
Stick with me

I am Michelle Halt, a normal high school teenager. I have good friends, supportive parents and normal life but that was until Zach decides to poke his head into my life. Zach Cameron...how do I even begin with him? He is an egoistic bad boy with a good heart. Zach and I hate-nah hate would be a too strong word. We dislike each other since our childhood and we or at least I haven't planned to change my feelings towards him. But what happens when life throws us together in an unexpected way? Will my feelings change for him or will we always be like this? Only time will tell.

Athulya_Sudevan · Thanh xuân
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7 Chs


I got ready for school and started walking downstairs. "Good morning guys." I said as I sat down to eat my breakfast, dad looked up from the newspaper and said, "Good morning sweetie," Mom passed me a plate of French toast and I started eating. I caught mom and dad sharing nervous looks every five minutes, I swallowed my food and asked, "What did you want to tell me yesterday, mom?"

"We'll talk about this after school." She said giving me a small fake smile, I nodded and said, "Okay, but stop stressing so much, you need to chill." Dad kept the newspaper down and away and kissed my forehead. "Okay princess, see you after school." he gave mom a kiss and walked out of the house.

The day went decent, but I was distracted on what mom and dad wants to talk about. One by one, I thought of what I did wrong in the past few weeks but didn't find anything that would make them wanna talk to me in a serious way.

"Michelle?" Jen asked shaking my shoulder; I looked at her then out of the window. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't see we reached my home. "Yeah, I'm sorry were you saying something?" she nodded and said, "We've reached your house." I gave her a hug and got out.

Just as I started walking home I saw Zach getting out his car which was in the drive-way. "Hey," he said giving me a huge smile, "Hey," I said, he walked to me and said, "Ugh your parents have called me to your house." "What? Why?" He sighed and said, "It's like-you know what actually, they'll tell you." I gave him a confused look and started walking to my house. I opened the door and walked inside. Zach closed the door behind him and we went to the living room. Zach and my parents were sitting on the couch talking to each other.

Dad looked up and saw us standing there, "The kids are here," he told Mr. Cameron, they looked up "Sit down kids; we need to talk to you." Mrs. Cameron said fidgeting with her peach sweater. I sat down on the couch across them and Zach sat down beside me, too close for my liking but I ignored him for now. "Is everything okay?" I asked and they looked at each other instead of replying.

After sitting there awkwardly for minutes, I asked, "Okay what's going on here?" they stopped talking and looked at me, "Why do you guys look so nervous and what did you wanna talk about dad?" everyone looked between Zach and me, I looked at Zach and he looked away. What is going on? Is someone gonna tell me? Dad took a deep breath and said, "Michelle, you remember when you were a kid you had gotten serious hurt -." "-While playing in the park and I had to get a serious surgery, I remember dad, so what?"

Mom sighed and said, "Amanda had done that for you...and she did your surgery in one condition." I looked at Amanda then back at my parents, "What condition?" I asked "Well, the condition was that...when you guys, grow up, you to get married to...Zach." she said, "What?" I asked in shock, I heard what she said but I was shocked.