
Stardust serenade:Love Across The Cosmos

In the enchanting world of "Stardust Serenade:Love Across The Cosmos," delve into a captivating romantic fantasy that unites Hwan, a charismatic k-pop singer and Shumayela, a Mysterious girl with a hidden origin. When Hwan discovers an injured and unconscious girl near a secluded river, little does he know that their encounter will ignite a love that transcends the boundaries of space and time. As Hwan nurses Shumayela back to health, an unexplainable connection form between them, unbeknownst to Hwan. Shumayela is not of this Earth but hails from a distant planet embroiled in fierce intergalactic conflict. Her arrival on Earth is no mere coincidence, for she carries a secret that could alter the course of both their lives. "Stardust serenade: Love Across The Cosmos" weaves a mesmerizing tale of romance, fantasy and adventure, where two souls from different worlds defy fate and embark on a journey that defies the boundary of space and time. Join Hwan and Shumayela as they navigate the celestial forces that threaten to tear them apart, discovering the power of their love and the ultimate destiny that binds them together.

Hiddensoul_7 · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

My Manager Is A Saesang

The room was shrouded in darkness, the only source of light emanating from a faint glow that surrounded the figure standing within it.

Shumayela stepped forward cautiously, her eyes fixed on the back of the mysterious man, the air felt heavy with anticipation as she spoke, her voice trembling with a mixture of surprise and uncertainty.

"Is it really a dream Marcos?" she asked, her voice echoing in the ethereal space. " Am i dreaming?"

His voice resonated with a sense of reassurance as he replied, "yes it's a dream, but dream can hold truth and revelations".

"So it means i haven't lost my powers, right?" she asked, her voice laced with hope.

Marcos nodded, his hidden face betraying a hint of smile. " yes you haven't lost your powers, they still reside within you".

Relief washed over her face as his words sank in. the knowledge that her powers had not abondoned her brought a glimmer of hope amidst the confusion.

As the realisation hit her, she couldn't contain her excitement, "It means i really call you!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with astonishment and happiness.

Marcos remain enigmatic, his appearance still veiled in shadow. "Where are you?" he inquired, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and concern.

"I'am on Earth" she replied, "it was an accident but.."

"Wait a minute", he cut her off, "Is Earth Real?" he was shocked.

"Yes it's real, it exists as a realm parallel to ours."

Marcos interrupted her, his voice firm and resolute. "Shumayela i have something to tell you, you have to escape find sanctuary on Earth, anywhere you can.

A surge of urgency coursed through Shumayela's veins as she absorbed his words.

She nodded, her determination unwavering, "Okay Marcos", she replied her voice filled with conviction.

But suddenly, a searing pain pierced through her mind, causing her to Stagger and drop to her knees, her hands clutched her head and her eyes squeezed shut as she struggled to endure the agony.

"Hey, are you okay?" Marcos called out, his voice filled with concern.

Summoning all her strength, Shumayela manage to gasp out her words, her voice strained, "you... have...to..go.noww!"

A surge of raw energy surged through her, illuminating the room for a brief moment, as the energy subsided, Shumayela collapsed onto the floor, her breathing labored.


Shumayela slowly opens her eyes, her vision blurry at first. as her vision clears, she sees Hwan sitting in front of her, a warm smile on his face, she tries to sit up but winces in pain, her back still sore from wounds.

"How are you feeling now?" he asked.

"Feeling good but still can't sit because of my back injuries", She replied.

"it's fine if you saw your wounds, they were pretty bad but you are recovering well", He said, still smiling.

"Well let me ask you something if you don't mind", he said.

"It depends on the question", she rolled her eyes playfully.

Who are you and how you ended up there in the river that day?" Hwan inquired.

Shumayela looks down, a mix of sadness and uncertainty on her face, "Hwan...umm...if i being honest with you, i don't have any past actually nor any future so it's better if you don't ask me about anything related to my past or about that day".

"All rights i won't press you for answers but i want to tell you something actually my break is over and i'am heading for Seoul tomorrow. Once you recover, you can go wherever you want America, France or if you want to stay in korea and it's also okay if want to stay here i'am just letting you know that are free" Hwan explained.

Suddenly Hwan phone's rang interrupting their conversation. it was his fellow band member Asher, he answered the call.

"Hey, Asher what's up?"

"Hwan you won't believe it! we found out who leaked your private instagram account and created those fake Scandals about you.it was your own Manager, Hana Kim! she's a saesang, and she had a whole stash of pictures she took of you secretly. and get this, she even hid a small camera in your room".

Hwan's eyes widen in shock, his grip on the phone tightening.

"What?! Are you serious! i trusted her how could she do this?"

"Mr Chairman, himself showing interest on this matter it's a relief you are coming back tomorrow".

"Yep,will see you later bye".

Shumayela listened to the conversation, her curiosity piqued."What happened, Hwan? is everything okay".

"yeah! i'am heading for Seoul tonight." he rubbed his eyes his bright smile was faded away now.