
Star Wars-Nature of the Force

Zelon a park ranger at work, is relaxing on his break surfing through his phone. He gets a text message, that’s probably spam. The message asks if he could; would he be a park ranger in Star Wars. Our bored hero decides to entertain this idiotic message and replies yes. Zelun then finds himself in the Star Wars Universe; on a god given quest from Gaia to create an Empire that delivers the wrath of natures fury. “For a park ranger, this is some kind of promotion!” I don’t own the picture used if the owner wishes for me to take it down please let me know. Thank you.

Vaekyr · Tranh châm biếm
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38 Chs

Ch. 3 Happy Birthday

Inside of a room a small girl can be seen shaking a sleeping boy.

"Big brother wake up!"

"Huh, it's too early wake me up tomorrow."

The little girl shakes her head then begins slapping the body of the sleeping boy.

"Wake up! Today's our birthday and momma wants us downstairs getting ready."

Zelon opens his eyes and looks at his little sister. In his previous life he didn't have a sibling, so having one now is interesting.

"Okay, okay! Tielia I'm up, just stop hitting me."

"As your big brother I demand you hit me with more love and less strength."

Tielia smiles at Zelon then slowly walks back to the door.

"Big brother your funny; my fist is filled with love, so I have to hit you as hard as I can to show that love."

Like watching an small evil demon, Tielia snickered as she ran out of the room to the kitchen.

Zelon shakes his head then stretches his body. Today is him and Tielia's 6th birthday; so he will end up being busy dealing with his mother for the day.

Over the last few years, he has taken every alone opportunity he could get to train with Northor. Most of his training consisted of training his senses it not all of it.

Northor was always adamant that having high mastery in sensing the force will be very beneficial in becoming a great master of the force.

His training also consisted of learning how to control the force. When he found an opportunity he would hide somewhere then focus on lifting toys or any small thing he can find to train himself.

Even during that training, he would have to keep his senses focused on his surroundings so he doesn't get caught by his family.

Zelon got dressed then hurried downstairs, he didn't want to keep his mother waiting.

When he arrived downstairs, he spotted his mother cooking. She moved back and forth from the stove to the table, placing all kinds of foods down.

As she placed the last plate on the table, she noticed a figure in the corner of her eye.

She looked up and smiles at Zelon.

"There goes my light; happy birthday honey, today we will be celebrating you two's birthday."

As Zelun begins to run towards his mother, he gets a little depressed about what she said.

"Dang that means I won't have any time to train today. I was looking forward to learning Plant Surge from Northor."

Luna noticed the blank face of Zelon, who was not very excited about the celebration.

"What's wrong honey."

Noticing his mother sees he isn't interested, Zelon begins to smile as he rushes his mother hugging her.

"Nothing mom I'm still a little sleepy, but I'm excited for today."

Seeing the smiling rascal holding her by the waist, Luna smiles then rubs Zelon's head.

"Okay my light, I need you to go get your sister and your father, it's time to eat breakfast."

Zelon let's go of his mother then walks out of the kitchen. Wondering where his father and sister are; he begins to connect with the force.

His presence reaches out through the force sensing for anyone nearby. As if sensing Zelon's desires, a small presence speaks to Zelon.

"Bright one the ones you seek are over here."

The grass, the trees, every part of nature was a friend of Zelon. They spoke to him as if he was a divine being who flourished amongst them."

2 years ago during one of his training exercises with Northor; Zelon noticed that it wasn't only the presence of his family and the planet that he could sense.

Every plant, tree, or animal that made it into the small range of his senses; would instantly greet him through the force.

The plant his mother keeps in the living room, was the first plant to speak to him.

The beautiful red and purple flower told Zelon that when it first sensed his presence, he shined so bright yet his light was gentle and mesmerizing to be around.

It was almost as if the plant was drawn to Zelon like a moth to light. Just being near Zelon caused the plant to feel rejuvenated and excited.

Over the years, any plant near the house for some mysterious reason had begun to grow faster and healthier then the ones farther away.

Just Zelon's presence alone is enough to cause nature to prosper.

Zelon ran outside, then went towards the backyard following the connection to the plant that called him in the house. When he got behind the house he could see his father and sister standing near a tree.

As he ran over to them , his sister noticed him running up.

"Big brother what are you doing out here?"

Mother told me to come get you 2, it's time for breakfast.

Mengil turned and looked at Zelon.

"Happy birthday my son, with each day you 2 just keep getting bigger and bigger."

"After awhile daddy won't be able to love on you 2 no more!"

With fake tears and a smile, Mengil grabbed his 2 children and hugging and kissing them both.

Both kids protested trying to shake their overgrown father off of them.

"Dad let us go, if you take to long momma's gonna come out her and yell at you."

Mengil stops his fake crying then looks at Zelon.

"Your growing up to fast even now you want to run away from your father!"

Right before he could start another crying fest, Zelon tapped into the force.

With crazy speed, Zelon grabbed his sister and jumped out of their father's grasps.

During that moment, Tielia began to sense something from her brother, however, she didn't know what is was she was feeling.

She stared at her big brother trying to figure out what this feeling was she was having.

Guessing it was just happiness, Tielia forgot about the feeling then rush towards the house with her brother.

Seeing the kids escape his hold, Mengil stopped the fake tears then smiled.

"That boy sure is fast, I guess he got his mother warrior genetics in him."

Mengil smiled then began walking back fo the house. However, in the background the tree that he was standing by could be seen shaking it's branches in the direction of the house, almost as if waving bye.

Everyone arrived at the dinner table and sat down. Luna prepared the kids plates then sat down in her seat.

"Kids today is your birthday so your mother and I will be taking you to the city to have fun and to get you any gifts you want."

Hearing that the family is taking a trip to the city, Zelon got excited. In his mind he envisioned the city lights, the flying cars, the aliens everywhere, so much that he had never seen before.

The eyes on Tielia's face also began to shine like the sun. She had always wanted to see the city, living out of the city by a forest is okay. But, it doesn't have the same appeal like a city with so much technology and fancy gadgets all around.

Seeing the excited faces of the kids, the 2 parents looked at each other then smiled.

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