
Stargate: Unknown

After a long stint of the Stargate program being shut down, the United States government decided to reopen the program. However, with the reopening of the gate, it's only then that General Whitaker knows something is wrong. Especially when the dialing was different, and his first team couldn't understand what happened on the planet they had come across. Jennifer Mack is just a woman with a passion for knowledge, especially that in the mythologies. Not one for really being militaristic, she pushed herself to do all the research she could. What happens when, all of a sudden, there's a knock on her apartment door and she has no clue who it is?

Clouded_Mind · Ti vi
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10 Chs

9: Manly Oasis

{Theondreon, New Planet, Underground}

(Jen's POV)

"Wow… And you say they treat you like a goddess, simply by helping to rid them of Zeus and Ares?"

"That's pretty much the bulk of it. And they were happy when I presented my promise to them. They had asked for materials and medicines and I had managed to get them what they asked for." She shrugged a little bit. "It was the least bit I could do for them for being so kind and offering their homes and land to help our people in a crisis."

"Are you sure you're not a goddess? That sounds like something that a goddess would do."

She blushed a little bit before responding. "I mean… To each their own." She smiled softly. "It's why I said I wouldn't enslave anyone." She spoke honestly before shrugging again.

She could tell some were muttering amongst each other. She knew some of it was good, and that the other was wondering what they would do with her.

"May I ask about your culture? Since it's all male, it'll give me a wonderful insight on how you live. Especially with hiding from the heat up top."

"Why should we give you the information you desire? What if we wish to just be left alone?"

That was the eldest of the males here. She knew he didn't like her, but that didn't stop her from being nice. It was the same case with Quinten until he'd been put into solitary confinement. She couldn't exactly do that here, when she was in the depths of their home.

"Well, you don't have to tell me anything. I can mark your world off of our available worlds to visit. I was just hoping to learn more about you guys. That's all."


She heard the men all shuffle away to start talking. She made sure to zone out, not really wanting to impede their decisions about her. After some talk, they came back, one taking her hand.

"Please… Allow me to guide you."

She stood up and held his hand, allowing him to guide her.

"May I ask what your name is?"

After a period of time of not speaking, she heard a rather soft grunt before he spoke.

"I am Vasilios."

"It's nice to meet you, Vasilios. Thank you for at least answering me."

A slight chuckle left his lips. "You are welcome, fair one."

After some further walking, he gently moved her to sit.

"Only I am allowed to pass on some information to you. We do not want more women here. You shall be our only contact between us and your world. We do not even want those two you call men. One of them is a gorilla and the other is more like a shrimp."

She couldn't stop herself from snorting with laughter at his words. "Y-You're not wrong! Though, the one you claim is a shrimp is really nice. Might not be the most athletic, but he's got smarts. He makes for good conversation."

"Anything against the man like a gorilla?"

"Everything against him, nothing nice to say about him."

"I would agree on that."

She sat there and ran her hands against her thighs. "So, what can you tell me, Vasilios?"

There was silence before she felt his hand on hers once more. "These people are not who they seem. They only want to share information with you because of me. And I am not who I seem either."

She slowly moved her hand away from his. "You'll have to explain. If I don't like what I hear… I will scream."

A soft chuckle left his lips before she heard a sigh leave from him. It took him a minute before he spoke.

"I'm actually an agent of Zeus. I'm one of his top generals. I've been here a few months, trying to find an infiltrator. Zeus… Is not the best God to worship."

"I could have told you that. Especially after all his stories."

A soft grunt before another sigh. "The worst part is, I'm the infiltrator. I've been scouting for myself."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because Zeus is sending people after you. He's not happy that you beat him up, as well as his son, Ares. He's convinced you turned his people against him. He's going to try and find you back on the last planet you were on."

She squinted at him, trying to see his face. "Then what do you suggest I do?"

"There's not much that you *can* do. Just keep doing what you're doing. I'll meet you on the next planet when I get more details for his plans. I'll be your informant."


{Theondreon, Surface level}

(Quinten's POV)

"Goddamnit! How the hell did she just up and disappear? We've searched this entire place from top to bottom!"

"If I didn't know any better, Quinten, I'd say you're really starting to like her."

"Shut up! I just don't want the General to get on my ass!"


He growled and nearly punched his coworker when they heard and felt a rumbling under their feet. "Quick! Get out!" He ordered, both men taking their bags and simply hauling ass out of the temple. After both of them had gotten out, they panted and watched the temple, wondering if it was going to cave in.

However, it didn't.

"What the fuck was that?"

"Don't ask me. You know I'm not the one to answer that." Jenkins answered, shaking his head.

That's when they saw a familiar face without glasses on, stumbling towards them.

"Jen!" Jenkins shot forward, moving to help her. "What happened to your glasses?"

"Oh, they fell and broke when I fell into a super secret hidden tunnel."

"And where the absolute *fuck* have you been?"

Jennifer looked as if she couldn't see him, and gave him a frown. "Obviously not where you've found me. Now, let's go. We need to get out of here before Zeus gets here."

"How did Zeus find us?"

"He hasn't. Yet. But there's nothing here for us. This planet is going to be labeled off limits-"

"That's up for me to decide." Quinten growled, feeling left out of their conversation.

That line alone garnered a frown from her. "If I have to stick my foot in your ass to get you to say it, then I will. *I* am declaring that this land is off limits! Now, MOVE!" She pointed towards the Stargate, getting a sudden blink out of him.

When had she become so… Forceful?

If he had the ability to whimper, he would. Grabbing his bag, he mumbled all the way back to the Stargate, inputting the code. Jumping through the gate, it sealed with a hiss behind them.