
Star wars: New Order(DROPPED)

John was a normal person of society before he died protecting a homeless woman from being raped And because of his act of heroism which changed the world, he was reincarnated to his favorite Series Star Wars. The beginning of the story is a little disorganized and doesn't make sense but if you ignore that and keep reading it gets better Also, this is my 2nd Book so don't expect much

Dr_Dred · Tranh châm biếm
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Crazy Morning (Edited)

John woke up to a soft feeling on his chest but he got used to it so he didn't really mind as he knew that it was Layla who always slept with him. He opened his eyes and she was hugging him tight and his face was so close to her face that he felt her breathing he was going to just slip out as he always does but her legs was over his legs so he decided to wake her up instead of dealing with this right now. He tried to lift his hands up because she was practically sleeping on them as he tried to move them they were really stuck so he exerted more force and finally got them free but he forgot how close they were and his hands landed on her breast he wanted to move them but the sensation was tempting so he squeezed them just a little and couldn't help but feel like he was in heaven feeling soft melons like these but then he heard a soft moan come out of her mouth. He looked up at her face and she looked back at him "Lord John is active this morning squeezing your personal guard's breast like this I think you should take responsibility now that you've touched my most prized possessions" Said Layla seductively. John didn't expect her to wake up so he was speechless and embarrassed because he was caught but he didn't panic as this wasn't his first time being asked to take responsibility but he couldn't just do her because he wanted to "As many times as you have tempted me I think you should take responsibility for always being so close especially since I know you remember what happened that one morning on Tatooine " Said john. Layla remembered that she saw how hard and big he was and her body for some reason became really hot and she wanted to see if it would happen again but he always found a way to sneak away in the morning but this time she caught him. She looked away blushing a little "Yes I remember but my body became so hot and I wanted to feel it again so I tried seeing if it would react again but every time you would wake up before me and leave" Said Layla. " I do that because it might make me do something to you if you don't stop" responded john.

Suddenly a knock came on the door "Lord John the scouts have returned and are waiting to report on the ship " said a force guard outside the door

"Ok I'll be there in a couple of minutes" responded John he then looked at Layla "Let's continue this conversation later right now we have things to do so let's get dressed. Layla nodded and stood up to get dressed followed by john who also got dressed. When both of them walked out the door The female force Guard wondered why they always slept together and what they were doing but she just followed them to the meeting as one of John's escorts.

After arriving on the ship John sat down at the table and seen two soldiers sitting across from him "so what did you find out there gentleman" Asked john

"We found a city in close proximity to here but otherwise it is mostly trees and a big open field close by, we went into the city and discovered that it was the Capital city of Theed though it is far we could take the small shuttle there so it wouldn't seem suspicious if some strangers came out of the forest and we saw what the locals call the Security force on Naboo which looked relatively weak and only had laser pistols and some had rifles," said the soldier

"So you seen the security force and their weak well no surprises there as this is a peaceful planet was the current queen doesn't want war," Said john He sat there and thought about what he could do to meet with the queen maybe he should just go and meet her now so he can get it out of the way and start to build relations with them now so in the future she will trust them. He then looked back at the two soldiers " I want you two to go to the Capital and tell the queen I want to speak with her and schedule the meeting 5 days from now" Said, John

The two soldiers nodded and left to go schedule the meeting. Now that the meeting is prepared John went to go see Atra and Kina to talk about their training first he's going to teach them to feel the force then how to control it, once there able to control it he's going to show them the Holocron and see if they can open it after he thinks there ready for it.

John boarded the ship and heard some noise he walked to the eating area and seen Atra and Kina eating while some soldiers were arm wrestling on the table even though he is in another universe men will always be men where ever they are. He walked to Kina and Atra "So did you explore outside yet Kina Atra" asked john "Yes we looked but there is nothing but trees what can we even see" said Kina

"Well I'll take you to a City maybe tomorrow but today I'll show you how to feel the force and use it if you can get that far," said John Both Kina and Atra had stars in their eyes once he said that they were training. "Right now are we going right now to train" Asked Atra "Yes so hurry and eat we can train so I can show you how to feel the force but I'm just going to direct you while I have Layla show you how to use it as she is better at it than me at the moment," Said John

The twins had stuffed their face so they can hurry and train and be like John or Layla. As they finished they left with John and Layla and couldn't help but be happy to have met John.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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