
Complete Annihilation

Dịch giả: Atlas Studios Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios


A deafening thunderclap resounded through the sky, and the ground trembled.

A figure appeared in the sky.

Time seemed to have stopped.

Lena and the others stared blankly at the sky with their mouths agape, pupils dilated, and eyes filled with shock.

At this moment, Hall's sharp horn was less than an inch away from Wang Jiajun's skin.

However, this tiny gap was like an insurmountable chasm.

Wang Jiajun lifted his head with difficulty. When he saw the familiar figure, the corners of his lips could not help but curl into a smile.

"Sect… Sect Master…"

With this murmur, Wang Jiajun closed his eyes and collapsed like a fallen leaf.

However, he didn't fall to the ground. Instead, he floated up into the air and slowly flew towards Qin Chuan.

The Bamboo Spirit spirit appeared on Qin Chuan's shoulder.

It glanced at the mangled Wang Jiajun and immediately understood what to do.
