

Sterling Archer is considered one of the most dangerous spies in the world. However he couldn't be called the perfect spy by all manners as he most of his mission would become places of extreme chaos. Always blowing his cover in mission endangering the lives of himself and his team mates.

Which lead to him now lying on a hospital bed in a deep coma no one knowing when he'll ever wake up.

"Doctor, will Sterling ever wake up?" Asked Malory Archer

The mother of the middle-aged woman on the hospital who just came out of a emergency operation on his body. After being heavily wounded in a mission. Malory Archer is the Chief Executive Officer of ISIS and the mother of Sterling Archer. Malory is a woman who governs her employees with harsh criticism, raw commentary and belligerent vilification and almost always with a drink in one hand.

Tough, ruthless and the veteran of many dangerous missions, Malory will do whatever it takes to succeed. She'll sacrifice others, lie, cheat and even harm herself. She is extremely secretive, vindictive, crafty and patient - not a woman one trifles with or crosses.

Malory stood at a height of 5.8 centimeter had light blue eyes, black gray hair and red colored lips. She could still be considered attractive at the age of sixty-four as she always made sure to take care of her appearance and dress.

"Well, his currently out of danger now honestly he should be dead by now I still want to how his able to survive those injuries." Said the middle-aged age doctor with glasses

"That not what I was asking you doctor, maybe you didn't hear me clearly so I'll ask for your sake when will he wake up from his coma." Said Malory in a furious voice as her son has been laying in bed for five days now and hasn't shown a single sign of waking up.

She was already having a hard time sleeping herself as Archer had never been in any worst a shape as now. Over the years Archer has survive injuries that would kill many people in his situation and still be able to walk away with no repercussions until now.

However Malory had a feeling things wouldn't be easy this time as felt that even if Archer woke up he wouldn't come out unscathed this time.

"Malory please come down the doctor said that Archer out of danger now so you should be happy that he even alive to begin with." Said Lana trying to stop Malory from doing something crazy like punching or attacking the doctor to let out her anger

"Huh.. that easy for you to say it isn't your son who almost dead." said Malory snorting at Lana's word

"Don't you care at all if Archer ever was wakes up." Said Malory

"Hahaha.. I wouldn't careless if that bastard never wakes up." Said Lana jokingly


As Malory clenched the glass cup she was holding in her hand as the alcohol and shattered glass fell allover the hospital floor.

"Okey, ladies please claim down now this a hospital building may I remind you so please don't cause in problems in here. And I do apologize to you Ms Archer for not answering your question properly. So as I was saying we're not to sure how long he'll be in his coma so we can't say when he'll wake. The only thing now is to wait and see how long it will take." Said the doctor in a solemnly voice

"Is there nothing you can do to help doctor?" asked Malory in a very sad voice as she stard at her son who was lying motionless on the hospital bed.

"I'm sorry madam there nothing we can do at this point all we can do is hope for the best now." Said the doctor before turning around and living the room

"Malory.. I'm sorry for what I said I..." However before Lana could finish apologizing Malory cut her off. "Stop.. I want to be alone with Sterling now so please live us alone for now." Said Malory as she still felt hurt at Lana's words and didn't want to talk to her at the moment.

Lana seeing this left the room reluctantly living the mother and son alone. Upon stepping out side the door she found the doctor waiting outside the door.

"Oh.. it's you there something I'd like to ask you if you don't mind me asking miss Kane?" Asked the doctor in a serious tone

"Is there a problem with Archer?" Asked Lana in a worried tone

"To be honest I'm not that sure what wrong with Mr Archer, but a few days ago we did find some strange substances in his blood cells and there also seems to be some odd brain activity that isn't normal behavior. You wouldn't know anything about this miss Kane? Asked the doctor in a suspicious tone as he and his medical staff couldn't figure out what exactly was happening to Archer.

"What are you accusing me of doing something to Archer doctor?" Said Lana with a threatening voice as much as she wanted to struggle Archer to death she wouldn't do that for their daughter sake.

"Look here doctor Michelle I have nothing to do with what ever happening with Archer at the moment. And if you try insinuate that I'm the one who caused this then you'll also end up lying on a hospital bed as well get me?" Threatened Lana as she stard down the doctor

"Okey... I'm just doing my job..O.. look at that the nurse is calling me I have to go..bye." Said doctor Michelle as he hurriedly walked away from that terrifying woman.

Lana is a tall and beautiful black woman with dark brown hair that is tied in a back-flip hairstyle with bangs swept to the left, dark emerald green eyes, light pink lips, and a stunning appearance.

She is almost always seen wearing a Mini Sweater Dress with a wide black belt that has a circular buckle on it and black thigh high-heeled boots. She appears to be as tall as Archer, and is at one point referred to be 6 feet tall, but it is just because of her high heels.

Lana is a very tough and strong-willed woman. However, she is very short-tempered as she does not hesitate to use violence to resolve conflict situations, whether it's called for or not – especially if Archer Sterling is involved. Lana is shown to be a control freak and the other members of ISIS remark on her love of lecturing.

She is very loyal and caring towards her friends, such as Ray Gilette (and to a degree Pam), but like most of ISIS she has questionable morals, as seen when she stole Sterling Archer's sperm to get pregnant while being in a relationship with Cyril Figgis. She can also at times be a hypocrite, as when she got mad at Cyril Figgis for cheating on her, even though she also cheated on him.

Lana has high views of nature and wildlife, as she is often causes her to be mocked primarily by the Sterlings.

Lana is the daughter of Lemuel Kane (an algae researcher and biochemist) and Claudette Kane (a professor of Public Policy at UC Berkeley who is focusing on feminist issues). Going by a flashback to her youth, it appears Lana was born and raised in San Francisco and Lana was highly pressured by her parents, who were both college professors, to succeed as a child. She was so nervous about going to science fairs that it led to her throwing up in the car. Lana got her job as an ISIS agent during a protest at a local furrier. She was about to throw red paint on Malory Archer's new fur coat when Malory pointed her gun at Lana's forehead. The rest of the protesters fled, including Joshua Gray, but Lana was not intimidated. Impressed by her nerve, Malory, offered Lana a job. Three weeks later, she was on her first mission in Tunisia "killing a different man," referencing Malory's comment about her own first mission in Tunisia and killing a man after she was hired by the OSS

After living the hospital Lana drove back to ISIS headquarters after arriving their she went down to the lab of the made scientist Algernop Krieger also known as Dr Krieger. After arriving at the laboratory of Krieger and found him in the middle of an experiment as he laughed maniacally.

"Krieger!!!!" Shouted Lana angrily as she came all the way here to confront Krieger as he was the only one who would know what happening in Archer body. As when they pulled Archer out of the pool that night he had already stopped breathing and nothing they did help. Only after Krieger arrived at the since and injected Archer with a strange green liquid that brought Archer back.

Krieger was a tall 6 foot 1 men with brown hair green eyes and also wore a lab coat on over his yellow t-shirt with a brown tie and pants. And was constantly in his lab create either very useless things no one would ever use or something dangerous enough to kill countless people.

That why whole team had confronted Krieger about what he injected Archer with after Archer came out of the ICU and was out of danger. Everyone already knew how crazy Krieger was and Malory had already threatened Krieger if anything bad happened to Archer.

"What I haven't even done anything bad yet...I think?" Yelled Krieger back as this was a normal occurrence for him. Turning around Krieger took off his goggles and looked behind himself to see Lana standing there looking at him dangerously.

"Nothing I just wanted to remind you again what would happen if Archer woke up and wasn't himself or turns into something horrible." With that Lana turned back and left the lab as Krieger stood there with his mouth open and cold sweat running down his back.

As Lana and everyone else was right not to trust him as what Krieger injected Archer with one of his experiments he had spent about a decade working on. However did he care about their threats off cause not as a mad scientist he was willing to die for his research. And had already made plans to escape if things didn't go as planned.

Meanwhile our protagonist was known in a dream world created by his own brain and so he thought to himself, but little did he know that it was about to become a living hell. That would shape him into one of the greatest spies to have ever live as he would be trapped in an endless loop.

Where he had to get an score of at least 95.7 percent to move forward otherwise he would have to repeat and receive punishment for failure.

Archer is a very handsome tan-skinned man with thick dark-black hair that is slick on the right side, light blue eyes, visible cheekbones, a dimple in the middle of his chin and almost bushy-like eyebrows.

He usually wears very expensive dark grey tailored business suits at the office and a black turtleneck when on a mission.

Archer is an extremely narcissistic, arrogant, selfish, insensitive, self-absorbed, and sex-crazed man who is constantly focused on himself and his own needs and desires. He arrogantly believes himself to understand any situation better than his colleagues. Thus, Archer selfishly refuses to admit when he is proven wrong and will go to extreme lengths to cover up his mistakes, particularly when they may incur his mother's scorn.

He can also be very hypocritical, and any actions that seem to help others are almost certainly for his own benefit. He is willing to put his allies in danger. He is also often misogynistic, though he occasionally espouses progressive attitudes if it means showing superiority over others. He is superficial and materialistic, often to the point of amorality, refusing to accept anything less than the finest option available, and regularly spends others' money on completely unnecessary luxuries. He is suave and debonair when it suits him but often drops this veneer quickly once he has gotten what he wants. Like his mother, he is a high-functioning alcoholic, often requiring alcohol to perform at maximum efficiency. His juvenile sense of humor includes shouting "phrasing" (which he learned from McGinley) whenever a statement has any sexual double entendre. Despite his high opinion of himself, it is not without some basis, as he is in many ways above average. This is one of the reason why Lana cites chose him as the father of their child. He is presented as being very physically attractive and is shown to possess near superhuman skills when he is committed to a task.

Possibly as a result of his lonely and friendless childhood, Archer seems trapped in perpetual adolescence, never taking anything seriously until it personally affects him, arrogantly assuming that things will ultimately work out in his favor. He has frequently alluded to believing he is immortal.

"Subject has been full analysised results."

States: Alive servile wounded currently in coma

Full Name: Sterling Malory Archer

Code Name: Dutchess

Age: 32

Occupation: ISIS agent/Drug Smuggler/Bartender/Chef/Private investigator

[ Mission Success Rate: 5/100 precent]

( Note unable to successfully complete mission efficiently and profitably. )

Skill Set:

[ Melee weapons & firearms: 85/100 percent]

( Note high proficient in nearly all Melee and firearm weaponry )

[ Honeypot: Appearance 87.8/100

( Note poor care of personal health due to accessive alcohol use)

Charm: 45/100 percent ]

( Note poor personality unable to maintain long, healthy relationships with the opposite gender, friends and family )

[ Hand-to-hand combat: 75/100 ]

(Note skilled in various hand-to-hand martial art combats )

[ Infiltration & undercover (allegedly) 40/100 percent ]

( Note unable to successfully escape or leave infinited places unnoticed )

[ Drink mixing/knowledge: 95/100 percent ]

( Note excellent drink mixing skills )

[ Car driving: 85/100 percent ]

( Note high awesomeness when under the while )

"Creating dream simulation using host memory to improve host skill set and other needed aspects to improve mission success rate. Stimulate brain activity to increase time spent in dream world one day in dream world will now be equivalent to one year. Creating method of punishment when host is unable to achieve a 95 percent access rate method completed host will now survive brain shock."

"Now beginning simulation."

Three years later in a hospital room a man began to slowly open his eyes for the first time in years the man didn't make a sound, but carefully scanned the room for any signs of danger.

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