
The head of the pack (2)

Rolf gripped the thick rope in both hands, feeling the coarse fibers bite into his palms, after that he took the second rope around his waist making sure that it stayed tight . His muscles tensed as he took a deep breath, eyes locked on the churning, icy waters of the Great Ice Flow. The river was a beast, its currents raging and roaring with an untamed fury, and yet, it was the only thing standing between his people and their new land

With a final glance at the thousands behind him, he threw himself into the freezing river. The shock of the cold struck him like a hammer, the water immediately sapping the warmth from his body, but Rolf gritted his teeth and kicked with all his might. The current was stronger than anything he had ever felt, pulling him down, threatening to drag him beneath its surface, but he clung to the rope and fought against the torrent.