
Stay Away From Me, Male Lead

Adelaide was an abandoned child, suffering from various forms of abuse and violence. When she finally died, she thought she was finally free from her suffering but she woke up in the cold body of Adelaide Avington, an extra who was not even mentioned in her favorite light novel. The only reason why Adelaide remembers this character is due to the fact that the villain's family name is the same. If the plot is the same as the original, her family would be executed after the villain got caught by the male lead. She has suffered so much only to die and suffer again? No way is she accepting this! Adelaide will take over her family and survive this plot while avoiding the main red flag of death: the male lead.

Yuuki_Kuran · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
10 Chs

Daddy is super rich and powerful

Madame Bleu is the most famous boutique in the capital, offering the latest fashion trends for the nobles of high society. Madame Bleu herself is the designer of the dresses that are displayed and every season, she proves her talent. Every season, the dresses released by Madame Bleu are snatched by the nobles. If you want a customized dress, you will need to wait at least a year because of the number of customers on the waiting list. Even the Empress is fond of Madame Bleu's dresses and this was a fact known by all, boosting Madame Bleu's boutique even higher.

Adelaide was not particularly excited about Madame Bleu's boutique.

Sure, she knows about how famous the boutique is and how beautiful the dresses are, but it was not as if she had never worn a dress before.

When she was still alive back in her world, there are times where she would need to make an appearance in private dinners to accompany the potential business partners for drinks and small talk. Her parents would make sure that she looks presentable to the guests and dressed her in elegant clothes paired with light jewelry. She would wear natural makeup that would hide the bruises underneath and put on a polite smile to greet guests and put on the act of the perfect daughter of a high-ranking official before the guests for a few hours before being sent back to her room and stripped of it all in a matter of minutes.

Having a lady in a dinner would make some talks go smoother. Her father had realized this and that was the only reason why she was educated despite his distaste for her. Have his daughter smile at the business partner and entertain him a little, hint some small talk of a potential marriage and the deal would be sealed most of the time.

Well, she would be beaten and starved for the next few days if the deal didn't go through.

Adelaide grimaced bitterly at her pathetic past.

Now that she has died and reborn into this world, in this body, she should think of her future and not linger in the shadows of her past.

Looking out of the windowpane beside her, she saw that the carriage has stopped in the middle of a busy street filled with people.

This should be the place, Madame Bleu.

Duke Avington stepped out of the carriage first before helping his daughter out carefully.

Holding her tiny hand, they walked in. The entire store was filled with noble ladies and their maids as they sat down on the sofas, browsing through the catalog. There is staff everywhere, ready to serve the ladies refreshments as they shop.

Adelaide has quickly glanced around and realized that all the dresses on display are for young ladies or women. She is only a child though, is there a children section in Madame Bleu?

Seeing Duke Avington in the store, a staff member immediately approached and bowed.

"Welcome to Madame Bleu, your Highness. How can I help you today?"

Duke Avington stared at the staff before jerking his chin towards Adelaide. The staff member looked at Adelaide and returned his gaze to the Duke.

"I see, your Highness is looking for children's clothing. This way please, have a seat and I will bring the catalog immediately."

The staff member guided them to a VIP room and handed them the catalog along with cakes and tea on their table. They also bought in ready-made clothing for sizing and at least 5 staff members remained in the VIP room, ready to execute any order the Duke might have for them.

Adelaide could feel her jaw drop. The treatment they are getting is way better than what those nobles are getting outside. Is this the power of a Duke?

Adelaide clenched her fists in determination, she is going to cling onto Daddy for life.

Oblivious to Adelaide's thoughts, the Duke opened the catalog and began browsing. He flipped the pages quickly and it wasn't long before he snaps the thin booklet shut.

"Daddy?" Adelaide, who was woken from her thoughts from the sharp sound beside her, looked up at Duke Avington, confused as to why his face was showing such displeasure.

Did she perhaps anger him in some way?

Seeing his daughter's confused gaze, Duke Avington ruffled her hair lightly before turning his murderous gaze at the staff members.

"Is this the best Madame Bleu can do?"

All the staff members present in the VIP room stiffened at the sudden chill air around them. The staff bowed and apologized, promising to bring in better options before hastily leaving the room.

Adelaide took the catalog from her father and did a quick glance through. She looked back at her father after she was done, with a huge question mark on her face.

All the dresses in this tiny booklet are way too fancy for her and her dad thinks it's not good enough? Are they buying dresses for events and conventions or are they buying dresses for everyday use?

Tugging his sleeves lightly, she called out to him.

"Daddy, I think these are fine. I'll just get one dress and we can go home."

It was Duke Avington's turn to stare at his daughter with an incredulous look.

"You think I don't have the money to buy more than one dress?"

Adelaide felt like crying. Since when did she imply that this was a financial issue? She knows the Duke is rich, but this is not the way to spend his money. She is not his real daughter anyways; Adelaide isn't comfortable spending such a large amount of the Duke's money like this. This almost feels like a scam.

"Of course not, Daddy. Adelaide knows that Daddy is super-rich and powerful, but Adelaide doesn't need that many dresses, so Daddy doesn't need to waste money on such things. Just one is enough," Adelaide used her cutest expression to convince the Duke.

"Waste money on such things?" The Duke muttered under his breath as he eyed his daughter with a frown. He was about to lecture her about how this much is nothing to him when the door opened and a stern-looking lady walked in with high heels.

Both father and daughter looked at the lady as she walked in with eyebrows raised. The lady had a bunch of papers in her arms and what looks like unfinished sketches of design. She arrives in front of them and slams down the papers before Duke Avington.

Glaring at him, she huffs in anger.

"I really hate it when you come to my store," were her first words.