
Start of an Hectic Journey. (DC X Marvel AU) *Dropped*

MC/Jun's soul was transmigrated into a body of a young boy who died with his family in a car accident. From that onward he started his journey to find out who he really is. -------- Neither I own the cover nor the character apart of MC. And as for grammar.... It's kind of just fine, so you are being warned.

Lordofcheap304 · Khác
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22 Chs

War and New Conflicts (3/?)

The only time or, in general, Gotham has been relatively peaceful, is from early morning until 2 p.m in the afternoon.

As thieves, gangs, or thugs don't cause problems at that time because majorly good cops are active at that certain time.

However, that was not the only reason because the crucial players like Jonathan or his new organization were to blame for it.

They have a cruel reputation, guns, and 'thugs force' which help to keep other low-level goons in check or at least leashes on them in their large area.

Unlike the nighttime where police sirens or gun shootouts or stabbings are considered a norm, in the morning it was the opposite thanks to Jonathan and co.

The bustling streets of Gotham were filled with hardworking people, most of them professionally dressed people, eating out in restaurants, resting in cafés, chatting with each other, etc., and enjoying a small lunch break.

While few did the leftover low-paying jobs for survival, there were not many homeless or poor people thanks to wealthy families like Wayne and Kane who genuinely aided them in any way possible, like providing a cheap house, lending money, or labor low pay work.

"It is some sort of date, if so, then I am honored," Jonathan responded with a sarcastic tone, while he couldn't help but peek outside and observe people with his abilities.

"HA HA, Jonathan, you really love to mess with others' rights." She asked with a giggle, understanding his nature as she finds quite many similarities in him. "I don't mind considering it a date or a… present."

She spoke it in her natural seductive tone, but her final syllable was virtually inaudible to anybody else; however, Jonathan was built differently and was perplexed after hearing it.

"Are you sure it's the right place for a date?" What He asked, uncertain, as he watched her drive him to downtown Gotham or midtown for some reason.

"What are you afraid, Boss?" This time she taunted him, anticipating a response. "Nah, more like horny for what awaits." Jonathan being himself, stated without the slightest hesitation in his words or shame.

Not anticipating such a level of bluntness in his reply, she burst into laughter as if he told her a very hilarious joke.

She didn't find his words funny, but it was more about his frankness or specifically, his open behaviors with her, he was expressing his true self unlike her, who was trying her best to hide it up; plus, he was not even an inch reserved about it.

Until they reached the destination, they chatted a little, or as Jonathan interpreted her intent, she in a friendly manner attempted to get to know him more, which he didn't mind the slightest because she had given him her words and was sort of an ally now.

However, he was not blindly trusting her just for all those reasons, but because she had a connection with Gregor, a crucial neutral one, moreover she had shown few symptoms of liking him.

'She likes me a lot.' Jonathan makes a self-note while observing her light pink shade of aura around her.

Throughout the hour-long journey, he vaguely memorized a few things, including a certain way to talk for friendly interrogation, how to drive a car, traffic signals, and, most importantly, the routes, but at the end of the day, it all was vague knowledge, no real experience at all.

"It's quite…" He commented in a conflicted voice, witnessing the tranquil setting of the place after Cheshire stopped the car next to the backside of a dark bar.

"Underwhelming, I know. From inside the place is best for dating, at least for people like us." She stated, understating his feeling while being passive from the outside, she was excited from the inside; didn't let him finish.

She held Jonathan's hand, to which he gave her a smirk look and said in a teasing way. "You are too lewd, skipping all the stages of dating and directly jumping to hand-holding, sheeeh! The new generation has such a rush."

"And you are such a fool." She grumbled, no longer playing along with his bullshit, perhaps she was tired of hiding her true nature which she was showing him in between.

'I will make sure you will open up to me, showing our true selves.' He strongly vowed while being pulled by her, taking her as a mystery or a challenge to either solve or finish.

**Cheshire POV*

I have to admit, Jonathan comes under one of the extremely sophisticated individuals. So far, he seems to be a laid-back, cool, and calm person, a person with high logic and wit, but the first part only applies to his ally or a group of people he has a positive sense of relation.

On the other hand, his second trait is quite unpredictable as too weak people he acts differently, cruelly, and blatant disrespect.

Its prime example could be what happened to the guard at the entrance who mocked him and was significantly tall and buff, but Jonathan thrashed him without mercy by attacking his family gems.

Though I failed, maintaining a fake character because of how persistent and an asshole he was as the date started, which is an achievement in itself for k.. Untamed teenager.

He is just like me, a deadly beast, sadistic, dominative yet as calm as space.

All these things, which I now figure out have solid evidence or a strong footing based on Jonahtna's behavior so far.

As we entered the bar, the big, buffed guard planted by me began to act as per the instructions, which were to mock or insult Jonathan.

As a result, he got beaten by him straight out with no hesitation as well as mercy.

Next, we went in undisturbed as I, without getting noticed by him, gestured to them all not to interfere and wait.

Then I offered him some drugs, which he flat-out rejected by saying. "He is always high." I let out a little laugh which was out of character all because of his serious reply with a sarcastic tone.

Eventually, we had a drinking contest, which I honestly battled to win. The concern was that I wasn't supposed to drink anything.

Perhaps his words work like magic. After this incident, I became more cautious and on guard, but I doubt he was as well.

Finally, because I let down my guard again due to his taunting and, more importantly, because I was high as fuck, we danced together, picked a fight with a fresh hotshot thug, and he got his ass whooped, we visited the underground firing range, and more drinks.

Then it happened.


A/N: Two more chapters are coming.

Just because of a certain teacher in my clg, my entire two weeks are ruined. Life sucks and is unfair to all.

Anyway, enjoy.