
Starting my new life in another world as a zombie?

Eldrich gods a gamer system dropped in the middle of a zombie apocalypse as a zombie of all things. Well, I ask myself what could go wrong? The best way to answer this question is yes. I don't own the picture on the cover. List of traveled world's + Highschool of the Dead +Campione

Victor_Moura_ · Tranh châm biếm
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04- Great first impressions

During his journey, Solomon started to calm down a little more and he started to better analyze the situation he was in, in the middle of his analysis, he achieved a terrifying conclusion even if he located the woman he was seeking he couldn't "Taste" her at all!!!


And the motive behind it was the principal cause of his actual furious state, the problem can be resumed in a single word WEAKNESS. His weakness, if he bites her in his actual state there's only one possible outcome, she will become a (ghoul).

Why? can you ask, the answer is rather simple. people in this world barely have any "magical" potential, which means that the chances of someone successfully becoming a (Dead Apostle) right away or in a manageable time are fully dependent on his strength.

And the truth is that by (Dead Apostle) standards he is TRASH. he barely qualifies as something more than a smart (ghoul), beyond endurance the transition to a (Dead Apostle) don't enhance his other attributes, right now he has the strength of a normal person, the motive behind his current superhuman feats is his "regeneration" because his body is aways returning to an "ideal" state, he can use his body beyond his limits, and that's ignoring the fact that the majority of the (Dead Apostle) have centuries of training In (Martial arts) and (Magecraft).

There are two common ways of becoming stronger as a dead apostle one is physical training, yes, you heard right, an undead doing physical training sounds almost like a joke, but the truth is, that works to (Dead Apostles) the motive are simple the (undeath) of a (Dead Apostle) is a bit different than normal, instead of a "dead body" animated by some kind of supernatural phenomenon to mimic life.

(Dead Apostles) have a "living body" that is constantly In the process of dying, being keep-alive by feeding on others, this mean that their strength, speed, and other physical attributes can keep improving, and it gets even better they are not bound by human limits this means they can keep improving indefinitely.

And [The curse of temporal reversion] doesn't interfere with this because the curse keeps you at the "Ideal" state, and there is a more "ideal" state than a stronger one?

The second method is very simple and direct but at the same time is impossible to accelerate, what is this mysterious method you ask? The answer is getting older.

How does this work you can ask? The explanation is that the world where the (Dead Apostles) originate from (Nasuverse) works around the concept of (Mystery) this concept seems complex but there are not many explanations about it in the description I received from the (system) outside the part that is relevant to (Dead Apostles) the resume is that a younger (mystery) aways will lose to the older ones that means that a weapon or "magic" from the modern age can't affect something old enough and Generally, older (Dead Apostles) are almost walking (mystery) they have the equivalent of a "privilege of existence" and the things that can hurt them are almost exceptions to the rule.

'The truth is that I desperately need a way to grow stronger' Solomon gritted his teeth so hard that was possible to hear the sound of his bones cracking and mending at absurd speeds "I was so close and now the distance seems to become immeasurable."

Suddenly there's a change in his eyes, the change was not physical, but it was if some strong resolution that was not there before, was suddenly Ignited at that moment, there was a fire in his eyes, a wildfire that nothing in existence could stop.

They were the eyes of a man who would endure a hell of pain, and cause one as well, all for his objectives no matter how meaningless they seem to be.

In a voice that sounded like coming out of the darkest pit of hell, he said in one voice that sounded like many.


For an instant almost imperceptible to observers, his eyes became a raging sea of madness revealing for a moment the true darkness of the (ABYSS)...

[The requirements have been fulfilled]





+perk:[Knowledge of the Abyss](unlocked)

Solomon is picked by surprise when his mind left his body and in the next moment it was back in place like it was all was just an illusion but he knew better. He was taken somewhere and something happened he doesn't know what but, he instinctively knew that whatever happened there broke his mind and build back again.

[Knowledge of the Abyss]

[When you stare too much at the (Abyss) he stares back at you... Twisted "Knowledge" of outside reality. This so-called knowledge is just a simple vision from the outside but this doesn't make it any less dangerous. Because for those who have seen the true face of the (Abyss) and returned...]

[The laws of reality are optional.]

(currently, not even touched the border of this perk. You have no actual control.)

( right now is being limited by your [mortal mind].)

The perk:[Knowledge of the Abyss] (has been triggered.)

[Responding to your desires the most needed skill will be created]




[Skill created]

[Past eater:Lv01/05](Rank:E)

[The ability to EAT the time lived by. those recently deceased, you will experience the equivalent of lived time in an instant all biological functions except the aging process will be temporarily suspended]

(Level up will improve the efficiency of the process, and reduce the incongruity caused by the process)

"Wow is all I can say"

"This skill is just what I needed with this I can artificially age myself and start accumulating free (status) and (Mystery). But this method has disadvantages too, the older the [Dead Apostle] the more they need to eat to stop the degeneration of their bodies."

I finally start to approach the place where she is, even if I can't feed on her right now I can't let her be hurt or killed.

'She is getting closer

'I finally see the place where she is, when I look at the school building in front of me I suddenly have a cold feeling in my heart, the school is already infested with zombies, I was so focused on her smell that I ignored everything else I can fell the smell of a zombie getting close to her' Pushing his body way beyond his current limits for an instant to achieve a burst of speed he suddenly diapered leaving behind in his trail a sonic boom. He pierced straight through a window leaving several shards of glass lodged inside his muscles one of the longer shards penetrated his left eye and stayed right through his brain.

He seems completely unfazed by his wounds, at the moment his feet made contact with the ground he was already running again, one zombie tried to stand in his way but at that moment his "regeneration" started to take effect the shards of glass were ejected from his wounds at almost bullet speed the zombie was hit in point-blank range one of the shards pierced him straight in his head before he could fully fall backward his head was already being used as a platform by Solomon in a strange demonstration of grace...

The way ahead was a corridor full of zombies but Solomon didn't decelerate at all he could at least try to evade them but he knew that would only stall him his fingernails became sharper his hand advanced at blinding speed the hand go straight through the zombie's head splattering brain matter everywhere before the next zombie could even move. The fingernails of his other hand extended to the length of a knife before the zombie could move, his head was already rolling on the ground similar scenes happened in the corridor until he approaches the infirmary... the zombie smell that was approaching her seemed weak so my preoccupation was useless


I open the door and lock my eyes with a blond woman the world around me seems to freeze...


Thump ~ Thump ~ Thump ~

I am forced out of my thoughts by the feeling of cold wood against my neck...

"Don't move"

Suddenly I realized my actual state and I grimace... my shirt was destroyed in the first hours in this world, my jeans are in a deplorable state it barely covers my modesty,

I am covered in blood and guts from head to toe, if that is not bad enough maybe my erection and the fact that I am salivating right now will change your mind...

'I look like a fucking Viking who had taken his longship endured an arduous journey so he could do some pilage and r@p# in Japan.'

['What charming prince right!']

'And my smartass of a system seems to find that right now is the best moment to show his fucking face.'

"Is not what looks like."

'Even I don't believe in myself right now '

She looks at me with a raised eyebrow she doesn't look very convinced.

"All I can say is that was not one of the best first impressions I could give"