
STB: Runes and Vampires [Hiatus]

Disclaimer: I write fanfic on my phone so don't expect I have quality content, though I edit the chapters myself since I don't have an editor so there will be some spelling mistakes and grammar as English is not my primary language. Synopsis: A teenage boy who's very obsessed with runes and born in the wrong era and world, one day when he woke up in his parallel self in a completely different place and world to make it worse the previous him managed to kill the 4th progenitor with a stick! Now he has to bear the weight of becoming the new 4th progenitor. ××××× For benefits like getting new chapters earlier and some leaks for my future work and If you like my work please feel free to show some support in my pa treon: pa treon.com/Mozuto Or just join my Discord server discord.com/invite/yjAR4GqxTq

Mozuto · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

STB: Chapter 24

Just a quick note, A lot of you asking why I keep saying 'it will improve in the future' what I'm talking about is for my Patreon members who can read the advance chapters, a lot has been asking to 'why the whole story isn't focus on Alex' ... It does... The whole story was about Alex and his runes, I'm just retelling the important events for the people have no anime or LN knowledge.

Sorry for the rant, enjoy!


Alex was on top of the house and looked at the view for a minute and he summoned his 9th familiar.

"Come out, Al-Nasl-Minium" as his 9th familiar manifested itself to the world and stood next to Alex.

"Do it" Alex ordered his familiar to use its sound manipulation to travel across the Itogami island to find Asagi.

It took a while for Alex's familiar to find her since she'd been awfully quiet until he got a hit, as soon as he got a hit he heard an explosion while using his familiar causing him to look at the location where the explosion happened.

Alex squinted his eyes and just shook his head.

"Oh, It's just Vatler fighting a mechanical giant spider" Alex thought as he unsummoned his 9th familiar and used the powers of his 3rd familiar, Al-Meissa Mercury to tear to create a portal towards Asagi's location.

As soon as he got there he saw her so focused on what she was doing that she didn't even notice that he was on her side.

After seeing her work Alex was genuinely amazed by her skills, but seeing that it was really taking too much time he decided to prank her, Alex put his hands on her sides and started to tickle her.

"KYAAHAHAHAHAH! STOP IT!" Asagi said causing Alex to stop as he managed to gain her attention.

Asagi looked at Alex in shock and pointed towards him.

"W-What? Alex? How did you even get inside?!" Asagi asks while still shocked she goes back to what she's doing as it's more important.

"I'm a vampire that has familiars" Alex shrugs, causing Asagi to slowly nod.

"So shall we go?" Alex asked, causing Asagi to shake her head.

"As much as I want to, I can't" she said, causing Alex to raise his eyebrows.

"You can't? why?" Alex asked.

"That ancient weapon, Nalakuvera, that thing will sink Itogami Island" Asagi said as she returned to work on what she'd been doing before Alex interrupted her.

"Nalakuvera? What's that?" Alex asked genuinely confused and intrigued.

"Mogwai, send all the data we have on Nalakuvera to Alex" Asagi said, causing a character to appear on one of the screens where Asagi is working.

"Sure Mistress" Migwai said as Alex's phone rang.

"Okay, that's cool" Alex said and grabbed the phone and read the data regarding Nalakuvera.

"Hmm, so this... thing? Is the ancient weapon that the Black Death Emperor faction is after? The one that has the power to rival a progenitor?" Alex said as he thought the weapon would be like a magic spell or an ancient ritual magic capable of destroying the entire world, he didn't expect the mechanical spider he saw earlier to be the ancient weapon that he heard so much about.

"So it will adapt to anything? Is this the reason why this weapon is feared?" Alex was intrigued and wanted a sample and at the same time he was honestly disappointed.

'How can a single spider like that manage to rival the power of a progenitor?' Alex thought and looked at Asagi.

"So why can't you leave?" Alex asked.

"I need to finish the control command of Nalakuvera since I've managed to decipher the activation command of Nalakuvera, and that thing is currently going on a rampage as we speak" Asagi said as she began to focus more on finishing the control command.

"Hmm I see, I'll help you out" Alex dialed Sayaka's number on his phone.

"Hello? Alex? Where have you been? Your mother has been looking for you" Sayaka said, causing Alex to facepalm.

"Yeah about that, I'm currently with a friend, you can hear the explosion right? Can you go there and help restrain the ancient weapon who is currently going on a rampage?" Alex asked her.

"Yeah I can hear those explosions from far away, I thought those were just the Black Death Emperor faction causing chaos like usual, and what do you mean ancient weapon going on a rampage?!" Sayaka said as her head started to hurt.

"Yeah you heard it right, just go there, but grab the dual pistol in my lab, that's my present to you~" Alex said and instantly hung up before Sayaka could ask questions.

"I'm going to explore this place for a bit" Alex said but Asagi didn't respond due to her being too focused on what's she currently doing.

"Hmm?" Alex sensed something and went towards there and saw a girl around Yukina's age.

"A girl?" Alex mumbles as he narrows his eyes on her girl and senses that there's something wrong with the girl because she's not human.

Before Alex could inspect the girl even more he heard a thud causing him to look at the source and saw Asagi who's head was on the table unconscious.

"Burn out?" Alex said, causing her A.I to respond.

"That's correct, Nii-chan" Mogwai said as Alex looked at the screen.

"Oh? You can function without your master instructing you? Interesting, what else can you do?" Alex asked.

"I can do a lot of things, but I was instructed by my mistress to ask you if you can give my mistress's phone to your comrades. It will help with the situation on the Nalakuvera" Mogwai said causing Alex to grab Asagi's phone and Mogwai appeared on the phone.

"That's handy" Alex called Sayaka again who answered and heard the explosion on her side.

"Damn that's a war right there, also heads up for a phone, Mogwai will guide you on your situation" Alex said.

"Mogwai?" But Alex hung up before a portal opened above Sayaka causing her to look at it before a phone exited out and fell causing her to catch it.

Alex looked at the two unconscious girls before putting Asagi on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and went towards the girl whom he saw earlier and did the same thing to her as he did to Asagi before opening a portal towards his room before dropping the two girls on the bed before opening a portal to the sub float where chaos is everywhere.


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