
Start of an End

Tibi_TheBitang · Khoa huyễn
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8 Chs


(Fenrir):*screams* PUT THE CAGE ON US!

*slowly a cages is lifted down on the ring*

(Fenrir):only one gona step out from there *lought*

(Reaper):i will smash you in peaces you stupid dog

(Fenrir):*cracks his knuckles while he starts to go towards him*

(Reaper):*raises his hands*

(Fenrir):*when Fenrir is in the range of hit,fakes that he hits at the stomach part*

(Reaper):starts to defend him self at the stomach

(Fenrir):*with a fast move changes his hit to Reaper's head and hits him*

(Reaper):*steps back two times couse become dizzy from the hit*

(Fenrir):*kicks in chest*

(Reaper):*falls to the cage*

(Fenrir):you can't even protect your self little fox..

(Reaper):*his arm is ready for the hydraulic punch*

(Reaper):*pushes him self from the cage towards Fenrir and hits at the belly*

*Fenrir got a realy big hit when he didin t looked at his oponent,and feelt to the cage,and the cage bends*

(Reaper):*runs fast toward him*

(Fenrir):*clened the blood from his mouth, and looked up*

(Reaper):*when he was close to Fenrir, jumped in air and while he did a flip, with heel hits Fenrir's forhead and nose*

(Fenrir):*roars loud, gets up from the floor fast*

(Reaper):*saw Fenrir runing towards him and took a defence position*

(Fenrir):*kicked him off his feet*

(Reaper):*falling down to the floor*

(Fenrir):*sits on his chest and starts to punch him in face*

(Reaper):*tries to defend him self*

*while they fight,a big 6 meter angel type of creature in golden armor appear*

*the cage opens*

(Fenrir):*still hiting Reaper in face*

(Reaper):*haveing no chance to defend him self because become too dizzy and exhaused*

(Reaper):*his face starts to be full of blood*

(Angel):*grabs Fenrir from neck and trows him away*

(Reaper):*before fainting he hears some words*

(Angel):FENRIR! Look what you did!


(Fenrir):*gets up from the floor*

(Angel):*picks up fenrir from neck and starts to choke him*

(Fenrir):*grabs the Angel's arm* all the time you need to interupt me

*the medics appeard and started to help Reaper*

(Angel):you killed minim 20 people in that cage! Thats enought!

(Angel):releases Fenrir from neck*

(Fenrir):*falls down on the ground, takeing heavy breaths*

(Angel):*gos to a medic and asks:* the fox masked is alright?

(Medic):Solaris we gona check what we can do

(Reaper):*last thing what he heard it was the name*

*we can see again Vortex,Aegis, Snuggles*

(Vortex):*comes out from the room with Snuggles in her hands*

(Aegis):i didin t know that snuggles can be that adorable

(Snuggles):aww thank you big man ^^

*while they were talking, Aegis noticed the medics carrying someone on a stretcher*

(Aegis):*looks at the stretcher and notices Reaper with broken mask and blood comeing out under the mask*

(Vortex):*scared and hugs close snuggles because doesn t want snuggles to see Reaper in full of blood*

(Aegis):Vortex.. Put down snuggles and follow the doctors, i go find out what happaned

(Vortex):*with tears in her eyes puts down snuggles*

(Vortex):snuggles, go back to your team fast, we have to solve that problem

*Vortex follows the doctors*

(Aegis):*starts to go in the oposite dirrection*

(Snuggles): ... And now??? :(

*we can see the room where the ring is*

(Solaris):you can t understand what Frostburn said????

(Fenrir):let me do what i want!

I don t care what Frostburn thinks about the ring!

The ring was made for showing others who is the boss there!

(Solaris):you can t do what you want! Order is..*before finishing what he wanned to say,suddenly sees a chair hits Fenrir in face*

(Aegis):*with wings pushes him self realy fast to Fenrir and kicks Fenrir in ribs*

(Fenrir)*two ribs brokes and hits realy hard his head in the wall*

(Aegis):*with knee,kicks Fenrir in face while he falling down on to the ground*

(Fenrir):his jaw jumps out from the position*

(Solaris):*grabs Aegis from the wings and pushes him away* STOP WITH THE FIGHTING! non of you idiot creatures got enought inteligence to understand that the fight is not everytime the solution?!

(Aegis):the problem is this wolf,he closely killed my friend!

(Snuggles):*eats popcorn in the background* Hit harder Aegis!

*Some guards apears and aims at Aegis*

*Aegis surrenders*

(Solaris):to the jail with him for 3 days!

(Fenrir):gets up from the ground, and puts back his jaw in position*

(Fenrir):*the hit traces disapear fast* this big man hits harder than the fox

(Solaris):they gona gett what they deserve..

*at the door of thd jail*

(Soldier):*takes the handcuffs off*

step inside!

(Aegis):*steps in and the door behind him closed*

(Aegis):*sees a creature chained to the wall, and sits down on a concrate chair*

(Aegis):*heard chains moveing and looks to the creature*

*the creature in plague doctor suit looks up to him*

(Aegis):*he feels the air becoming oppressive as the creature looks at him, and the silence as he breathes*

(Creature):*hoarse voice* what you did big man?

(Aegis):i beated up a mutant who fought with my friend

(Creature):*hoarse voice*wich mutant exactly?

(Aegis):a big white wolf


*hoarse voice* you think you did something for my perfect mutated child?

(Aegis):what do you mean scarecrow?

(Creature):*hoarse voice*just call Ignatius

(Aegis):still.. Ignatius, what you mean with that?

(Ignatius):*hoarse voice*im the one who helps the Geno from the first time, i made childrens into monsters, just because i was manipulated by the money what they offered

(Aegis):wait! You mea...*gets interupted*

(Ignatius):*hoarse voice*yes big man, you was a normal child too, a cute little one, but you got transformed like others too, only to be a secret weapon..

(Aegis):*gets shocked and looks at his palms*

(Ignatius):*hoarse voice*in this days you had to kill random people?


(Ignatius):*hoarse voice*is a realy big chance, you had to kill someone who tryed to escape all the mutants under this horrible situation... You all are brain washed, all of you live in a tale..in a non existent world

(Aegis):and what i can do? How i can... Take the team out of this? What can i do?

*suddely hears Phantom voice in the distance*

(Ignatius):*in silent*you need to find a way, but i can t talk more now, try to come back somehow

*before the door opens Ignatius starts to look down again*

(Phantom):*steps in* YOU! You know how much problems you and Reaper did???

(Aegis):*slowly looks at Phantom* i know but i can t regret it

(Phantom):be happy if our teammate gona survive the tomorrow

*they leave the jail section*

(Phantom):go talk with Kai, he want to say something about this

(Aegis):*walks away from Phantom*

(Aegis):*gos in Kai's room* hey, you called me?

*Bunny and Kai talking, and they looks at Aegis when they heard the door opens*

(Aegis):oh, hey bunny

(Bunny):hey, i got good news for you

(Kai):realy good ones

(Aegis):tell than

(Bunny):i made a new type of adrealine that makes you stronger, and the medics tryed on Reaper


(Bunny):works! I had to make him a new mask, and repairing some stuffs in his mecha suit, but i made it

(Aegis):thank you so much bunny, you are a miracle

(Bunny):ahh, that was nothing but thanks *smile*

(Kai):that was all Aegis, thank you for comeing

(Aegis)okay *leaves the room and closed the door*

*Aegis heard a big scream*

(Aegis):*looks back and suddenly gets a hug*

(Vortex):*hugs him with tears in her eyes* i was thinking about you gona be in jail for your entire life

(Aegis)*looks down at her and from the serious face a smile shines up*

(Aegis) *knee down and hugs her back* don t worry about me, and i got a plan


(Aegis):we need to leave this life, all of us need to leave this facility

(Vortex):but if we...(gets interulted)

(Aegis):leave,we gona die... But a man told me enought about this company what you don t want to know,we need to gett more people for escapeing..

(Vortex):like? Who?

(Aegis):our team,snuggles team. .

(Vortex):ohh.. We can try it!

*we can see Phantom lisening an old music while he is relaxing in a chair, and drinks something*

(Episode ends)