
Stardust serenade:Love Across The Cosmos

In the enchanting world of "Stardust Serenade:Love Across The Cosmos," delve into a captivating romantic fantasy that unites Hwan, a charismatic k-pop singer and Shumayela, a Mysterious girl with a hidden origin. When Hwan discovers an injured and unconscious girl near a secluded river, little does he know that their encounter will ignite a love that transcends the boundaries of space and time. As Hwan nurses Shumayela back to health, an unexplainable connection form between them, unbeknownst to Hwan. Shumayela is not of this Earth but hails from a distant planet embroiled in fierce intergalactic conflict. Her arrival on Earth is no mere coincidence, for she carries a secret that could alter the course of both their lives. "Stardust serenade: Love Across The Cosmos" weaves a mesmerizing tale of romance, fantasy and adventure, where two souls from different worlds defy fate and embark on a journey that defies the boundary of space and time. Join Hwan and Shumayela as they navigate the celestial forces that threaten to tear them apart, discovering the power of their love and the ultimate destiny that binds them together.

Hiddensoul_7 · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Cheap Excuses

Jihun stepped out of the Psychiatrist's Clinic and made his way to a nearby cafe where Ha- neul was waiting for him.

Peering through the window, he saw her engrossed in her studies, her brown hair cascading over her shoulders and her beautiful brown eyes fixated on her book.

He couldn't help but notice how adorable and cool she looked wearing the same hoodie as him.

Knocking playfully on his head, Jihun caught her attention, and Ha-neul smiled closing up her book, "Hey you are finally here", She said adjusting her hair into ponytail.

"How was your first session with Dr. Sejin? i hope she won't get sick of you like your past psychiatrists", she said sarcastically.

"I don't need a psychiatrist I just need you with me 24/7 but who will tell this to my Hitler Neurosurgeon Dad?" Jihun replied tapping her forehead affectionately, "And i hope you will stop taunting me", he added, poking her forehead with his finger.

"Why do you always treat me like a kid?", Ha-neul protested, playfully hitting him with her book.

"Haha! it's just that i like to play with your forehead", Jihun chuckled. "So shall we order now? have you decided anything", he asked, scanning the menu.

"Uh.. no, i have to leave actually it's time for my job, see you at 7o' clock in downtown, she said, getting ready to leave.

"Wait, do you have any umbrella?" Jihun concerned about the snowfall.

"Unfortunately, no. But it's ok cause i have this super cool hoodie", she was smiling.

"Well I just bought an umbrella for you, and now i have two umbrellas so you can take this one" Jihun offered.

"Aww! thanks boyfriend, she said giving him a hug, I will meet you at downtown later".

As she was about to leave Jihun held her hands gently, "Hey wait", he said, stopping her.

Ha-neul turned surprised, "What's the matter?" she asked.

"You forget something", he said a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Ohhh! she playfully realise and hug him again, whispered in his ears, "Saranghe".


Ray and Hwan burst into Manager Yejin's office, both slightly breathless, they straightened up, offering synchronised greetings, "G..good morning Manager Yejin."

Manager Yejin the embodiment of professional demeanor, observed them over her glasses, "You guys are 15 minutes late, i hope you guys have some remarkable explanation" she commented,her tone a mixture of sterness and curiousity.

Ray exchanged a knowing glance with Hwan before speaking up They really wanted to hide what happened last night so they decided to give some stupid excuses.

"You see Manager Yejin, we were on our way when we suddenly spotted a lost kitten, we couldn't just leave it there, so we spent a few minutes trying to help."

Hwan nodded, his expression earnest, "And it turns out kitten have a mini adventure of it's own, she climbed a tree and we had to coax it down."

Manager Yejin raised an eyebrow, the sterness in her gaze wavering ever so slightly, " A noble endeavor, saving kittens."

Ray and Hwan nodded, their expressions a mix of agreement and relief.

"Just remind you guys, one of you is know the official brand ambassador of Keline and the other holds the face of k-pop, you guys have to be disciplinable, Manager Yejin reminds them in her firm voice.

"We truly apologize manager Yejin" they said in unison, the remorse evident in their voices.

Manager Yejin leaned back in her chair, her tone softening marginally."You two seem to synchronise not only on stage but even in your excuses, it's an interesting skill."

Ray and Hwan exchanged a quick amused look, their ability inadvertently coordinate was proving to be a talent.

"However, I'd prefer if you synchronised your watches to the right time." Manager Yejin quipped, a hint of smile touching her lips.

"Absolutely, Manager Yejin, we will make sure to set multiple alarms", Ray assured a hint of amusement in his eyes.

Hwan grinned, a mock salute accompanying his promise, "On time, no more kitten delays'!"

Manager Yejin chuckled softly.

"Well Manager Yejin, you brought me here to introduce me to my new Manager, but why did Ray have to join us?" Hwan questioned, teasingly pointing at Ray.

Manager Yejin leaned forward, her tone a mix of seriousness and anticipation, "Hwan i have called both of you here to discuss your upcoming solo album, the collaborative song with Ray, and to introduce your new Manager, i first met her in Paris and Ray also know her.

Hwan curiosity peaked, "Really?"

Ray shrug his shoulders, "I don't know"

"She will be here in 10 minutes until then sit and have some coffee", she added.

In a swift 10 minutes, the air in the room changed as the new Manager made her entrance, both Hwan and Ray were momentarily stunned as their eyes locked onto her figure, clad in a black leather jacket and denim, with her long wavy red hair cascading down.

It was Shumayela, four months had passed since Hwan last saw her, he couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions, relief that she looked healthy and well, but also confusion as he tried to process the sudden reappearance.

As her presence filled the room, Ray and Hwan managed to blurt out in unison, "You?"

Shumayela smile was warm as she acknowledge them, "Hello! gentleman, it's nice to see you again Ray and Manager Yejin, Hwan it would be my pleasure to assist you, "she said bowing gracefully."

Manager Yejin observed the interaction with curiousity, "Do you two know eachother?" she inquired her eyes shifting between Hwan and Shumayela.

Hwan clear his throat, his mind racing, "Umm..

not exactly, it's just Ray mentioned sometimes her, like how they met in Paris."

Shumayela's gaze flickered to Hwan briefly, a hint of understanding in her eyes, she nodded at Manager Yejin "Yes, it's an honour to be here, and I hope i will give my best to you guys and will never disappoint you in future."


After the extensive discussion, the meeting concluded, and Hwan and Shumayela found themselves alone in the elevator, an air of tension and hesitation enveloping them.

The atmosphere felt charged with a mix of seriousness and unresolved emotions.

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