
60: New Mission


After leaving Skye's house I couldn't help but feel as though she had been trying to hide something from us, but I didn't bother pressing her about it. Her mental state is ruined enough as it is, I don't need to stress her out. I went back to my own house with the help of a portal and spent around half an hour making sure my powers were back to normal. Thankfully, as far as I could tell, they were fine again. I mentally said goodnight to Drake who was back at the pack house and decided that in the morning I'd talk to Boss about getting a new mission since we successfully got rid of the dumb bitches. I mean I was mildly supposed to be the one to join their group and shoot them or whatever and Skye ended up taking over, but she relates to anger and hatred a lot stronger than me so I let her get her revenge. Mainly cause I know she'd get her way no matter what I did. No one ruins her revenge plans, and I knew better than to try. Plus she did say I could learn from observing how she did it, which I did so it's totally fine. After falling asleep and waking up in the morning I got dressed and made a portal to the agency. I headed to Boss's office and hit the call button.

His blob appeared on screen and he greeted, "Good to see you again agent, it's been a while."

I chuckled nervously and replied, "Yeeahhh... We finally took those girls down, so now I'm ready for a new mission. If that's good with you obviously.."

"Well lucky for you Agent Fox had just come in earlier and told me that you're ready for the field. I'm assigning you to going to Trealle disguised as a peasant and find out who has a bounty for your brother and Fox's heads. Since you're both the princess's, you have to be careful too, but someone doesn't want either of you or your brother inheriting the throne. Though if you can look like a completely different person you shouldn't have too much of a problem. Report your finds whenever you get more information and I'll direct you on what to do after."

I nodded then asked, "When do I start?"

"Now if you wish, but during school days you have to go to school first then continue. If you don't graduate I will make sure you regret it." He answered sternly. I nodded again, slightly scared now. I decided I may as well go now since I don't really have anything to do, and if Skye was well enough to come here—presumably with Dylan—then she doesn't entirely need me right now. I shifted my appearance off of memory of the attire the commoners have and asked if it was good enough. Boss approved and made a portal for me so I went through it. Guess that whole thing about your magic getting screwed over here doesn't work with shifting to look like a different human, thank god. Guess we'll find out if it changes though. I strolled through town to find some news bulletins that might somehow help me. Least I'll know some of the gossip going around. I eavesdropped on as many conversations as I could until I heard something worth butting into.

"I heard that someone set a five-thousand pound bounty per head of the royal children, I sure hope no one succeeds.. Least the princess is still far off for queen training where almost no one knows where she is." Two ladies were chatting with each other and one of them brought that up.

"What? Someone has a bounty for the prince and princess??" I asked worriedly, interrupting their conversation.

They nodded, showing the same concern I was and answered, "Yeah, we only just heard the other day. We don't know who would do such a thing though... Everyone is excited for new rulers to take over, Queen Jane was the fairest queen Trealle has ever had. We're all praying that Princess Skye will turn out the same once she takes the throne." Oh yeah.. I guess she does technically get the throne before me, if I ever were to get it for whatever reason. I don't really want to though, I've got Drakes pack and the people of Liakith. I don't need two fricken kingdoms, plus it'd be cool to link the two kingdoms. Once everyone knows the truth about the whole royal family business anyways.

"Thank you for catching me up on the news, I've been out of town for a few days and hadn't heard a thing till now." I thanked them and excused myself to wander around more to see if I could find anything else out. My gut told me it was the king and queen since they're the only ones I know of that would not want anyone taking their throne away from them, but they love Mason so I don't really think they'd order someone to try and kill him too... I could be wrong though. I decided to blend in with the bad crowd, the ones that would most likely actually kill for that much money no matter who it was they were killing.

I ended up befriending one of the girls there and she told me that it was someone extremely wealthy that set the bounty on their heads. I'm guessing no one had paid me any attention the last time I was here since no one had once mentioned there being three heads included in the bounty. There aren't many extremely wealthy people here, especially ones that would want Skye and Mason dead, so my thoughts kept going to blaming the king and queen for it. Eventually I was able to talk to the leader of this whole pretty much bounty hunters group and he confirmed the thoughts that kept coming to my head.

"I was hired by the king and queen to set a bounty for their heads since I'm the only one that knows they aren't their real children. They don't want to lose power yet and have gotten desperate, but what do I care. I just get paid well to do my job." He told me. Can't believe it's only taken a day to gain his trust this much to give up who hired him and made the bounty. Damn. I came up with a believable reason to leave and ended up going back to the agency to tell boss what I've discovered.

"Hey sir, apparently it's the dumb rulers of the place that set the bounty on my brother and Fox. What are my orders?" I stated once he came on screen.

"Have to say I'm a little impressed you've gotten this much info already agent. Good job. Now you either have to scare them into dropping the bounty or end up killing them. However if the killing option becomes the only one, you have to realize the throne will be left unattended until Fox becomes of age. Which will most likely make even more power hungry fools want you all dead." He answered, at first in a more positive tone, then in a grave one.

I nodded in understanding then thought for a second and asked, "Uh.... How exactly would I, scare them into dropping the bounty?? Friggin kidnap them and lock them up till they change their minds??"

Boss scoffed at me and responded, "What ever you think would work enough to make them change their minds agent. This is your mission to do, not mine. All I do is guide you and inform you when you've chosen wrong." Fuck me... ugh.... Great... And I can't even ask Skye for help right now because all she'll say is 'see everyone else wants me dead too so why can't I just die' UUUGGHHHHH. Welp. This had to happen at some point anyways right? May as well try and grow up a little and take responsibility.

"Okay sir... Agent out." I replied, ending the call thing and leaving to go to the pack house to confer with Drake since he might think of something I can't come up with.

Once Drake wasn't busy he came to his room where I was waiting and thinking about what to do and asked, "Aight what's wrong and what can I do?"

I gave my mate a small smile and answered, "I've got to figure out how to make the king and queen of Trealle change their minds and get rid of the bounty they've set on Skye and Mason's heads. Technically mine too but no one noticed me when we went there so I can deal with that after the two dumbasses trying to kill us already. Mason is in the most danger and I can't tell Skye about it because it'll just make her sink further down then she already has." *SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHHHHHHH*

"It'll be alright. Mason can take care of himself, and as for Skye yeah don't tell her and she'll be fine. As for changing their minds I could try and help you like drug them to knock them out and drag them to Liakith's dungeon to try and scare the shit out of them if you want." Drake comforted. I snorted in amusement and thanked him but asked for any possible alternatives. We both thought for I don't even know how long and couldn't come up with anything else, so I agreed to the kidnap idea.

"First I need to go talk to Mason since he could drug their drinks or something, make things a lot easier having a man on the inside." I said, getting up to leave.

"What you're going now?" Drake questioned, sitting up.

"Well duh. This needs to be taken care of as soon as possible before someone has the opportunity to actually kill one or both of them." I responded, making a portal after shifting my appearance. Drake sighed and let me go talk to my brother. "I'll be back soon okay? I love you." I said, giving him a smile which he returned and watched me go through the portal.