
Steamy Nights With Vampires

A girl of around 17 suddenly met with a handsome decade old Vampire lord who claimed over her body and soul.

DaoistM0kcv3 · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs

Meeting With Patrick, David's Half-brother

She lied there in a deadly forest all alone and all naked. Her pregnant belly was still huge and no sign of giving birth to a baby could be discovered by seeing her.

She was hugging her tired body with her both arms. She did not believe what happened to her. May be it was a dream, not reality. She lifted her upper body and put it on a tree truck. Her huge grown belly was still there. Her body was still weak.

All of a sudden a big wolf came from nowhere and sat down on her left. He sniffed her scent and told in a husky voice - "Tell me who are you. You smell like a human yet a faint scent of vampire is on you now."

She looked at him in shock. He had already been transformed into a handsome man of 25. He told her -

"Don't be so puzzled. I am a half-breed. The man who used you is my half-brother. My mother was a werewolf and she was being r**ped by his vampire father and left her to die when he came to know that she was pregnant with a half-breed like me. But I survived. You will also."

Then he covered her body with his coat and lifted her. "Where are you taking me? Do you want to eat me alive?!!" She asked him.

He smirked arrogantly. "Nope, I need a girl of mine. He threw you out. It meant he don't need you anymore. But you need me and you need you."

"Why do I need you?" She asked him.

He with her left hand lifted her cover from her pregnant belly. "This is the reason why you need a man by your side."

She blushed hard. She did not want him to remind her about her pregnancy. "But what you need from me?"

"I want a girl. I dont have a girlfriend. I need a girl who can bear me a child." He told her.

"Then you just need a womb?!!" She asked flusteredly.

"Yes. And I need a womb and you need a baby daddy. Then its a deal?" He asked.

"I can't. I am married to him." She answered him.

"And you take him seriously??!! Do you think that he was not yet married??!! Do you know who that Alice is??!!" He asked again.

"His sister" She replied.

"Cum lover and wife." He snapped back.

She opened her eyes in shock. What this stranger was talking about??!! Her lover had already betrayed her. She could not accept it.


He put her down on a stray bed and gave her a juicy stake to eat. She refused to eat even though her belly growled aloud. He lifted her cover from her belly even before she could protest. He showed her the wax marks over her stomach and asked her -

"Even after that you will forgive him?!!! You think I am a liar. Fine, I am a liar. David was truthful. I, Patrick Vangough, is a liar. But what about this??!! A man who tormented a pregnant girl, who is carrying his own seed, is a truthful lover and others are liars and conspirators, right??!!"

She lifted her palms and closed her face with them. Tears ran down her cheeks. He was right. That man used her. He needed her body. Not her.

"What can a helpless girl like me can do to avenge it?!!" She asked him.

Patrick told her. "Be mine. I and our army will protect you at any cost."

She lifted her eyes to him. "Your army?"

"A half-breed army." He answered her.


"You want my body, then?" She asked him.

"No. I want your mind and soul too." He told her.

She was not ready to fall in love anymore. But her body wanted a man. Now.

She pulled him towards her. He with a big grin inserted his head in her big breasts. His hot lips touch on his sensitive skin sent a shiver down her spine. She put a hand on his wavy curly hair and ran her hand through it. He also understand her bodily needs. He sucks there.

"Umm.. God.."

She bent her upper body to him and her both nipples touched his ears. Then he lifted his head to her asked - "Will you permit me, my love?!!"

She nodded in excitement. He put her hot mouth on her breasts and this single touch send another shiver down her vein.
