
Star Wars: Force Bound

Synopsis: When someone enjoys one's life without worry and ignorance overshadows everything else, then life will hit you hard and bring you back to reality. Three young men were murdered in their previous world after meeting up and watching a movie. Now they find themselves in the universe of Star Wars. With no real knowledge about the universe of SW and their healthy common sense, they embark on their uncertain journey. Will they live out their lives or die a cruel death once more? Find it out yourself and join a Sith, a Smuggler as well as a little Techy on their journey through Star Wars. ---------------------- Reminder: [This project is more of a one-shot than anything (Very likely to have a low amount of chapters in its final state). It is written together in collaboration with friends of mine and will have very spontaneous updates. Also, don't expect too much knowledge about the canon storyline besides the movies. Pretty much every one of us had not read any comics or other material. Well, doesn't that already sound tilting for true SW fans? I thought the same. Enjoy the rage of the dark side, young acolytes. Sometimes it gives strength. But mostly a heart attack. :D] Disclaimer: As always, since this is a fan-fiction it will remain non-profit based. All rights of certain characters, as well as the star wars universe in general, are copyrighted to their rightful owners.

Soulcrystal · Tranh châm biếm
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41 Chs


Anakin and Ahsoka left to a forward outpost to look and see how the situation was down on the ground.

If outer space was already compromised and the fleet had to retreat to get reinforcements it also meant that things would soon get heated on the ground.

Jack looked over at Obi-Wan and thought a little bit about this person. Standing basically alone in front of a very iconic person just felt different.

At first, Jack kept his awe hidden and said his mind about how he felt about this conflict. But after calming down a little he started to think about the person itself now.

Obi-Wan Kenobi. A masterful Soresu specialist that also was gifted in Ataru through his late master. Because of his experience he probably also had some Juyo training or at least the knowledge about the form after having fought Maul.

Jack was actually expecting a lot from this man and became somewhat eager to learn the lightsaber forms he was famous for even if he himself focused more on Niman.

Kenobi of course could feel the stare from his new Padawan and could feel his curiosity through the force.

"I can sense your curiosity. You don't seem to hide your emotions at all.", said Obi-Wan.

"I don't think shutting off my emotions is a good thing. I know the teachings about us staying calm and cut ourselves away from all mundane are what I need to do. But I think I should be the one to decide that, not someone else."

Jack kept Terra's words in his mind and kept himself in check as well as not completely cut off from all emotions.

"I am just curious about the famous Kenobi. The one that beat the first dark sider after a thousand years and all that." His words here carried a little bit of sarcasm while still being true on the matter to figure out how strong he was.

Obi-Wan sighed. "To think I would gain another rather troublesome Padawan makes me wonder if am not already too old for this task."

Jack smiled. "I can see why you would think that. Master Skywalker seems rather impulsive. But it is a rather interesting combination with his new Padawan. Ahsoka is very much like him. She is also impulsive and can be rather impatient. Maybe he learns that all your teachings did have some value and he gives them on to her?"

Obi-Wan raised a brow at that. "I would prefer that Anakin would try to use my teachings for his own betterment. Even if he is now a Jedi Knight. That goes for your as well, young Padawan."

"I will try my best, Master Kenobi.", nodded Jack and glanced at him again. This time he used his skill to determine what strength this Jedi had.


*Obi-Wan Kenobi*

*LVL 43 - Jedi Master*

'I figured as much. My own level is a far stretch away from this behemoth. All my training only did so much. The sheer pressure I feel from his body gives me goosebumps. Only people like Windu and Yoda are anywhere close to that.'

To make a comparison Jack looked at his own level that had been stagnated for quite a while and was increasing at a rather snail pace. Though he did not mind since his skills still became stronger even without him gaining a level.

*Jack Shea*

*LVL 17 - Jedi Padawan*

'But I hope I get to grind some level in this war. It should give me a strong enough basis to work alone at some point.'

Just when he was about to ask Obi-Wan something the others came back.

Captain Rex was the first to speak.

"The enemy got a shield generator and is slowly moving to our position." He even opened up the holo map and pinged the location of the shield.

"Hmm, the generator seems to be stationary. They probably increase the output of the shield and move along until they are close enough to engage us.", analyzed Obi-Wan.

"Artillery won't work and frontal attacks would also be suicide since we would run straight into their heavy tanks."

"We may even things out if we get them to urban warfare. Their mobility would be hindered that way and we would gain some protection.", thought Kenobi and suggested that as an idea.

"That is only if they don't systematically destroy every building that comes close to their shield.", interrupted Jack now.

"If the shield is such a problem then why are we not just getting rid of that?", asked Ahsoka now.

"That is easier said than done, little girl.", said Rex back.

Anakin now cleared his throat. "Actually, I see it the same way. Someone needs to get close to the shield generator and destroy it. That is the most important objective right now."

Hearing that Kenobi looked at Anakin and then at Ahsoka. A small glance went over to Jack who he saw smiling knowingly after noticing his glance.

"Alright, maybe you both can sneak yourself behind enemy lines and take care of our little problem."

"It will get done.", smiled Ahsoka with confidence.

Anakin frowned. "I am the one here that is in charge. And I decide what we do, got that?" he directly scolded Ahsoka.

Obi-Wan only lightly shook his head and suggested that while Jack and himself made a small defensive ambush they could have enough time to deactivate the shields.

"They won't have much time. The droids could overrun us pretty quickly with their numbers. Without the heavy guns we could get wiped out", said Rex with a worried face.

"That won't happen. We will think about something. Let's go, Master.", said Ahsoka and started walking away.

"If we survive this, Snips. Then we will have to talk.", grumbled Anakin.

"These two are a weird pair. Do you think they will make it?", asked Rex now after watching them go.

Kenobi only smiled now after looking at Jack again who already sat down and meditated for the upcoming battle.

"Let us just hope they do. Otherwise, this battle could be our last one."

I wonder about the level system xD Somehow I kinda just want to scratch it entirely but will keep it.

Soulcrystalcreators' thoughts