
STB: Runes and Vampires [Hiatus]

Disclaimer: I write fanfic on my phone so don't expect I have quality content, though I edit the chapters myself since I don't have an editor so there will be some spelling mistakes and grammar as English is not my primary language. Synopsis: A teenage boy who's very obsessed with runes and born in the wrong era and world, one day when he woke up in his parallel self in a completely different place and world to make it worse the previous him managed to kill the 4th progenitor with a stick! Now he has to bear the weight of becoming the new 4th progenitor. ××××× For benefits like getting new chapters earlier and some leaks for my future work and If you like my work please feel free to show some support in my pa treon: pa treon.com/Mozuto Or just join my Discord server discord.com/invite/yjAR4GqxTq

Mozuto · Tranh châm biếm
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43 Chs

STB: Chapter 20

Kojou Akatsuki's POV

My life has turned upside down the moment when my sister and I tag along with our father's expedition to the fairy's coffin on Gozo Island.

But Island is surrounded by the terrorists called the Black Death Emperor faction and wanted the coffin for themselves and attack anyone that isn't a member of the Black Death Emperor Faction.

Nagisa and I ran deep in the cave where the coffin was located while our father held back the members of the Black Death Emperor Faction. What we didn't know is we were being chased by a member of the Black Death Emperor Faction and got cornered where they pointed their gun at us.

I protected my little sister behind me then the Beast Man opened fire causing me to push out Nagisa from the line of fire as the bullets shredded my body.

I can't even let out a sound causing me to black out which I know very well about my inevitable death.

What I didn't know is that my blood drench the coffin causing it to shine brightly as Nagisa unconsciously used her hybrid power that connected with the being inside the coffin and sent her feelings and desire to save her brother.


3rd person view

The coffin slowly opened as a girl, the girl has blue eyes and had long blonde hair that reached her legs and in her birthday suit, the girl looked at the surrounding where she saw Nagisa who was crying hugging the corpse of her brother and saw the beast man who was now pointing their guns on the girl who just came out of the coffin.

With a wave of her hands the beast man suddenly became a frozen ice and looked at the boy who's blood managed to awaken her.

"Oh? You used yourself to save your sister? How selfless you are human" Nagisa looked at the source of the voice and it was the girl who she'd seen in the coffin.

"Please! Save my brother!" Nagisa said with tears flowing down her eyes

"Hmm? You have some interesting power little girl" the girl looked at Nagisa but Nagisa didn't care and kept begging to help her brother as Kojou was losing blood real fast.

"Hmm? Fine, he managed to impress me with his bravery little girl, his selfless action and your love for your brother gave me hope to your race" the girl said but before Nagisa responded she saw the little girl stabbed herself and grab her 4th and 5th ribs on her right side of ribs as she walked towards the boy.

Nagisa saw this and hugged her brother in case the girl will do anything to her brother.

"Relax little girl, I'm going to help him" Nagisa immediately let go of her brother.

The girl then did a incision to the boy where his ribs are and yanked out his 4th and 5th ribs as she replaced it with her own ribs, she used mana for her ribs to be connected as she heals the wound of the boy and Nagisa and made her unconscious.


Kojou Akatsuki's POV

Suddenly I woke up from that nightmare causing me to spring out from my bed as I immediately checked myself from the wound's that the bullets caused and found nothing. I then rushed towards my sister's room to see if it's just all a dream.

To my relief it's just all a dream as I saw my little sister Nagisa who's sleeping without a care in the world.

I returned to my room and thought about the nightmare that just happened because it felt too real, but when I tried to remember it a splitting headache suddenly attacked my head.

"Aughh!" I held my head to ease the pain that the headache was causing until it was slowly fading, I collapsed to the floor with sweat covering my body.

"W-What was that..." I've said with a frown on my face.


Few months ago after the nightmare I had, my sister Nagisa and I befriended a girl around my sister's age, she have a long bright blond hair with blue eyes, I can't help but thought of the same girl who appeared in my nightmare but then again, everytime I remember anything in that nightmare I will suddenly have a splitting headache.

But this time I held my pained voice in and just held my head.

What I didn't notice was that the girl we befriended named Avrora Florestina looked at me for a bit before returning to the conversation that she and Nagisa had.


3 years have passed since Avrora revealed to me that I was not a human anymore, of course when she first said that I can't believe and thought she was just messing around.

But when she suddenly asked,

"Do you feel you're stronger, durable and faster than everyone else? Do you notice the insane regeneration you have?" She said with a smile on her face, causing my heart to sank.

"... How did you know that? I thought that was normal" I said, causing Avrora to smile.

"If that's normal then there will always be war, humans will engage war to all supernatural beings and after they eradicate all the supernatural beings, they will cause war at themselves" Avrora looked at the horizon.

"Okay... Now that I think of it, it's kinda stupid... But how'd you know?" I asked her as she turned around and walked closely to me.

"Because you're a pseudo-vampire or they called it Blood Servant" she said.

"I-I'm a vampire? H-How?! If I'm not correct only a first generation of vampires can turn someone into a blood servant" I said but she suddenly tapped my forehead with a little force causing me to fall on the ground then the memories of that nightmare suddenly played with much clearer and didn't cause me a splitting headache.

My eyes widened and looked at Avrora.

"... I still don't get it, how am I still alive, I'm supposed to die that day" I instinctively held my ribs while Avrora just smiled.

"I gave you my 4th and 5th ribs causing you to be a blood servant and have decided that you'll be my successor!" Avrora said with a bright smile.

"... Does that mean you're a progenitor? But which one?" I asked her confused but Avrora just walked around before slowly turning around but instead of her blue eyes, it was replaced by the crimson eyes that he knew very well.

"The 4th" Avrora? Grin before vanishing leaving me.


Avrora Florestina POV

I thought about 3 years ago where I saved the Akatsuki's siblings and focused on the younger one, Nagisa, who has hybrid powers which she manages to connect with root which makes me uneasy.

(A.N: Root the artificial cursed soul that Avrora is observing)

I closed my eyes and focused on my soul and saw another soul, but this is the artificial cursed soul that I am watching, the cursed soul seems to notice my presence and kicked me out causing me to open my eyes.

"I really have to get rid of this soul, it's starting to influence me but I don't know how..." Avrora frowned and smiled when Nagisa called her name.

"Avrora-chan! Did I make you wait? Well, blame Kojou-kun for being so slow!" Nagisa then hugged me, causing a smile to form on my face.

"Why me!" Kojou has an annoying face as usual and Nagisa and I just laughed at him.


3rd person view

Everything has gone wrong... Avrora thought and the cause of it was the cursed soul that she was supposed to be observing, the same soul it was supposed to be sealed inside her has escaped.

Root escaped due to her being lax on her emotions causing it to escape which later took over nagisa and absorbed every kaleid blood except for Tritos, Tetratos and Pemptos which was a blessing as they formed a group to find Rootgisa.

(A.N: Rootgisa is Root and Nagisa name combine)

Avrora also finds out that Enatos rebelled to root's control, causing Enatos to join them.

With their combined efforts, allowing avrora to restrain Rootgisa and extract the cursed soul from nagisa by cannibalism.

The 2 fought for dominance which avrora came out on top, and was supposed to transfer her powers to Kojou before controlling him into killing her but a stake was suddenly hit Avrora in the heart she also felt her familiars went rouge and controlled Avrora as the familiars transplant all of her ribs along with the 2 ribs that's on Kojou to the man who manage to stab a stake in her heart.

After the familiars finished transplanting all of her ribs to the unknown man she suddenly gained control of her own body and immediately imprisoned root at her own body intending to bring root with her in her death.

But at the whims of fate the last second before Avrora's death Avrora sealed Kojou's memories along with Nagisa as Nagisa unconsciously saved her soul using her hybrid powers accepting Avrora into herself as root was killed in Avrora's body.

Unknown to Avrora, she managed to make Kojou into a full blown 2nd generation Vampire because of the ribs she implanted in him and caused mutation when it was removed.


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