
A Move in the Right Direction

Chapter 31 


A breath leaves her body. Smoke billows from her nostrils as she moves Videle through her body. Her eyes open still conducting the meditation process of filtering the Dragon's Videle into her own aura and turning into the softer tones used for mana. A tension starts in her neck as if something was crawling up to her brain. The feeling so uncomfortable that she cut it off before it could travel too far. 

Zarracen swallows roughly from the energy now running rampant from the quick cutoff. Warmth rises in her belly, and she collapses forward a groan escaping her mouth. She wanted to throw up so badly right at this moment but nothing, but pain comes. She just lays there waiting for the warmth to leave. 

By the time she's able to stand she's nearly late for her meeting with Isabella. The woman changes before walking towards the princess's room. Her team of two were waiting when she arrived. Sir Reynard and Galt Morrow.