

"Sometimes you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time". Wandering here and there in the fresh air feeling like a bird freely flying in the cool breeze having no restrictions no boundaries seems like I have the whole sky for me I can go anywhere and fly higher and higher in the sky.A bird who just seeks sincere love and freedom and terrifies from being caged. Feels like a dream and suddenly you woke up and realized it was a dream. Kevin Richard the only son of the billionaire Jackson Richard.Boy with love,emotions,feelings and a soft heart.The one who never showed off his father's money always stayed simple. Oh! I forgot to tell you that he's the only son of his parent's.His parents Mr Jackson and his wife Mrs Jackson (Tina).They both always quarrels and never had a good relation since there wedding actually they were not lovers there parents forced them to get married. Kevin poor innocent boy grown up watching his parents quarrel and never got the love he deserved.Now it was his 19th birthday finally he got a dinner with both of his parents it was the first time they sat together on the dinning and........ Ohh dear! do you want me to tell you the entire thing here come on let's just start the story......... . . . . . . . i love you all❤️

A_jennie_ · Kỳ huyễn
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75 Chs


Ana and Roby were quiet in the journey nobody took the first step to start the conversation.Ana was just staring at him continuosly.It was enough for her that he was sitting right in front of her eyes.He noticed that she was staring at him but didn't let her know about that.

"why she's so quiet?!,he thought.


"Why he's looking so fine I mean he always looks fine but today there is something different,or may be I'm just being pervert",she said to herself.

"May be I called her clingy that day that's why she's not talking to me,how dumb I'm,damn why I want her to talk to me,she distracts me alot",him in his thoughts after that he bit his lower lip.

She saw him bitting his lower lip which turned her on.

"STOP DOING THAT OR ELSE I WON'T BE ABLE TO STOP MYSELF" she whispered while staring at his lips.

He heard what she said and smirked.He increased the speed all of a sudden.

"Can I turn on the music?!,she asked casually to start the conversation.

"yeah of course"

She connected her phone with car's speaker's through Bluetooth.

Music started playing.....

*One kiss is all it takes falling in love with me*

Her eyes widened because song matched the situation.The only thing she wanted right at the moment was him.Only him nothing else.

"One kiss is all it takes falling in love with me possibilities I look like all you need",she sang with the flow in low voice.Her actions her voice and her statements were turning him on.


"I wouldn't",she gulped but then whispered back and they again went silent.

She felt thirsty so took out her water bottle and removed the cap then took a sip of it she was about to take another sip car passed through a road jump and the water fell on her shirt.It was white so her shirt become see through.Her inner wear was clearly visible exposing her cleavage.

He took a glance at her to check out that if she's okay or not and noticed that her shirt was see through and her navel on her tiny waist was clearly visible.He moved his sight towards the steering again.

Her body was looking absolutely fine which was driving him crazy.

"Roby",she whispered in a seductive way.

He putted the gears on neutral and pressed the break.


NOW DON'T STOP ME",he whispered right after stopping the car.

With the speed of light he removed his seat belt and leaned over her then grabbed her neck and smashed his perfect kissable lips on her pulpy pink lips.She was shocked at his sudden action but deep down it was melting her.This was looking like a dream.

For a second she thought that it was a dream because it was so magical.He kissed her passionately but a little hunger was shown in it.His lips were moving on hers.

Within a few seconds she kissed him back wrapped her arms around his neck and gripped his soft hair with her hand.Their lips were moving in a sync.In between the kiss he was caressing her cheeks with his thumbs giving her butterflies.

They were lack of breath so they broke the kiss and attached their heads.His was still caressing her cheeks.She took a glance at him and found him already staring at her.

"I Love you from the depth of my heart",she whispered.

"I Love you too",he whispered back and left a quick peck on her lips.

"You're really good at it,I wasn't expecting my first kiss like this",he complemented while adjusting his seatbelt.

"Well I can't relate",she replied and blushed.

"so you were expecting this to happen?",he asked and started driving.

"I wasn't expecting this to happen tonight but yes I knew that my first kiss would be with you",she replied and turned her face towards the window to ignore his gaze.

''so you were pretty sure about it",he asked with a proud smile.

"yes I was, because I've read that when you love someone truly with all your heart and soul you'll surely get that person",she replied and moved her sight towards him.

He said nothing just held her hand and interwined the fingers.

Zen was driving peacefully suddenly he saw a petrol pump and stopped the car to fill petrol in it.

"Do you want something?",he asked softly, while removing his seat belt.He didn't noticed that she was sleeping.

"I said do you want something Jen?!",he asked again and moved his sight towards her.She was sleeping peacefully.

Her bangs were on her forehead and covering her glasses.He removed her glasses carefully and placed it in the drawer then tucked her hair behind her ear softly.He caressed her cheek with his thumb and smiled.

"You're too cute to handle",he whispered and came out filled the petrol then went to the store to buy snacks for her.

He came back with a pack of chocolates cookies nachos and lays.Then again started driving.More than an hour passed she slowly opened her eyes and yawned.He smiled and said,"enjoyed?!".

"I'm really sorry,I-I fell asleep",she replied and caressed her neck.

"please don't be sorry, I'm glad that you slept peacefully,was it relaxing?!",he asked gently and passed a warm smile.

"oh yes it was relaxing",she replied and smiled back.

"are you hungry?!"

"ummm,a little bit"

"here you go",he replied and gave her the bag of snacks which he bought earlier for her.

"for me?!",she asked while opening the bag.

"probably yes",he replied.

"thank you so much",she replied like an excited kid and he chuckled.

She opened the pack of cookies and started eating he was continuously smiling.

She took a cookie and moved her hand towards his mouth.

"this is really good",she said.

"really",he asked and chuckled.

"have it",she offered.

"yes ma'am",he said and grabbed that cookie from her hand with his mouth.It was quite big so it was difficult for him to chew it properly.

She was staring at him after seeing him struggling with the cookie she laughed at his cute actions.After alot of struggle he finally gulped ,took a glance at her and found her laughing at him.

"It's your good luck that I'm driving",he said with straight face expressions.

"oh really?!",she asked to tease him.

He just smirked and didn't said anything.

"what?!",she asked confusingly.

"Forget it",he whispered.

She was confused but remained silent and continued eating.It was the exact middle of the night and the road was complete silent.Only the headlights of the car were providing light to them.

"How-how much time it will take to reach at the destination?!",she asked in a low shaky tone.

"Are you scared?!",he asked to tease her.

"N-no",she replied.

"Don't lie you are scared",he said and laughed.

She remained silent.Her face expressions turned dull.She closed her eyes and placed the bag of snacks aside then started scratching her pants.She was scared of darkness specially at night and these kind of roads were the scariest thing for her.

He noticed her condition and stopped laughing.

"Hey,hey I'm sorry,I wouldn't laugh again please calm down,should I stop the car?",he asked.

"No please don't,please just don't stop"

He held her hand and interwined the fingers,she held his hand with all of her strength.

"okay okay I wouldn't",he was upset after seeing her condition.

Almost 20 minutes passed and they crossed that scary dark road and came into a town full of lights.It was mid of night but that town was full of lights and people were walking on the streets.

Zen parked the car aside because of Jennifer's condition and he was also tired.He came out and told Jennifer that it's safe so she followed him and came out of the car.

There was a park which was lightened with multiple colours.

"Let's go"

She nodded,he held her hand and walked in the park.They were walking silently.Zen was curious to know that why she was so scared of that road.

"Can I ask you something?!"

She nodded as yes and granted him the permission to ask.

"why you were so scared?!

"My- my parents died in an accident at this road.Same timing,same darkness same horror,I was with them,I witnessed the death of them",tears started rolling down on her cheeks.

He pulled her closer and caged her in his embrace.He warped his arms around her to make her feel protected and she wrapped her arms around his waist strongly.Her tears were absorbing in his shirt.He was caressing her back to console her.

"Are you okay now?!,he asked while caressing her hair.

"YES I'M, THANK YOU FOR COMFORTING ME",she whispered in-between the hug and then looked up.He pecked her forehead and smiled.

Innocence is gone

A_jennie_creators' thoughts