Adrian, a mysterious wanderer with unfathomable magical prowess, opens his eyes in the unknown wilderness. With his whisper, he looks at his status and starts his journey in the new world. Witness Adrian's incredible feats of magic as he shapes a new world, guided only by his determination and the limitless power of his imagination."
The Wood Wolves and Wood Humanoids charged forward, their wooden spears and swords clashing against the barbarians' metal weapons. The sound of battle echoed through the forest, and the air was filled with the smell of blood and sweat.
Alpha ordered.
"Help out to Wood Humanoids that are entangling with barbarians. As they fight, use your quick attacks to deal damage."
"We do not bleed; we are not alive; we do not fear; but they fear; they bleed; and they are less than us!"
The words of Alpha made a qualitative change in the movements of wolves; they started helping out the wood humanoids even more. At this point, not even one wood wolf or wood humanoid had died; they were injured but not dead because for them to die, they needed to be destroyed completely. They were not like humans, who can bleed to death or be scared shitless.
Vex looked at the small towers and ordered some of his troops.
"Archer Humanoids, shoot the ones on the tower, stop them from attacking us."
With the words of Vex, several arrows started flying out and shooting the men on the towers, as they screamed and fell down from the tower.
Crox watched everything, and he knew that he had made a mistake by having bad thoughts about the mage. He would prefer to fight against kingdoms and humans instead of these monsters that have no fear and just listen to their creator, and now he was paying the price. He watched as his people fell one by one, unable to stand up against the wood wolves and wood humanoids.
As the battle raged on, Crox realized that he needed to retreat. He ordered his people to fall back, and they ran towards the safety of the center of the camp. The Wood Wolves and Wood Humanoids did not pursue; instead, they waited until they were sure the barbarians had retreated.
Crox knew that he had a difficult task ahead of him. He needed to find a way to protect his people from the wood wolves and wood humanoids. He knew that attacking the mage had created more problems than it had solved.
Alpha and Vex watched as their fellow wood wolves and wood humanoids engaged in battle with the Knife Hand Barbarians. The sound of clashing weapons and cries of pain echoed through the forest. Despite their wooden bodies, the creatures fought fiercely, their strength and agility surprising their opponents.
Crox, the leader of the Knife Hand Barbarians, ordered his people to fight back with all their might. He knew that attacking a mage had caused problems for his organization in the past, but he was determined to protect their outpost.
As the battle raged on, Alpha and Vex noticed that some of their puppets had been damaged or broken. They quickly ordered them to rebuild themselves as much as they could using the trees around them. The sound of wood cracking and breaking could be heard as the puppets repaired themselves.
Meanwhile, Crox ordered his people to light their weapons on fire and the archers to use fire arrows. He believed that fire was the best way to damage these wooden creatures. The flames illuminated the battle, casting flickering shadows across the forest floor