
Stealing talents Because I Can

An unconfident but smart and cunning boy reincarnates in a cultivation world where he has the power to steal the talent of anyone weaker than him. Follow him on his journey to conquer the world, using his system which gives him a lot more immoral skills. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A bit clearer here. The Mc is unconfident, but also ready to step on anyone to survive and achieve his goal. The skills he will receive will be more immoral, like stealing talents but also others like making someone his slave or using other people to strengthen himself. Basically, he will be a demonic cultivator. On an R18 note, I am not sure if this will have R18 content but I am leaning on no. And if it will have r18 content, it will be like one sentence but never full-out smut scenes. If you have any ideas or constructive criticism, please tell me. I would appreciate it a lot.

NotCoockie · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Start Of The Journey

You can find several children on a giant platform on a beautiful mountain. Their age varies between 9 to 12 years old.

One of those children is Laing Wei Ming, who is among the youngest. But what truly sets him apart is that he is a reincarnator.

'Why did I have to reincarnate'. Wei Ming thought while sulking. Although some people would be very happy to be in his situation, he wasn't that happy.

He knew that this would was a dog-eat-dog world, and he wasn't the kind of person who would do very well in such world. He was someone who needed the security his previous world provided.

The only current hope for him was his current situation. He was among the group of kids who were testing their talents for cultivation, having a chance to join the Plum Demonic Lightning sect.

While although he wasn't the most confident in his own talent. He had at the very least a talent for cultivation, no matter how bad.

So even if he wasn't accepted by the sect, he would still return to his village where he could work at the city manor. Leading a good life.

[Ding! Installation of the Talented Host System is complete.]

[Please say or think status to open your status screen.]

Hearing this, Ming was very shocked. But he quickly returned to his normal expression hoping no one saw his change.

'Status'. He thought while his heart was filling with hope. He wasn't a confident guy and didn't think he could achieve a lot on his own. But if he had a system, that problem wouldn't exist. He could become one of those protagonists who could just rely on his system.

[Name: Jiang Wei Ming

Talent: Eight Grade Spiritual Vein, Seventh Grade Sword Talent, Nighnt Grade Comprehension Talent.

Realm: Mortal

System Skills:

Talent Theft: The host can steal the talent from people in the same or a lower cultivation realm. You can either put the stolen talent among your own talents or in your Talent inventory.

Talent Synchronization: You can synchronize talent which has the same sort of effect.

Talent Giver: You can give talents from your talent inventory to other people.

Eyes Of Thruth: Can see the status of other people.

Talent Inventory: Empty. (Current max of 10 talents.) (Can switch talents from the talent inventory and Talent if they are from the same effect.)

(With the same effect, I mean 2 talents that are in the same area. Like 2 piano talents or 2 sword talents.)

Wheel Of Skill: 0 (Increase amount of tries by completing a quest.)

System upgrade: 0% (Can increase your amount of percent by completing a quest.)]

Seeing his talent, he was overloaded with information. But he quickly went through it before using Eyes Of Thruth on the people around him.

[Name: Chen Wie

Talent: Ninth Grade Spiritual Vein, Ninth Grade Alchemy Talent.

Realm: Mortal.] Was the status of the boy nearest to him.

[Name: Zhang Yan

Talent: Eight Grade Spiritual Vein, Seven Grade Comprehension Talent.

Realm Mortal.]

[Name: Liu Ming

Talent: Seventh Grade Spiritual Vein, Eight Grade Sword Talent, Ninth Grade Forging Talent.]

He kept looking around while stealing talents that were better than him every time he stole a talent. He had the option to put his old talent in his Talent Inventory or give it to the one he is stealing from.

And since he currently didn't want to fill his Talent Inventory, he decided to always return it.

He kept looking around while changing position. The talent testing had already started. But everyone was split into 3 groups.

The first is the Dragon group. This group was filled with people who either came from a big clan or had a strong guardian from inside the sect. This Group starts first with the talent testing and is also the smallest.

Then you have the Shenshi group. This group is filled with people from the big city or children from merchants or successful families. They don't have cultivators as backers but have a rich background. They come second with the talent testing.

The last group is the Peasant group. This group is filled with people like Ming who have weak backgrounds and come from villages. They test their talent last and are the biggest.

Since he was part of the peasant group, he couldn't go inside the Shenshi or Dragon group, but he could go to the border and see them where he would steal their talent.

He started using his Eyes Of Truth on the Shenshi group, but quickly realized their talent was on the same level as the Peasant group.

After going through most people of the Peasant and Shenshi group, his talent looked like this.

[Talent: Seventh Grade Spiritual Vein, Sixt Grade Sword Talent, Seventh Grade Comprehension Talent, Eight Grade Alchemy Talent, Eight Grade Forging Talent.]

While growing through those people's statuses, he realized a few things. The first being that Sixt Grade talents were already very rare. As seeable by his current Talent, he had only 1 Sext Grade talent.

Another thing he realized was that he could currently only see 5 talents. Although he wasn't sure, he guessed that there would be more talents in the future he could see.

And lastly, he also realized that Alchemy and Forging seemed to be the rarer talents. While Sword and Comprehension seemed to be more common. And everyone here had a Spiritual Vein.

But he guessed Spiritual Vein, Sword, and Comprehension were evenly rare.

After looking through the Shenshi group, he turned to the Dragon group, which was already quite far from him. And since they were already testing, only a few remained in their space, while the rest was already standing behind one of the 8 peaks of the Plum Demonic Lightning Sect.

He quickly went through the remaining Dragon people and quickly stole the beneficial talents. Once he went through them, he felt regret he didn't start with them sooner because he could definitely see an increase in talent.

Now his Talent Interface looked even better.

[Talent: Fifth Grade Spiritual Vein, Fifth Grade Sword Talent, Sixt Grade Comprehension Talent, Seventh Grade Alchemy Talent, Eight Grade Forging Talent.]

And although he didn't exactly know how talented he was, seeing the talent from the people around him, he guessed he was talented.

And he was incredibly happy he found the Fifth Grade Spiritual Vein because he guessed it was incredibly rare because he had only seen 2 Sixt Grade Spiritual Veins, which showed how rare a Fifth Grade was.

After increasing his talents to the maximum he could, he returned to the back of the Peasant group. He didn't want to talk to anyone, not because he was anti-social, which he was. But also because the only people around him were kids.

And when he sat down, he suddenly received a name.

[Quest Name: Sect Acceptance

Objection: Become a disciple of the Plum Demonic Lighting Sect.

Deadline: Unlimited

Reward: 1 Wheel Of Skill use.]

And after 2 hours of sitting on the ground bored, it was finally his turn.

"Jiang Wei Ming, please step forward". Said the announcer. And if he could see all talents, he would guess the announcer had First Grade Loud voice. Because damn, he is loud.

So just as he was tolled, Ming walked a few stairs, walking on another stone platform, which was now round.

On the platform, there was only the announcer and a blue ball. Ming did as he had seen countless times before and walked to the blue ball while putting one hand on it.

After he put it in his hand, a translucent, floating number appeared above his hand. At first, it was nine, but then quickly went down to five where it stopped.

Ming looked around at every peak elder and saw that some were surprised while all were content. It seems his talent was outstanding.

(A peak Elder is almost always a Core elder. 7 Peak elders are core elders while one is the Sect Leader. There can only exist 8 peak elders at one time.)

"Jiang Wei Ming, Fifth Grade Spiritual Vein. Does any elder wish to accept him as a disciple?" Asked the announcer at all the Core or Inner Elders. This showed him again just how truly good his talent is because he had never heard the announcer say this.

Elders were split into Outer, Inner, and Court. While disciples split into Outer, Inner, and Core. Inner Disciples were also split into 3 ranks, Inner Member, Master, and Grandmaster.

But back to Ming, if he were chosen by an inner elder, his status would jump to Inner Member. While if he was chosen by a core elder, his status would jump to core disciple.

A core Disciple had a very high rank and would get a lot of benefits. But it was almost impossible to get because the only way was to get chosen by a Core Elder.

But Back to Ming, he was currently looking at the 8 peaks. There were 6 peak elders attending the Talent Testing. For the 2 other peaks, there was an Inner Elder taking charge.

And every peak elder also had several Inner Elders behind them.

Once the announcer gave the clear, there were several elders who changed their clothes to red, showing they wanted him as their disciple.

The announcer waited for a bit, giving time to the hesitating elders. "Please shortly introduce yourself and your peak".

And so every elder started introducing themself and also their peak. After everyone was done, he counted 2 Core elders and 7 inner elders.

He carefully considered his options while also looking at every elder's status. And in the end, he chose an inner elder called Jian Xue.

He chose her not only because it was clear she was someone very talented. Which was clear by the attitude of the other elders. Which meant that she was on the younger side while having a bright future.

And another reason why he chose her was that she not only also had a Fifth Grade Sword Talent. But also because she had comprehension and Alchemy talents. With her Alchemy Talent being Seventh Grade. Which among the elders he saw, was tied for second.

"I choose Elder Jian Xue". He said while looking up at her. She was part of the Demonic Winter Peak. Which was one of the peaks with the least number of people.

He walked towards her peak stand and gave a kowtow before her. "Disciple greets master". He said while staying in that position, waiting for her to reprocreate the greeting.

"Master Greets Disciple". She said not bowing, which was normal. Before using her powers to lift him up and bring him next to her. He sat next to her for the rest of the Talent Testing, which wasn't long.

And while he was waiting, he opened his status because of the completion of the quest.

[Wheel Of Skill: 1]

'System, use the Wheel Of Skill'. He said being exited. Once he used his try, a giant wheel appeared before him.

And without him, It already started spinning. And after more than then seconds, it finally started slowing down before landing on one of the many options.

While the wheel wasn't spinning, he realized that he couldn't see any other skill. They were all blurred.

But back to the skill he got. Its name was Immoral Feelings. And once he read the name, the wheel disappeared and a blue interface appeared.

[Immoral Feelings: Will slowly cultivate romantic feelings in people who would have an immoral relationship if they were in a romantic relationship with the host. Only works on people who are inside the sexual preference of the host or people the host wishes.]

Seeing this, Ming couldn't help but be happy. Although he didn't know how long it would take, wouldn't that mean that in 10 years, his master would be madly in love with him?

He looked at his master, who had a cold aura. But it couldn't hide her incredibly beauty. And while he curves were on the lower side, he didn't care.

But he quickly hid those thoughts, making sure no one knew he true nature.

Once it was done, his master took out a beautiful sword before enlarging it. She picked him up by his clothes, which were dirty and torn, and put him on the sword before flying away.

"Since you are my disciple, I will personally teach you. And since you don't have any senior brothers or sisters if you have a question and I am unavailable. You can ask another elder from the peak." She said while explaining everything he needed to know.

The sword flight wasn't long and before he knew it, he arrived at a beautiful house in the upper region of the mountain. He guessed the higher one lived, the higher one status.

He got a few minutes of rest before his master forced him to start cultivating. It seemed he had chosen a cultivationaholic as master.

And he quickly reached the first Qi-gathering realm, finding it quite easy. Which probably came because of his good talent.

The technique he was using was a basic cultivation technique from the sect. And while he had access to a lot better gathering techniques, his master said it was better to familiarize himself with worse techniques before going on to the better one.

So he would use this technique till he reached the Sixt Qi Gathering Realm.

(Hey, if you have any tips for me. pls tell. Don't be selfish and keep to yourself.

No, but seriously, If you have any constructive criticisms. I am always happy to hear.)