
Start from the golden desert

Haotian set foot on the sacred continent filled with swords and magic, and awakened the lord system there. Although his territory was located in the barren Karar Desert, he nevertheless obtained the super god-level lord talent - a random military building every week. The "Elf Mother Tree" of the natural elves. And the "Dragon's Nest" of the dragon clan.

NightwindLoong · Kỳ huyễn
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147 Chs

"I Understand, Please Let Them In!"

The search for the Crystal Chamber of Commerce was proving to be more challenging than expected. Experienced and methodical, old butler Horden first headed to the [Trade Guild] in Forest City to gather information about the Crystal Chamber of Commerce. There were numerous guilds with "Crystal" in their name, but none of them were the one he sought. This made Horden suspect that Miss Sophia might have been deceiving him.

By noon, a Royal Adjudicator Knight finally uncovered a lead. The night before, someone had auctioned off a large quantity of elven spring water at the [Lilac Auction House]. Further investigation confirmed that the seller was indeed the Crystal Chamber of Commerce. This was a promising development, but another issue quickly arose—no one knew where the Crystal Chamber of Commerce was based. Even at the Lilac Auction House, Horden couldn't obtain more information.

"Forest City is so vast. Where do we start looking?" Horden pondered, frowning.

One of the Royal Adjudicator Knights suggested, "We can start by searching the area around the Lilac Auction House. Alternatively, we could seek out local informants and enlist their help in finding them."

"Good idea!" Horden immediately agreed. He led his group into a nearby shop and traded a bottle of [Intermediate Elven Spring Water] for nearly four thousand gold coins. With the power of gold, the local informants quickly sprang into action.

The term "informants" referred to the lowlifes, vagrants, and gang members who, though unreliable for honest work, were experts at gathering information. As expected, good news came swiftly—the location of the Crystal Chamber of Commerce had been found!

"How many groups has this been today?"

"The seventh group, miss."

In the main hall of the Crystal Chamber of Commerce, Sophia sent off another group of business representatives with a polite smile. Turning to the old mage Simon, she rubbed her stiff cheeks and said, "We were too conspicuous. Even though the head of the Lilac Auction House promised confidentiality, people still found out about us through various means. We've already had seven guilds approach us this morning, wanting to collaborate."

The old mage Simon shook his head. "Their intentions aren't pure. They want to know where we got so much elven spring water. Luckily, we're in Forest City. Otherwise, our trouble would be far greater."

"We need to finish our business quickly and head to the Golden Oasis," Sophia said. "We'll stay there for a while and return when things have calmed down."

"Agreed," Simon nodded.

At that moment, a staff member entered to report a visitor.

"Tell them I'm not seeing anyone due to health reasons," Sophia instructed without hesitation.

The staff member replied, "President, the visitor claims to be an old friend named Horden and is accompanied by a group of knights."

"Horden?" Sophia's confusion turned to realization, her expression changing rapidly. "I understand, please let them in!"

"Yes, President."

As the staff member left, Sophia's face darkened. "Horden, the old butler of that lord. We only returned to Forest City yesterday, and he's already here."

"Mage Simon, does this mean that lord doesn't trust us?"

"It's natural to be cautious," Simon said calmly. "Considering the value of the goods, anyone would be wary."

"True, but it's still disheartening," Sophia admitted, feeling a twinge of bitterness. She prided herself on her integrity and had no intention of embezzling the proceeds. Yet, the lord's distrust stung.

"It's just a business transaction," she reminded herself. "Once it's over, we'll likely part ways."

Sophia quickly composed herself. Moments later, a group of fully armed Royal Adjudicator Knights entered the hall, led by the familiar figure of old butler Horden.

Mage Simon, noticing the impressive presence of Horden and the knights, gasped. All of them were at the king level. A few days ago, there wasn't a single king-level professional in the Golden Oasis, and now there were so many?

Horden approached and respectfully greeted Mage Simon before turning to Sophia with a smile. "Miss Sophia, we meet again!"

Forcing a smile, Sophia said, "Butler Horden, you've arrived at just the right time. We sold the batch of elven spring water last night, and you're here today."

Horden, ignoring the subtle hint of reproach in her words, sat down and smiled warmly. "I went to the Trade Guild, only to find that the Crystal Chamber of Commerce isn't registered there?"

"We're a newly established guild," Sophia explained. "We need to complete certain trade tasks and open a trade route before we can register. Our trip to Vastyan City was to establish such a route."

"I see," Horden nodded, understanding that the Crystal Chamber of Commerce was still in its infancy. However, as his young master had said, it didn't matter if it was a Crystal Chamber or a Blue Crystal Chamber; what mattered was their capability.

Sophia then took out a crystal card from her spatial equipment. "This card contains approximately 6.7 million gold coins, the proceeds from selling the elven spring water. Since you're here, I'll hand it over to you. We can discuss the commission after I sell the red dragon fruits."

"Very well," Horden accepted the card. After a brief pause, he added, "Miss Sophia, I'm here on my lord's orders for another task. We will need your help. Naturally, there will be a commission once the task is completed."

"Not here to monitor…" Sophia blurted out, then stopped awkwardly.

Horden smiled. "Since my lord entrusted this matter to you, he naturally trusts you. I wasn't sent to spy on you."

He was being truthful. Had it not been for the dragon incident, he wouldn't have come to Forest City.

Hearing this, Sophia's bitterness vanished, replaced by a radiant smile. "I'm sorry, Butler Horden. I misunderstood. I thought…"

"No need to apologize," Horden said kindly. "Clearing up misunderstandings is all that matters. To be honest, when I couldn't find information on the Crystal Chamber of Commerce at the Trade Guild, I did suspect you might be a fraud."

His frankness left Sophia and Simon speechless, but they weren't offended. Instead, this incident made them feel a closer connection to the lord they served.