall and wept hoping that its mother would return for it. Night fell as it did so did the temperature the cave seemed to became damp and cold. The young wolf lay crying by the wall still but now it was cold and shivering. The wolf was still to young and had no marking because it hadn't learned how to use it fire yet and most fire wolfs don't learn how to or get there marks until they are 6 months old, the same time a wolf would start to learn how to become a hunter. The newborn child was awake and laying in the basket beginning to cry as she shivered and the cold crept through her body. The little fire wolf again got up going over to it as the ora in the room had changed yet again. It felt cold lonely. The fire wolf had been laying over by the wall wishing it had its siblings and mother to curl up against for warmth. But instead what it had was a newborn child. The young wolf could feel the child was cold as well and started thinking. He always curled up next to his mom and his siblings for warmth so could he do the same with this child couldn't it help keep him warm, after all this child had lost its siblings and mother as well. In the end the young would decided to climb into the basket with the child and curl up next to it and as they feel asleep the new born used her powers to make the basket bigger and the blanket bigger and moved the blanket to cover the young pup as well as she put her now warm arms around it. After this the night the two continued this everyday and every time they were hungry they had food. The fire bonded to girl and girl grew close with the fire wolf as the wolf never left her side. A part of it still praying that it's mother would find it if it stayed there waiting. Unfortunately that wasn't what the Gods decided would happen and as it was the last time the child ever felt her mother touch or saw her although it was only her spirit it was also the last the young fire wolf saw his.