
Star Wars: The Yautja

In a Galaxy, Far, Far Away on the Planet Lok in the Outer Rim. A young Feeorin awakens something that shall change the fate of himself and the Galaxy in ways one could never imagine—all thanks to a blue screen that only he can see.

ForestOfDarkness · Tranh châm biếm
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Chapter 9

(System messages will be in Bold from now on)

'Yet another set of paths,' Jial smiled to himself when he saw the list of choices he had. At first, he was tempted to simply choose the last option since he had already gotten Sidon and seen how powerful the man was. If he could gain at least 1 out of those 3 companions who were on the same level, he would greatly appreciate it. 

But something in his mind stopped him. The other 3 paths each had a strong pull to them that him want to try them out. There was something alluring about each of them.

'System. Explain the difference between the Light and Dark Side of the Force.'


Dark Side of the Force: The dark side is an aspect of the Force, a metaphysical power that binds the galaxy together. It is selfishness and possession, interlocked with the fear of loss that gives rise to anger and hate and brings suffering to those on whom its power was unleashed and who embraced it alike.

Darksiders draw power from raw emotions and feelings such as anger, hatred, greed, jealousy, fear, aggression, megalomania, and unrestrained passion.

Light Side of the Force: The light side of the Force is aligned with happiness, joy, love, and benevolence, or alternatively simply calmness, which some believe nurtures the light side and provides insight into its ethical uses. It is generally concerned with the ideas of good, generosity, healing, and wisdom, as opposed to evil, harm, and hasty judgment. In order to achieve harmony with the light side of the Force, its practitioners often meditate to clear themselves of emotion; particularly negative emotions such as aggression, anger, and hatred. This entails the devotion of oneself to the will of the Force.

In summary, the Dark Side of the Force is corrupting but powerful and used for selfish purposes while the Light Side is soothing but weak and used for selfless purposes.]

'So Jedi are selfless monks that don't have any fun while the Sith drive themselves to extinction through their greed basically?'

[That is essentially correct, Host.]

'Then I guess that makes my decision obvious. System, I pick Path...'

--- Ryloth---

A clan of Twi'leks were passing through a desert. Their bodies were covered in little more than rags. Each of them had just rebelled against the slavers that held them captive were some of the few that had managed to escape. 

An orange Twi'lek male stopped hearing footsteps behind him, turning around and seeing his son looking at the ground.

"Boy. What are you doing? We need to keep moving," the older male called out to his son to urge him to move. They were still in danger. But much to the fear of the father, the boy did not move. He didn't even respond.

"Son?" he called out once more

"I can feel something. Like someone is whispering to me," the boy said while he pointed at the ground in front of him.

The father shook his head, just thinking that his son was having hallucinations due to being hungry and thirsty. 

"Of course they are, Son. They are telling you to move along. We can find help in a few kilometers," the father pulled his son's arm, not thinking much about the matter anymore. 

--- Coruscant ---

The masters of the Jedi Council were having a meeting, discussing the growing threat of the Hutts. 

"Hasty decision, we must not make. Patience, the Force asks of us," a small green alien spoke in an unusual form of Basic to the rest of the council. 

"Master Yoda, we can not be patient in this matter. The Hutts have just  bought another planet before taking about a 10th of the citizens off the world and enslaving them," a Togruta male spoke up against the opinion of the smaller alien. Although Master Yoda was much older, his methods did not sit right with many younger members of the Jedi. He had too much patience in their opinion. 

"He is right, Master Yoda! We must take action!" a human female spoke up feeling enraged. 

"We understand how you all feel," an older Mon Calamari, trying to calm down the younger Jedi Masters. "But even if we wish to act, we cannot do so recklessly. How can we take action against them? Do we use the full force of the Jedi Order? Do we ask for Republic planets to help? This is not just a matter of taking act..."

While he was in the middle of speaking, a wave came over the Mon Calamari. But it was not just him or even each of the Jedi Masters in the room. The entire Jedi Temple went silent for a moment while feeling The Force pull them in a certain direction.

"Wha-What was that?" the Togruta asked

"An answer, perhaps the Force has given us. Investigate, we must," Yoda told the others. And for one of the rare occasions, there was no disagreement.

--- Unnamed Planet ---

A human wearing a black robe stood in front of a young Twi'lek teen. Both had a red lightsaber in their hands as they were dueling with one another. The Twi'lek seemed hopelessly outmatched as the human barely moved his wrists as he parried the blows.

"Do you feel frustrated? That you are not even able to make me use another hand? That you are unable to make me even move from this spot?"

"Yes," the Twi'lek spat out through gritted teeth. 

"Good. Then use that frustration and try to strike me down!"

The two were about to exchange blows once more when they felt a pull in the Force. Both looked off into the distance, hearing the call that was coming to them.

"Master?" the younger Sith asked

"It seems that great changes shall occur in the future. Let us stop here for now and prepare to depart. We must find out what this shift in The Force is," the human then powered down his lightsaber and strapped it to his belt. The Twi'lek did the same before following his master, curious about what was calling out to them.

--- Csilla ---

At the Chis Academy, several students were having mock battles. And not mock battles as in duels with dulled weapons or using simulators to test themselves. Each student was given a group of slave soldiers and was supposed to train them for a period of one month before sending them off to battle with another student's army. 

One male Chiss had been so confident that after his army had defeated his opponents, he had them wait in the arena and battle the armies of the next two students before defeating them. 

"Congratulations, Hozzo'adaoth'trarto. Your army performed remarkably," the evaluator told the young man 

"Thank you, Professor. I strive to..." the young man was cut off as he felt something pulling his attention in a far-off distance.

The professor was going to ask him if he was feeling ill but before he could ask, the younger Chiss was able to regain his bearings.

"Apologies, Professor. I have not gotten as much sleep lately due to this assignment," Hozzo'adaoth'trarto made up an excuse on the spot, not willing to reveal that The Force had called out to him. 

To Chiss, The Force was an abomination and those who used it were considered impure. Those who used it were usually exiled or executed. It was only because Hozzo'adaoth'trarto came from a prominent family that he was allowed to stay but only by taking force-suppressing medications. Most Chiss force-sensitives would lose their connection to The Force after not using it for several years and Hozzo'adaoth'trarto thought he had lost the connection as well. But the sudden pull of it made him realize that The Force still had a hold on him.

'It seems like it is calling me in that direction. I will have to eliminate anything that jeopardizes my position. I have worked too hard for this!' Hozzo'adaoth'trarto clenched his fist, planning on sending assassins and mercenaries to deal with whoever or whatever had disturbed his peaceful life.

--- Naboo ---

A near-human woman with pointed ears and silver facial markings sat in meditation while hovering above the ground. Her brown and tan robes fluttered in the wind. Dozens of birds flew all around her while smaller animals gathered in a circle around her.

Suddenly, the woman opened her eyes and looked toward the sky. She felt something calling her, causing a small smile to appear on her face.

"If that is your will, let it be done," the woman called out to seemingly nothing. She straightened her legs, touching the ground without a sound before the woman began to walk toward the exit of the garden. The animals around her followed behind the woman, seemingly having grown attached to her.

--- Dathomir ---

Several women wearing red clothing and black paint upon their marble-white faces stood around a cauldron that was leaking green smoke. The women were chanting in an ancient language that most would not understand. 

The smoke began to take shape and change color. When the process was done, the smoke appeared as a creature wearing a red mask and three dots around it. A line of runes appeared beneath the image.

"That is what has called out to us and it appears to be on Lok. Send several sisters to investigate what it is," the eldest woman present ordered the others before disappearing in a puff of green smoke

"Yes, Mother Nolmia," the other women responded before they walked out of the small room to carry out her task.

--- Lok ---

[Path 2 has been confirmed. The rewards have been sent to your storage and the force-sensitives around the galaxy have been alerted of your awakening. Best of luck, Host]


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