
Stitch My Heart Doctor

Hannelore_Deodores_7070 · Hiện thực
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5 Chs


"Hey... It's okay"

"No! It's not okay Ace!– I mean attorney."

"No, it's okay. Be comfortable with me" he smiled. I felt warm when he smiled at me. There's something in his smile that makes me feel safe.


"Shh. Just cry. Lean on me, I won't judge you"


Ace's POV

2nd trial.

I looked at Kolin. He looked confident.

"I call the witness, Ma'am Ashley Saad. The personal nurse of Sir Anthony." The witness went to the witness seat.

"I want the witness to take the oath of affirmation your honor." The judge agreed.

"Article 183 of the Revised penal code states that perjury is committed when a person makes untruthful statements under oath. Do you still want to continue?"

"I solemnly declare and affirm that the evidence I shall give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth"

"I shall now start your honor" the defender said.

"Can you tell us what exactly happened that night?"

"It was 6:30 pm when Ma'am Anna went in. Ma'am Anna said she said if it's okay if I will go out because she said she wanted to talk to Sir Anthony alone so I left to give them privacy. Quarter to seven when Ma'am Anna came out so I went into the room and noticed that Sir Anthony was catching his breath so I was worried but he said he just needed to rest. His condition worsened after eating dinner. It was about ten o'clock when Sir suddenly fainted. "

I frowned at the witness statement. There is only one question that bothers me. And I wrote it on a tissue paper, I might even forget it.

"So do you still have connections to the victim's sister?" Kolin said.

"Nothing. Since that incident happened." My forehead furrowed even more.

"That's all your honor" Kolin said with a smirk on his face.

"Prosecution, do you want to question the witness?"

"Yes your honor" I said and went to the front, bringing the tissue paper where I wrote my question.

"I just have one question..."

"Are you sure that you have no connections with the victim's sister?"


"The victim's sister is with the victim at the hospital right? In fact Ma'am Anna is the one who brought the victim to the hospital." I said and the people started murmuring.


"And you think she is the murderer right?"

"Not real-"

"Yes or no?"


"Yes or no?"

"I mean-"

"I repeat. Yes or no?"


"And you like sir Anthony right?" And people started murmuring.

"How do you kno-"

"The prosecutor is aking personal things to the witness your honor!"

"Change the question prosecution."

"Okay." He's such a kill joy!

"But do you think the murderer will take the person he wants to kill to the hospital? Does it even makes sense?"

"He has a point."



"That's why he is called the 'king of trials' ."

I smirked when I heard the  king of trials.

"It can be an act! It's like you don't know the moves of an criminal attorney Verion?"

"And that's speculation attorney Ferrel." I smiled and Kolin had no choice but to sit. He looked like a mad tomato. If we're not here in the court I could've captured his face and tease him.

"And the witness took the oath of affirmation right?" I looked at the witness. You can sense fear in her face.

"I'd like to consider perjury your honor."


Aria's POV

"It's okay Aria! You did your best right?" I said while looking at my reflection on the mirror

I went out to go to the Emergency room to see if there's patient I have to check.

"Excuse me!"

What's happening?

"Rape victim. She still have a pulse but she's in a critical situation"

Nanlaki ang mata ko at napatakip sa bibig ko.

R-rape victim!?

"Move!" I shouted and checked the patient.


There's bruise and scratch in her body, a sign of her resisting the rapist.

"Get a cloth first." I need to cover her up first.

After a couple of minutes, the x-ray results are done. The patient is stabbed by a broken glass on the shoulder so I immediately checked if there's any other organs damaged.

"No other organs are damaged." I sighed. Thank god, the patient is now safe

"We just need to take off the broken glass and cure her wounds."


After a couple of hours, we finished curing the wound of the patient. It's not easy like what you think. It is definitely harder than what you thought. We need to be extra careful, specially that it's a glass stabbed at her chest.

"How is it? Is the patient alive?" Aiya asked worriedly.

"She's fine but she's still unconscious." I said and dropped myself at the bed.

"By the way Attorney Kolin was here a while ago. He's finding you." napaupo ako sa sinabi ni Aiya.

Kolin? Attorney....



Ace's POV

I'm preparing for the 3rd trial. I collected all the evidences I can use against them. But suddenly I remembered Kolin. Ah whatever, I'll catch up with him after this case.

I put all the documents, videos in one USB. I promise, I will win this case. I will give justice to Sir Anthony. I promise.

It's already 12 in the midnight when I finished all the things I need to do. Compiling the files I needed tomorrow.

I'll win this case. I promise. The word "lose" is not in my vocabulary.


"Wow Attorney, looking fresh."

"Ofcourse" I said and smirked

I looked at Kolin and showed a peace sign. He just rolled his eyes at me. He looks like a girlfriend of mine being jealous.

"Are you ready to lose?" I asked.

"No" I laughed.

"You? Are you ready to lose? Cause I'm ready to win" he said with a smirk.

"Me? The king of trials never lose. You know that"

"How are you so sure about that?"

I went to my seat and ofcourse I'm not bothered by what– just maybe a little. Because I know how good Kolin is at trials. But not as good as me.

"Athena, can you check my files?" I said and my assistant obeyed.



"We have one problem" I nervously looked at her.

"The USB is empty."

