
This University Student Is Weird

Dịch giả: Atlas Studios Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

The next day.

Due to the "earthquake" in Zhu Hua District, earthquake experts, geologists, and other relevant researchers immediately rushed to the scene to begin testing.

According to the data analysis, the source of the tremors was on the west side of the Zhu Hua District.

It was a mountainous region.

The experts came here and found the mountain split into two.

After repeated testing, the cause of the earthquake was not a crustal fracture or collision. It was a sudden eruption of some powerful energy, causing a phenomenon similar to an earthquake.

But they didn't know what kind of energy explosion could cause an earthquake. It couldn't be nuclear weapons.

Nuclear weapons could not cause an earthquake of this magnitude.

And, the radiation levels at the scene were normal, and so were the radioactive values.

Therefore, the 'earthquake' this time was very confusing.

The second thing was even more shocking and strange.