
start as a thug in ptj verse (lookisme and Questism…)

Synopsis: An ordinary young man on Earth ended up with no explanation in the PTJ verse. He became a secondary character named Hajun Gu after the latter lost consciousness. What will the new Hajun Gu do in this new world opening up to him? Author's Note: I'm finally deciding to write a story based on the PTJ verse and please, I would like your help to correct any mistakes since English is just my second language. Also, this is my second novel, so I have a bit of experience and also the image used for this fanfic is not mine (if the owner wants it I will remove it)

True_Mahou_2_0 · Tranh châm biếm
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32 Chs

Chapter 23: Discussion with Brekdak

Author's POV

"It's Vasco and Brekdak," he thought mentally with a shocked expression that did not go unnoticed by Soha Yang.

"Dear sir, you seem interested in the culinary specialties of my country," Brekdak said quickly, leading Hanju and Soha Yang into his pojangmacha, which was a food stall.

"Anyway, I'm curious about the taste of exotic dishes," thought Hanju, and Soha Yang's curious gaze showed that eating here didn't displease her.

"What do you suggest, sir?" Soha Yang asked in English.

"Oh! Thank you for worrying about me, charming lady, but I manage well with the Korean language, and you can call me Brekdak," Brekdak said enthusiastically.

After introducing himself, Brekdak spoke about various specialties to Soha Yang, who quickly made her choice thanks to Brekdak's recommendations.

"And you, my dear customers, what would you like?" Brekdak asked, turning his attention to Hanju.

"I would like your best dish," he said politely.

"Understood, Vasco, we have orders," Brekdak informed Vasco, who was at the stove.

"Got it," he shouted back joyfully in response.

"Tell me, Mr. Brekdak, how do you find Korea?"

Hanju started a discussion before his possible new Muay Thai teacher could move away from him.

"I love this place immensely, especially since despite my complicated civil status, I can help my loved ones," he said, slightly embarrassed towards the end of his speech, surely out of shame.

"Despite Vasco's help, he must surely have problems providing for his family's needs," Hanju concluded from his response.

"And you, esteemed customer, do you appreciate the lady's company?" he said with a teasing little smile that made Soha Yang blush like a tomato.

"Don't call me 'sir.' Hahaha, call me Hanju, and my friend here is named Soha Yang," Hanju introduced himself, and Soha Yang by the same occasion.

"If you ask me like that, then I won't be too polite," Brekdak accepted.

The discussion between Hanju, Brekdak, and Soha Yang was more interesting than Hanju had initially thought, and Soha Yang's participation in the conversation greatly helped him.

"Your meal should be ready now, please excuse me, dear friends," he said, going towards Vasco.

"Hanju, I hope I'm not too indiscreet with my question, but why are you interested in Mr. Brekdak?" Soha asked with a look full of curiosity.

"Why this question?" Hanju asked, perplexed by the unexpected question.

"It's just that, usually, you're not interested in much..." she declared before pausing, as if she had made a resolution in her heart.

"You don't write to me very often, and we don't really see each other, so I wonder if..." Before Soha could continue, Hanju stopped her with a finger on her lips.

"Sorry if I don't give you the impression that I'm interested in you; it's just that I was overwhelmed recently, but now it will be different, okay?" he said, giving her an innocent kiss on the forehead.

Soha Yang turned completely red and could only nod mechanically in response to Hanju's words.

"To return to Brekdak, yes, I'm interested in him for a reason," Hanju said, wanting to take his cigarette but remembered he hadn't brought his pack with him.

"What reason then?" Soha asked, starting to be really gnawed by curiosity.

"Because I can tell that Brekdak is strong, really strong," he said, observing Brekdak, who was arriving with their food.

"Hanju appreciates strong people?" Soha Yang thought, contemplating the possibility of training.

After eating their meal, the two lovebirds left the food stall, but before leaving, Hanju left a generous tip for Brekdak.

Although in South Korea, tipping is often frowned upon, Brekdak was a foreigner, and he accepted it, even though he was initially reluctant because he didn't want to disturb "these friends," but Hanju convinced him.

"Too bad I couldn't discuss properly with Vasco, but thanking him for the meal should suffice for now," Hanju thought with Soha clinging to his arm.


Author's POV (from Seok Kang's side)

"No, I don't take disciples," replied Gongseob Ji, a member of the first generation.

"Please, I was told I could become strong here," Seok Kang asked, hitting his head to the ground to beg the monk.

"I've seen what this man is capable of; I'm sure I'll become strong with him," Seok Kang thought, remembering having seen the monk nonchalantly carrying an enormous Buddha statue.

Seok Kang was not the only one kneeling before the monk, as he also had his two traveling companions, Beomsang Jeong and Taeho Cheon.

"You want to stop losing, you say?" Gongseob Ji asked, intrigued.

"Yes," Seok Kang affirmed.

"Me, I just want to be stronger. So, show me how you became so cool," Taeho Cheon said enthusiastically.

"The youth of today appreciate worldly things too much," Gongseob Ji sighed, shaking his head as if he pitied them.

"Okay, I accept, but my temple is a bit dirty, you see? So, you must clean it during my absence," he said calmly.

"IT'S A DEAL," Taeho Cheon shouted, immediately leaving to clean.

"Wait for me, idiot," Seok Kang said, following him.

"Why did I agree to follow such idiots? But I admit this old man is badass," Beomsang Jeong thought behind the two of them.

"I hope they won't be a waste of time," Gongseob Ji thought, remembering all those who had abandoned his training.


Daniel's POV (from Gangbuk North)

"Boss, no, I mean Sechan Kang, I hope I can redeem myself from my mistakes," I said, looking at my friend on his hospital bed.

Since I was able to get out of Yun Jo or Choyun's control, I deeply regret my past actions, even though Hanju has already explained to me that it was beyond my control.

I can only fight to redeem myself and lead Gangbuk to the top.

I also hope that Hanju wasn't lying about being able to help Sechan Kang out of the coma.

After visiting my former boss and friend, I had to leave to meet some crew leaders to implement the systems advised by Hanju for our organization.

"Daniel," a familiar voice resounded in the hospital hallway.

"Haru," I said reflexively, observing a friend I considered a brother, but I didn't know if that was still reciprocal.

"What are you doing here?" he said, frowning.

I couldn't blame him for being wary of me or for being hostile toward me.

"I came to visit Sechan Kang; I bet you did too, didn't you?" I asked him gently.

Haru answered me and simply entered Sechan Kang's hospital room.

"As the proverb says, losing trust is easy, but gaining it is another story," I declared in a low voice to no one in particular.

"You're terribly late," Euijin Kyung said, throwing the butt of a cigarette at me.

"I went to visit Sechan Kang, and on the way, I met Haru," Daniel explained without hiding anything since it wasn't a secret anyway.

"I see, she must really resent us, huh?" Euijin Kyung asked Daniel, even though he already knew the answer.

Naturally, Daniel nodded to confirm this fear.


Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If so, support me with your power stones.