
Starcraft: A Tal‘darim’s Purpose

I‘am Olaras, Protoss Warrior, one of the Firstborn by the hands of the Xel’Naga. Former 6th Ascendant of the Tal‘darim. I was working my way up towards becoming the Highlord of the Tal‘darim all my Life. I destroyed everybody that dared to challenge me. One Day suddenly the first Ascendant Alarak challenged the Highlord Ma‘lash, the Blade of Amon to a Rak‘shir and won. He won. The Goal that seemed unreachable before had it‘s bar set even higher. And that wasn‘t even the worst. He told us Amon had betrayed us, that he only used us, nobody of us would ever ascent and become Hybrid. The strong and unwavering Tal‘darim sect was shaken to it‘s deepest roots but it didn’t take us long to recover. Us the chosen ones by our God Amon? Betrayed? Nothing else mattered anymore. Only Revenge. And we would get it, nothing is able to ever stops us. Not even a God like Amon. We are the Forged. Our wrath burns brighter then all the suns in this Galaxy. Amon was defeated. But what we did not consider was that after that we lost pur purpose. There was no ascension to hybrids there was no god that we could serve. Sure we could still work and ascent to the Highlord position. Sure I could work towards that. But why? The Highlord might be the first position under Amon, but Amon is gone. I would have lead the Tal‘darim to do Amons bidding. But now, what should I tell them? Highlord Alarak is strong, and I‘am not willing to risk my life to in the end gain nothing special even in death, there would only be the void. Even battles against lower Ascendents might get dangerous. Death shows no benefit to me anymore, and life within the Tal‘darim is presumably the most dangerous someone can live. Should I take the opportunity Alarak has given us to leave the Tal‘darim behind if we want? This is a opportunity that is only given to us once...

Ryocor · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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Blue Light dissipates before my Eyes when the teleportation warp finishes. About 400 Tal'darim Warriors warped at once. To any other occasion then this migration, this would definitely be a scary sight to see.

Even I have to admit, some of us are crazy. Some of us let the terrazine gas get to deep into their minds.

Now that I can get a glance in daylight I can see that not everyone decided to wear their armor, even though most of them do. Those who decided not to are clad in Black Robes.

We now live in peaceful times, so their reasoning can be understood, even though I doubt that this will be the situation for long. War never changes and War will never stop happening as long as there is sentient life.

As I look around I notice where we seem to have arrived. We stand on top of big chiseled stone tiles, weathered by age and use, broken in two here and there, colored in a light brown. A few weeds grow in between the gaps. Tall lush green trees and ill-looking trees surround us. Together with a Gigantic Golden Daelaam Nexus, two Warp Gates to each side of it, and four Pylons on each side powering not only these Warp Fields, and the four Warp Gates, but also two forges and a Robotic Bay and a Fleet Beacon.

We Stand here in complete silence, one can only hear the wind blowing through the trees and other plants, some local screams and songs of the wildlife here.

But that isn't weird, even though it's not only the 400 Ex-Tal'darim that are standing here.

To the left and right of us Forged Ones are other Protoss, about 200 more on each side.

Their skin colors ranging from light greys over light greens and light purples, their Eyes gleaming in green, blue and purple colors all wearing light-colored robes or golden armors. Taking a dumb guess I would say they are your normal Daelaam Protoss, all of them proudly facing forward seemingly not bothered in the slightest by the arrival of their evil-looking brothers and sisters.

The silence makes sense after all Protoss communicate telepathically with each other, so it's rare to hear Protoss voices fill the air. But this silence will not last long if I had to guess by the figures standing in front of all of us.

I can feel that the ones standing on the plateau in front of us are no ordinary Protoss, at least some of them.

The hierarch of the Daelaam Protoss, Artanis standing in the Middle, Vorazun matriarch of the Dark Templar and if I had to guess the Purifier Version of the Warrior Fenix, who is now the Voice of all the Purifier-Protoss. On Artanis left side stands Selendis another powerful female Warrior just like Vorazun, and a Daelaam Protoss whom I don't recognize, judging by his clothes and equipment, I would say he is a Phase-Smith. Some other Protoss are standing behind them who I also have never seen, but in my Eyes, I already named the most important ones.

And as expected the silence is broken as hierarch Artanis starts talking to all the Protoss minds, here on this gigantic Plaza.

"Brothers and Sisters, I'am glad to see that so many of you came here today. We all have gathered here today to welcome our fellow sisters and brothers of the Tal'darim. Today we witness a joyful and special occasion, that has never occurred before. Fellow Protoss of the Tal'darim deciding to leave the Forged One's Order and being allowed to do so. Although we have been fighting each other for millennia I hope we can all form new bonds on this day and in the future.

I hoped some of you would decide to come here, and join us. But I wouldn't have expected so many of you would decide to join us. I know it will take a while for you to acclimate yourselves with us and get used to our customs and for some of you, it might be a challenge you will have to overcome but I believe that won't be a problem any of you aren't able to master.

I hope that my people will be able to accept all of you and that this won't need as much time to happen as it took for the Daelaam to accept all our brothers and sisters of the Dark Templar.

In the brief time I got spend with Alarak, I learned how different we all are, but I saw that we also are similar. Daelaam, Dark Templar, Purifiers and Tal'darim, we probably couldn't be much more different but at heart, we are all Protoss. Firstborn of the Xel'Naga, forging our paths in this Galaxy.

But the past has shown what we are able to achieve once we stand united as the same, as Protoss.

We have survived and overcome everything this Universe has thrown at us. And after this last war, I believe nothing will be able to change that.

So let us continue together, in unity.

I know almost all of you probably came here already walking a path in life, but let me remind you that we are living in an age with our caste system, so choose your own path. Whether that being life as a Phase-smith, Warrior, Researcher the decision is yours alone. Our numbers shrank in these last centuries. Every profession needs help, so help where you think you are needed.

You can ask everybody here about what they do if that helps you to decide, that includes everybody on to of the plateau, once you have decided, either talk to me or the other Protoss here next to me, they will help you find a spot where you are needed if you haven't already found a spot yourself after talking with your sisters and brothers here.

I welcome you with open arms and I hope everybody else does the same. If Alarak showed me on thing about himself it is that he doesn't go back on his word.

May these days be the beginning of a new, bright and peaceful future."

He pauses for a moment, before continuing:

"And now to a topic that is of grave importance for me. Which might be even new for some the others.

As we step into a new era of peace not only as Protoss but together with everyone in this sector, we have had talks with the Terran Dominion and Zagara of the Zerg Swarm.

The Terran Government and we have worked out the Idea of a united Colony on one of the newly flourishing Planets in this Galaxy.

Zagara also liked the idea of peace but refused to participate and preferred the Swarm staying separated, mainly because of the difference between our people and their different Eco-System. I believe I won't have to elaborate on that, as most of us never found any pleasure in getting rid of all the creep on Aiur.

So as it stands we will only have this "group project" as my human friend James Raynor liked to say, with the human race. Hopefully bringing our races closer together. Who knows how much our new friendships and trade with the Terrans and Zerg will surprise us.

But for this project we will need volunteers, nobody who doesn't want to participate has to. How big our participation will turn out, solely depends on how many of you want to join this cause.

As for how to participate, if you are willing to join this cause, just speak with me or my friend Karax here."

Artanis lifts his arm and rests his hand on the shoulder of the Protoss Phase-Smith I didn't recognize before after looking at him for a second and both of them nodding at each other, he turns back to us and continues his speech.

"As this surely sounds like an adventure to many of you, especially the young ones, I hope that you talk about this with your parents before coming to me or Karax. Any more details concerning this can be found in every Nexus of this system.

This is everything I wanted to tell you, I hope everybody can find interesting conversations today.

As for our long lost brothers and sisters, the Nexus will also show you information where you are able to find some sleep and quiet time to meditate, everything else we will talk about sometime later, for now, let's celebrate!"

He ends his Speech and the previously so quite Plaza, is overwhelmed by noise. Cheering, rambling, singing, the mix of emotions is overwhelming to experience. Everybody breaks their previously established formation, to talk, sing and dance together. It's weird seeing all of this, when you come from a place where this almost never happens, except for a won Rak'shir or other Fights and Duels.

As I look around I notice that behind us were even more Protoss, about 400 Dark Templar and 400 Purifier Protoss.

I don't know if I should be surprised that so many came here or that there weren't more that came.

Our groups have already mixed again, even though I have already decided on what I want to do, I still want to check on what my closest Allies want to do.

Yalokin and Cimerk for example, after that I should probably head for Artanis. To hear what is planned for the new colony. I don't know why I don't want to stay here, but something seems to excite my about the idea of helping to build a new colony.

I turn a few times and spot Yalokin about 5 meters away, talking to three other Ex-Taldarim. After a half a minute he seems to have finished his conversation as he looks over and lifts his head in question. We establish a connection telepathically, so I can ask him:

"Have you seen Cimerk anywhere? I want to ask you two about what's your plan now."

Instead of answering me he nods with his head to the left.

I need a second before I spot Cimerk 20 meters away in the Daelaam Protoss group, right between 2 young female Protoss who seem to be really interested in his stories. I guess the unknown really is appealing.

Cimerk is a friend like Yalokin, if not as close I still trust him a lot. If thinks should ever get serious these two will definitely have my back, just like I will cover theirs.

Cimerk is tall maybe a bit smaller then Yalokin, I never paid to much attention to it. His eyes glow in a light red, after consuming terrazine gas, a color that is even lighter then in my eyes. And he has dark grey skin, which to be honest I have never seen before, at least not that dark. It should be a bit darker than the skin that Zeratul had.

I have heard a lot of stories about him, Dark Templar, believing in Prophecies, whatever. That's not important. He definitely played a big role in finding out Amons Plans. But what I respect is his strength, if he had wanted to kill Artanis instead of freeing him of Amon's control, he definitely could have done so. But he chose differently, trusting Artanis could lead the Protoss better than anyone else.

Alarak, Zeratul and Artanis. These are Protoss that I have learned to respect. Alarak and Zeratul, for both their strength Zeratul for his actions and sacrifice. I trust that Artanis is powerful as well, surviving this long and even in the fight against Amon. Maybe I will have the chance to witness it in the future. But for now I will trust that Zeratuls sacrifice wasn't in vain. I can't say to much about Selendis or Vorazun. Considering their rank they have to be powerful too. But I just haven't heard to many stories about them.

"Cimerk. What's your plan now?"

I interrupt his conversation, I don't want to waste my time just because he is in the middle of flirting.

"Olaras, can't you see that I AM BUSY HERE?!"

"I do, Cimerk. I do, but I do not care. If you want to continue just answer me."

"Olaras you are annoying you know that right? I think I will go to the new colony, but I don't want to end my chances with... you know?"

He says nodding towards and looking at the two Protoss females, which look at him in question because he hasn't been talking for quite a few seconds now, being in a telepathic connection with me. The two Protoss turn around to check who interrupted their storytime with Cimerk.

I nodd quietly at them and lift my right hand to greet them, before continuing the conversation with Cimerk: "Say whatever you want, it doesn't bother me, I already know you don't mean it. I might be annoying you from time to time but I also have good ideas from time to time, ... how about you just ask them if they want to tag along with you, go on an adventure or something. I bet that works the way you already have them in your grasp."

"That indeed is not a bad proposition." - Cimerk smirks as his eys form to slits.

"I will talk to Yalokin for a moment, depending on how long you take to convince them, meet us here or before we talk to Artanis."

"Sure." - He cuts the connection and waves his left hand. But not the nice kind of wave, he clearly signals me that he wants to be left alone.

I turn toward where I last saw Yalokin, and notice that he has already closed in on me.

"Olaras. I couldn't find the other four that went with us."

"It doesn't matter, we will see them again when they decide to join us. Did you decide on what you want to do? what did you talk about with the other guys?"

"Mostly about the Daelaam and what they think about them and the terrans. It seems not many are convinced about the idea that trusting terrans is the right way for us protoss."

"Well, that's not really surprising. Some of us where on Bel'shir when the Raynor's Raiders set up a base there to steal the gas of creation. But that's not only a problem for us, I bet there were many Daelaam that had to fight against the old Terran Dominion.

There is nothing we can do about it, only time can fix that."

"As for what I want to do, I don't believe the peaceful and uneventful life here on Aiur is the right thing for me. Defending new colonies fighting alongside new and older brothers will be much more exciting. And I bet those dealing with those pesky terrans will lead to some interesting situations while time passes."


"I see Yalokin, we seem to have the same Idea once again. It's good to know that I will have familiar faces joining me in this new part of life. Cimerk said he plans on doing the same thing."

"He does?" - Yalokin doubtfully glances over to the intimidating looking Ex-Tal'darim and his newfound female friends.

"Yeah, he wasn't sure until I told him to just ask his friends to join him for this adventure."

Yalokin turns back to me replying - "Why does that simple explanation make so much sense?"

I shrug my shoulders - "Don't ask me, you want to talk some more or are you ready for departure? I told Cimerk to join us when he's ready."

"Alright, then let's take a look around until he's done convincing them."

*** A few minutes later ***

As we walk toward the Main Nexus at the Plaza, the stone tiles we walk on got smaller, looking more like the classic Protoss main Roads, these ones are probably a few thousand years old. We walk past new gigantic Living Complexes decorated in golden Ornaments that are perfectly symmetrical like everything is what the Protoss build. Big Glas windows covered with a thin energy shield layer, are one of the typical and impressive sight to behold when looking at these Living Complexes.

Obviously enough sunlight has to pass through that even Protoss researchers that hole themselves up in their living quarters, don't die of malnutrition. That problem could also be solved with terranzine as the Raynor's Raiders used to call it. But I guess that's not common for the Daelaam.

You can see some of the winding golden ornaments are reflecting some warm light to the inside of the building. At parts of the building where it doesn't disturb or hurt anyone's eyesight, like on the floor right behind the glass.

As we arrive at a small park-like area with a pond, with four trees and a few big rocks, I can see one of the big Warpgates, stretching about 30 meters into the sky only topped by the 42 Meter high Nexus. Making the floating 10 Meter high Pylons, which are placed in equal distance between the buildings to power them, seem small in comparison. It's only about 300 more Meters until we reach the Nexus so we decide to wait for Cinmerk in the park.

**** to be continued ****

Hey Guys!

I finally had the time and enough Ideas to write the next chapter, I am quite happy with how it turned out and excited to continue the story. I hope I can keep up with the current Story quality.

Anyhow let me know what you think of the story so far, I don't care if it's through a review or a comment. Any feedback helps.

As English isn't my first language, if you find any typos or other mistakes please let me know.

See ya in the comments and the next chapter!

Ryocorcreators' thoughts