
Started at the Univeraity

-and on the night of Martin's birthday, everyone was ready for the party, they opened the night balls that were hanging, placed all the chairs and tables on the side, built a center stage and played loud music,

Hyxa: hey martin happy birthday, this is my gift for you.

Martin: wow thank you hyxa, what is this?

Brad: hey happy birthday dude, you're getting old now, take it, plenty of condoms for later.

brad patted martin on the shoulder and whispered,

Martin: cool! you exactly know what I need.

Andrew: hey martin happy birthday, I brought girls for you, so from now on you'll love me more.

Martin: I will love you more and more.

Amber: hey I have a gift for you, happy birthday.

Martin: wow thank you amber, can you just give me Pamela as a gift?

Amber: as you wish, you can take her anytime.

Pam: hi martin, happy birthday!! your party is so fun.

Martin: but you'll be happier with me.

Pam: really!? I love it.

Izzy&Van: happy birthday martin here's our girfs for you.

Van: we baked that cake.

Martin: really!? thank you van..

martin accepted the cake and put it on the table, while the others were having fun, brad, hyxa and andrew were sitting next to each other, and across from them were the bratinellas and amber who were looking at them,

Andrew: looks like your girlfriend still doesn't like you brad.

Brad: she loves me so much..she loves staring at me.

Andrew: everytime she look at you, she seems like cursing you.

Brad: what you should say is, he's going to charm me, to get my hot body.

Hyxa: it's a big miracle when amber gonna love you.

Brad: until now you still don't trust me, that i can get amber?

Hyxa: mmm I just don't like her..

Brad: You two will be okay too soon, and I know that.

hyxa looked amber in the eye and said,

Hyxa: haha ​​do you know the saying "when the sea became dry" haha ​​never!.

when martin suddenly approached brad and andrew,

Martin: hey dude, maybe you and Andrew can make me happy?

Andrew: are you still not happy with your girls?

brad laughed and hyxa smiled, so andrew glanced at her for a moment and smiled too,

Martin: what the hell are you talking about bro! that's not what I meant, maybe you want to dance or sing tho?

Brad: like sexy dance? okay, we'll give it to you!!!

when brad and andrew agreed, martin immediately grabbed the mic that a friend of him was using and gave it to brad and andrew, brad sang first a lively song and stood up while singing, then brad faced hyxa and offered his hand,

Brad: "take my hand"

hyxa gave her hand to brad and brad brought her to the center and they had dance together, then andrew sang next and pulling hyxa's hand and hyxa leaned on andrew's body and they continued to dance, hyxa took a mic and she also sang and when she saw amber standing up and about to leaving she looked at her as if challenging her, andrew, brad and everyone also looked at amber, so izzy took a mic and gave it to amber,

hyxa: "are you ready?"

hyxa pointing amber and showed her how good she is at dancing, amber came to sing and seemed not to back down from the challenge that hyxa started, the two looked at each other, danced and sang at the same time, with andrew and brad,after they sang they stayed in the middle, hyxa and amber were in the middle of brad and andrew, amber was next to andrew and brad was next to hyxa, hyxa was smiling when amber told her that,

Amber: You think I'll accept you in my squad because of what you're doing?

Hyxa: I don't think about that, I just want a fun night.

Hyxa answered Amber smiling.

Amber: haha, so this is what makes you happy? do you really think you are good?

Hyxa: if that's what you see.

Amber: fuck you loser!

Hyxa: back off bitch!

the two replied with a smile as they looked at Andrew and Brad,

Amber: maybe you are at the top now, 'cuz you changed, but I will destroy your dream!

Hyxa: no one bitches can drag me down!.

Amber: don't call me bitch!

amber tugged on hyxa's hair, and hyxa retaliated against amber, brad pulled hyxa away and andrew pulled away amber, who was behind them,

Hyxa: stop calling me loser!

Amber: and why!? come here and i'll make you bald!

Hyxa: try it! I will kill you!

amber and hyxa are trying to reach each other, while andrew and brad hug to their stomachs try to stop them.

Amber: I haven't gotten back at you yet! I know you sprayed me in the restroom!!

Hyxa: and you thought I didn't know that you locked me in the gym!!

Amber: don't accuse me loser!!

when Andrew suddenly interrupted,

Andrew: right! don't accuse me!

amber, hyxa and brad looked at Andrew because of what he was said,

Andrew: He also accused me bro, you know, the.., her big ass.

Hyxa: shut up!cocky boy!!

Amber: you loser! you are the cause of my stupid days!! stupid nerd!!

Brad: don't call her stupid, she's nice, because..ah okay.

Hyxa: you liar! i heard it!!

Andrew: I'm not a liar huh!

Andrew whispered to himself and Amber turned to him for a moment,

Andrew: not me, maybe you..

Amber: I don't care! get lost!!

trying to reach hyxa's hair to tugged it

Hyxa: spoiled brat!

trying to reach amber to hit,

Brad: don't hurt her..

while the four are messing around, the people around them are just watching and letting them,

Girl: are you sure they are okay?

Martin: yah, they are just playing, don't mind them, comm'on let's go inside.

martin left them with a girl and let his friends get between the two girls, and since hyxa and amber didn't stop yet, pamela and vanessa took the two cakes, went to the center and faced the four, which they immediately poured of cake on the face, the four stopped from fighting with full of icing on their face and thet faced Vanessa and Pamela.

Four: aaaahhhhh!!!

Andrew: what did you do!?

Brad: why with me?!!

while Hyxa was cleaning her face with Brad, they talked about what happened,

Brad: You should distance yourself from amber.

Hyxa: I can't stand her insulting me anymore.

Brad: look, you're hurt, there's icing on your right cheek,lemme wiped it.

Hyxa: the nice thing was, I hurt her too.

Brad: you shouldn't have done that..

Hyxa: and why!? because you like her?

sulking hyxa's face to brad,

Brad: please, I just don't want to hurt you both..

while Brad and Hyxa were cleaning their bodies, Andrew was with Amber who was also washing their face,

Andrew: are you okay now?

Amber: I will never be okay, as long as I see that loser girl!

Andrew: I think you need to stop teasing her.

Amber: tell me,are you defending her?

Andrew: no,i just say so, i don't care abot her, i don't like her, i didn't even think about her!

amber thought as she stared at andrew,

Amber: are you sure?

Andrew: no! i mean yah!i don't like her, okay i gotta go! clean your face.

andrew left amber who washed her face, and after they washed everyone rested.

while the others were resting in their rooms, Andrew was not sleepy so he went out and walked on the beach, like Andrew Hyxa also went outside to get some fresh air,while Andrew was walking he saw a small boat by the sea, he sat inside the boat and began to remember the accident when he was young that caused his mother's death.

when Andrew was seven years old while he and his cousin were playing ball next to the lake, his cousin accidentally threw the ball into the water, when Andrew saw that there was a small boat next to him, he got into the small boat to get the ball in the water but he accidentally hit the rope tied to the wood and as he struggled to reach the ball, he did not notice that it had gone away on the boat,andrew was scared and panicked while calling his mother, but Andrew was out of balance and the small boat he was riding overturned, ..

Girl: the kid is drowning! help!!!

and someone is shouting, when Andrew's mother heard who was talking to his father on the cell phone, she immediately turned around and hung up the phone, Andrew's mother immediately looked for him and when his mother saw that Andrew's cousin was crying, she immediately jumps into the water to save andrew, and when his mother came to him to take him out of the water, andrew was clinging to the small boat, but the mother suddenly felt a leg cramps and she slowly drowned, andrew could do nothing but cry and watch her mother drown.

and while Andrew remembers his terrible past, Hyxa remembers her late mother, while sitting on the beach and holding the necklace that her mother gave her, but Brad suddenly called her,

Brad: hey.. hyxa I've been looking for you, your dad is on the phone, come inside!

Hyxa: okay, comin'.

hyxa stood up and pocketed the necklace she was holding, but she didn't notice that it fell on the sand, she ran closer to brad and when she got close, she jumped and rode on brad's back and they ran into the room,while Andrew was going back to his room, something shining caught his attention, he approached it and saw the necklace that Hyxa had dropped, he didn't know whose it was, but he took it and hid it, and continued to go back to his room to rest,

the next day everyone woke up early to get ready and go home,

Martin: brad, thank you so much for your gift, I really took advantage of it.

Brad: Really? that's why you're out of energy now, haha.

and the two laughed while waiting for the other companions outside the van,

Brad: hey drew, how's your car?

Andrew: I'll get it when I get home.

Brad: okay, hey hyxa! wanna sit next to andrew?!

Andrew&hyxa: no way!

Martin: do you want cake again?

after a long vacation and a long trip, everyone returned to the University with happiness and a new day...


as the three bratinellas entered the canteen with vanessa they could hear the voices of the students singing loudly, when they entered they saw brad, andrew and hyxa singing with the other students while andrew was playing the guitar and hyxa and brad singing happily, and the three bratinellas sat across from brad and pretended not to pay attention, when suddenly brad came and offered a song to amber,

Brad: "can you be my girl even just for a day"

Amber got shock and stop of a minute then looks at Brad with a sweet smile, Brad got excited and smiled too. Amber closed a little bit to brad's face and said,

Amber: no!

Then Amber smile fade right away.

Brad: amber I'm just singing the lyrics of the song why acting like that huh?

Amber got shy because of what she did.

Amber: get out of my sight, I don't want to see you again..ever!

Brad: why so heartless?

Amber looks at him with dagger eyes,

Amber: as if I would say yes? The he'll HAHA could you please wake up? You? As my boyfriend? Are you insane?

Brad: your being to obvious Amber HAHA

Amber: What? Insane

Brad couldn't say anything and still looking at amber who is now facing her friends.

Brad: look amber I'm really serious, I like you okay?

Amber looks impatiently

Amber: the he'll I care? You like me? well I-D -O- N- T- L- I -K -E YOU! AND I- D -O -N -T C -A- R -E..got it!? So please back off your ruining my day.

brad sat down again next to martin and andrew,

Brad: so tell me,why are you so mean to me Amber? What did I do for you to be rude to me like that? Why you hate me that much?

Amber: really? You ask me that questions? Simple I don't like you and I would never be. You are not my type. Your just nothing to me.

brad smiled and look amber in the eye,

Brad: she's really still in denial.

Amber: shut up! just stop I like someone, he's better than you and I like him so much.

brad faced andrew at a moment, stood up and approached amber, when he got close to amber he brought his face closer to amber's face again,

Brad: prove your drama, and I'll prove mine babe..

brad smiled again at amber and walked out of the canteen, followed by the friends who watched their conversation with amber, after amber and brad's conversation, hyxa went to the gym to join the cheering squad audition, but amber still stood her ground that she didn't want hyxa to join the squad,

while hyxa is in the middle and waiting for amber to tell her to start, amber yells and sends hyxa away,

Amber: get outta here hyxa, I don't need you!

izzy whispered to amber,

Izzy, but he's good, and she has good ideas.

Amber: shut up izzy if you don't want me to let you out of the gym too.

Izzy: ah okay, I should be quiet.

Hyxa: you want good members right? why do you think so highly of yourself?!

Amber: so, you really think you are?

Hyxa: you just don't accept that I'm better than you!

Amber: shut your fucking mouth and get out!!

hyxa turned around, walked and took the mop while talking to amber,

Hyxa: sorry amber but get tired of my face, I still have to do the punishment for us,I still have to clean up with izzy, right girls?

hyxa stopped mopping for a moment and smiled at the three bratinellas, pamela whispered to amber,

Pam: we'll should to clean up, if we don't want to get kicked out,

amber got pissed off and left the gym,

Amber this is bullshit!! aaah!!!!!

after a full day of school everyone was given time for their respective families, andrew started the day trying to learn how to run his mother's former business, he approached his parent's friend and business manager to ask help,

Michael: I remember when your mommy start this company, she was really hard working, I'm sure you will be like her.

Andrew: thank you, for the trust, I really want to help dad and I want to take care of this company like mom takes care of it.

Michael: but what about your dream of becoming a singer? Isn't that your mommy's dream too for you?

Andrew: but dad doesn't want..

Michael: Forgive your dad if he is too strict with you, he just really loves you.

Andrew: let's not talk about it, thank you, I'm leaving..

when Andrew was on his way home, he received a message from Brad and immediately read it, while Amber's beautiful day was ruined by seeing a hated person,while amber was drinking coffee with the two bratinellas in her family's own coffee shop, ashley arrived who was a former member of her cheering squad and now took her place as captain of the cheering squad and a schoolmate at her former school at Westview University.

when ashley entered the coffee house, she immediately saw amber who looking at her too, ashley approached amber with two friends brianna and ivy,

Ashley: hey pretty lady! look! who is the loser i found! so what does a loser do here?

Amber: can't you see I'm drinking coffee in my own coffee house.

Ashley: haha ​​you are so funny honey, own a coffee house?

ashley brought her mouth to amber's ear and whispered,

Ashley: shame on yourself bastard!

after ashley whispered to amber, amber suddenly stood up and was about to leave when ashley stopped her,

ashley: where are you going loser? don't waste your coffee, that's expensive than you.

while the two were talking, Pamela whispered to Izzy,

Pam: who is she? why does she call amber a loser?

Izzy: i don't know here, but she looks scarier than amber..

Amber: get out of my way, I don't have time to talk to you

Ashley: haha ​​why are you afraid that your friends will know your secret?

Amber: I don't want to fight with you Ashley.

Ashley: who's fighting here?, I just really missed you amber, it's really fate's fault why we're together, okay, by thw way I heard a news about you, they said you're the new EMU cheerleading captain?

Amber: you heard right, so get ready for the competition.

Ashley: haha ​​you really make me laugh amber, just make sure you win, if you don't want to be ashamed of the whole world.

Amber: don't be so arrogant ashley, I was just under you before.

Ashley: really! under? before, yes, but now it's a fierce opponent, and are you sure that i'm in your under before? As far as I know, you and your life are my under, Amber Smith,or should i call you bastard!

amber looked into ashley's eyes and ashley smiled at her, amber turned and was about to leave when ashley grabbed amber's arm and brought it to her,

Ashley: don't turn your back on me when I'm talking to you!

amber removed ashley's hand from her arm,

Amber: don't touch me, and I'll turn away from what I want to turn away from, and I'll talk to who I want to talk to! get lost bitch! izzy, pamela! let's go!

ashley was embarrassed by her friends and the people who saw them fighting, so she felt very angry with amber, ashley couldn't speak anymore and just sat while izzy and pamela were teasing ashley's friends as they left the coffee house,

Pam: haha ​​get lost bitches!

Izzy: amber is amber, nothing scares her get lost!

Brianna: what the hell!

Ivy: stop it, let them, they are all loser!

while amber's day was ruined because of ashley, brad and hyxa's family had a happy family bonding, hyxa's father and brad's father decided to invite their families to go fishing like they used to do,

Mr. Evan: do you remember hyxa when you were young, you loved fishing here, then when you were hooked fish, you would sell the fish you caught to us, but when your mom cooked the fish, you were the only one who ate it, you are so fond of fish,

Hyxa: I always remember everything, especially the smile on mom's face when I catch a fish, I want to see her smile again.

Mr. Evans: close your eyes and you'll see her smile in our memories like nothing else.

and when hyxa suddenly caught a fish,

Hyxa: wow! dad! I think I caught a fish.

Mr. Evans: Really? give it to me, I'll pull it.

when hyxa got the fish caught and hyxa had already arranged the food when suddenly brad came with andrew,

Mrs. Hill: wow hyxa look at that the fish you had caught was so big, I'm sure it's delicious.

Hyxa: absolutely!

Carol: who's with brad?

When Brad and Andrew got out of the car, immediately Mrs. Hill and Carol saw Andrew, and they were surprised.

Mrs. Hill: oh my god! hyxa isn't he the rude man at the coffe shop,?

Carol: He's the one who grabbed your butt.

Hyxa: aunt..

Mr. Evan: he touched your butt??

brad and andrew approached them and introduced andrew,

Brad: hey calm down guys, he wasn't the one who grabbed hyxa's butt, and he's Andrew, he's not rude,

Hyxa: why is he here?

Brad: He's part of the family, he's my close friend too.

Hyxa: what! brad!! you know i don't like him.

Andrew: let's be fair, I don't like you either.

Mr. Hill: now, we don't have a problem anymore, you both don't like each other so let's eat.

Hyxa: uncle.....

Carol: come on hyxa let's eat.

while hyxa was very annoyed because andrew joined them, andrew was happy to be with hyxa, brad and their families,

while everyone was eating, Hyxa couldn't stop annoying Andrew.

Hyxa: hey don't eat too much fish! I caught it.

Andrew: really? cool! thanks for the fish.

Hyxa: you should buy yours,

andrew stopped eating and looked at hyxa,

Andrew: okay, I'll buy mine, but pay for the brownies you ate, no no! that you stole from me,

hyxa kept quiet and avoided looking at andrew, andrew smiled and continued to eat.