John was a normal person of society before he died protecting a homeless woman from being raped And because of his act of heroism which changed the world, he was reincarnated to his favorite Series Star Wars. The beginning of the story is a little disorganized and doesn't make sense but if you ignore that and keep reading it gets better Also, this is my 2nd Book so don't expect much
John had arrived above Proculus in his ship, which could be seen by Chaya Sar from the surface. At first, she thought that it was a Wraith Warship but notice that it didn't start attacking the other fleet above the planet, so she assumed it must be another ship from the Imperium.
If so, she wondered just who these people called the Imperium truly were for them to have a ship of that size.
As she was thinking, a transport ship had started descending to the surface of the planet at the location of where Chaya Sar was at. All the native people had pointed to the sky, wondering what that strange object was since they have never seen it before.
The Native people of Proculus live in an undeveloped society that has not discovered space tech nor has an army as they are protected by Chaya Sar.
As the transport ship landed on the ground, Chaya Sar had approached the ramp from the transport ship and walking down the ramp, she could see a man walking with about 8 guards behind him.
The man had walked up to Chaya Sar and asked her a question "Are you Chaya Sar" Asked John since she was the most noticeable out of all the natives of the planet.
"Yes I am Chaya Sar how may I help you traveler" Said Chaya Sar
"I Know that you are an Ancient and I wish to ask you some questions about what happened to the Ancients" Said John
Chaya Sar was surprised that this person knew that she was an Ancient, and also he asks her a question and knows her name when she doesn't know his.
"Might I ask who you are first and what gave you the clue that I am an Ancient" Asked Chaya Sar
"Well first my name is John, and I am Emperor of the Imperium and for how I know that you are an Ancient is because of how you vanquished that fleet of Wraiths and nobody nearby has that power nor anybody that is known has that power besides and Ancient" Explained John
Chaya Sar sighed "Well you are right I am an Ancient so what do you want to ask"
"I want to know what happened to the Ancients for them to disappear from the Galaxy and why are you the only Ancient that is probably in the galaxy here" Asked John
"Well first I don't know why the other Ancients left as I have been sentenced to defend this planet and I cannot use my powers for anything else besides defending this planet. The other Ancients sentenced me to defend this planet and then left never to be seen again" Said Chaya Sar
John sighed since hr thought that he would find out what happened to the Ancients and where they are at. "I guess I still have some searching to do before I find the Ancients" Said John
He then looked up at Chaya Sar "well that's all I wanted to ask but since you are the only Ancient that I know about, how about we maintain contact with each other in case something happens" Said John
"That is fine with me, but how will you do that" Asked Chaya Sar
"I will leave some people to stay on the planet if that is okay with you and whenever you need to contact me all you have to do is ask them, and they will get into contact with me" Said John
"That is fine your people can stay here as long as they don't cause trouble, then it is fine" Said Chaya Sar
John and Chaya Sar had talked a little, with her telling him about her people's history and how she has protected them for a long time.
Soon they had ended their conversation and John left back to the transport and went back to his ship.
John and the fleet had left the planet, leaving one ship that sent some soldiers down that would stay on the planet with the Natives.
As for John, the search for the Ancients still continue.
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