
STB: Runes and Vampires

Disclaimer: I write fanfic on my phone so don't expect I have quality content, though I edit the chapters myself since I don't have an editor so there will be some spelling mistakes and grammar as English is not my primary language. Synopsis: A teenage boy who's very obsessed with runes and born in the wrong era and world, one day when he woke up in his parallel self in a completely different place and world to make it worse the previous him managed to kill the 4th progenitor with a stick! Now he has to bear the weight of becoming the new 4th progenitor. ××××× For benefits like getting new chapters earlier and some leaks for my future work and If you like my work please feel free to show some support in my pa treon: pa treon.com/Mozuto Or just join my Discord server discord.com/invite/yjAR4GqxTq

Mozuto · Tranh châm biếm
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42 Chs

STB: Chapter 10

I want to say thank you for the support [CromCruach] for joining my P@treon!

We also hit 100k, thanks for the support!


After all the events happened at the Keystone Gate, Alex's father, Robert Avgi was walking through a dark alleyway and saw a bespectacled girl similar age to his son, Alex.

"You're late" the bespectacled girl said, crossing her arms.

"Really? Didn't notice it" Robert shrugs

"Enough about that, are you happy that your little plan worked?" the bespectacled girl said while frowning.

"So you're expecting me to fail? Have some faith in the person who took care of and trained you, should I call you by your alias? What's that again… oh right paper noise~" Robert teased his disciple causing the bespectacled girl to just look at Robert.

"No reaction? You're no fun, unlike the younger you would have been yelling and throwing a tantrum" Robert shook his head causing paper noise to lightly blush but covered it with a cough.

"So what's next?" The bespectacled girl asked her teacher.

"Just let it flow, Alex is smart, he knows Sayaka is a bait observer and will eventually figure out that I'm his real observer" Robert shrugs not worried if his son will figure out the truth.

"If that's what you think" Paper Noise shrugs before turning around as she disappears into the shadows.

"Look at her trying to be cool" Robert shook his head.


Robert looked where Paper Noise went as he heard a sound.

"Oh?! Did you perhaps fall? Hahaha, that's what you'll get for acting cool in front of your teacher?" Robert laughed at his student who just fell 

"S-Shut up! You didn't hear a thing!" Paper Noise yelled as Robert just shrugged.

"I guess it's time to go home" Robert said after looking at his watch.


2 weeks have passed by after the incident in the keystone gate and Alex introduced Astarte to his parents and told them that she will be living here and will be working as a maid because she has nowhere to go.

Of course, his mother immediately accepted and started to pamper Astarte which is good for the girl, his father also accepted without issue 

By these 2 weeks, Astarte has shown how efficient she is on her job which is always scolded by his mother as she's overworking herself, Astarte assured her that she's working normally but it took for a while before Astarte convinced Alex's mother.


These past 2 weeks have also not been easy for Sayaka since she's afraid that Alex will forget about her, since she's not efficient in her job of being his maid, she only just realized that she's afraid of not being near Alex, ever since she realizes that she desire to stand next to Alex, Sayaka has always been a blushing mess every time her's and Alex's eyes met.

Alex of course notices the change in Sayaka since he's not like that dense protagonist, but Alex also knows that if he waits for a little bit longer, something interesting will happen.


As Alex headed towards his room after experimenting with the way a metal reacts to a bunch of space and dimensions runes, Alex also used the energy of his 3rd familiar which has a property to slice space and dimensions, it's the reason why his 3rd familiar can devour it.

While Alex was walking to the hallway he heard a sound of moaning, he thought it was just his mother and father having some fun but the sounds coming out from his room, he then hid his presence using his 3rd familiar as he went in his room after making his body intangible using his 3rd familiar.

There he saw Sayaka all naked except for her black stocking that Alex kept insisting for her to wear because she has long legs and it looks amazing at her playing with herself as her sensual moans echo through the room.

'Didn't I make my whole room soundproof?' Alex turned around and saw the small crack on the door.

'Oh, so that's why' Alex then looked back at Sayaka who was having the time of her life as she kept moaning his name.

"I'm cumming Alex!" Sayaka rubs her clit causing her to cum to spray all over their shared bed, as her body loses all its strength as her body keeps twitching due to the pleasure.

'Should I just take her right now? No, I'll wait for a little bit' Alex thought as he noticed blood running out from his nose.

Seeing this Alex immediately rushed towards the attic as his breathing ragged.

"What the fuck is wrong with me? Are all vampires born to be a pervert? Shit I need blood" Alex went to his fridge where he kept his emergency food.


After a while, Alex started to feel calm.

"My urge to drink blood reacted when I got turned on after seeing Sayaka... Holy shit, I'm a perverted vampire fucking damn it" Alex pinched the bridge of his nose as he slowly remember the scene where Sayaka playing herself causing his urge to run wild again, causing him to grab another blood bag as he drink it.

"I need a distraction, oh! I should make the sword Yamato from the DMC franchise! That should give me enough distraction, I already have all I need, I just need to 3d print a katana and put many space and dimensions runes on it while giving it power using my 3rd familiar, yeah this could work" Alex immediately got to work since he wanted to distract himself since it will take a while to control these urges.

Alex can't wait to use Yamato and judgment cut something.


"Ha! I'm done! Screw your vampire urge! You never control my pervertedness!" Alex then used his 3rd familiar to open a wormhole towards the island where Alex and his father once visited.


"Now I just need to pour a little bit of the power of my 3rd familiar to jump-start Yamato, and it will continue to generate space energy until the sun explodes" Alex spread a little bit of the power of his 3rd familiar to the Yamato but nothing happened.

"Did I fail-" Then the Yamato started to shine and vibrate but Alex still managed to hold it with no issue until it stopped shining and vibrating.

"I spoke too soon I guess, let's test drive this baby, let's give it a casual swing" Alex did a casual horizontal swing and it did nothing.

"Huh? Did I do something wrong? I can feel it worked but it didn't do shit, wait... Do I need the sheath... Fuck I left it on my house since I thought I only need the Yamato itself, let me grab it" Alex disappeared and reappear with a katana and a sheath in his hands.

Alex then slowly sheaths the Yamato until he hears a very satisfying clink.


"... The fuck, this sword is powerful" Alex looked at the mess he did as all of the trees on the island got sliced horizontally.

"Should I use this as my main weapon? Hmm, I'll just keep Yamato on his sheath at all times and will only draw it if I have trouble defeating an opponent which never happened because I'm overpowered as fuck" Alex stretched his head as he looked at the damage he caused.

"Yeah, I'll just unsheath Yamato if I want to destroy something, that could work," Alex said as he prepared to leave as he looked at the damage he caused.

"It's a good thing no one is on the island and no one can blame me for the damages hahaha!" He then turned around and unsheath Yamato as he lightly slashed horizontally and vertically causing a tear in the space before the tear widened.

"Yeah that's cool as fuck, now I have a dramatic exit" Alex sheath Yamato as he entered the tear in the space and exited in the attic before the tear fixed itself.

"I call that a success" Alex sent an intent to store the Yamato in his storage rings but nothing happened.

"Huh?" Alex tried again but still got the same result.

"Don't tell me this storage ring broke" Alex tried his storage ring on a chair and the chair vanished.

"Oh... I forgot Yamato is a sword capable of cutting space, and I just tried to put it in space several times weaker than Yamato" Alex then got to work, but instead of using his energy, he used his 3rd familiar energy to jump-start the storage rings, he then tried to put Yamato inside the new storage ring and it worked, the core he made using his 3d machine accepted his 3rd familiar energy.

"Now that's done, what time is it... Damn, it's already 3 in the morning" Alex headed towards his room, he gently opened the door and the scent of Sayaka's is all over the room, not enough to make him turned on but it was there, Alex then looked at Sayaka who looked like she's having the best sleep on her life, she already cleaned up her mess which is good since he doesn't want to sleep on a bed full of her love juice OR did he.

Alex slowly got on the bed as he hugged Sayaka from behind causing her to instinctively get closer to Alex's body heat as sleep slowly took over Alex.


For benefits like getting ahead for 3 chapters and some leaks for my future work and If you like my work please feel free to show some support in my P@treon for only $2:

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