
fate brings them together

There's this lovely young lady who resides in a quaint little village. Life in the village is simple and peaceful, with everyone knowing each other and going about their daily routines. Our girl, let's call her aish, is no exception. She's a kind-hearted and down-to-earth individual, content with the tranquility of her surroundings.

Now, Aish's life takes an unexpected turn when she reaches the age of 19. Her father, who is usually quite reserved, surprises her with some exciting news. He reveals that they will be embarking on a journey to visit their extended family for a grand family gathering. This news fills Aish's heart with a mix of curiosity and anticipation. Little does she know, this trip will become a turning point in her life.

Upon arriving at the gathering, Aish finds herself amidst a sea of relatives she barely knows. As she navigates through the crowd, she suddenly comes face to face with a young man named Devin. To her surprise, Devin turns out to be a close relative on her father's side. There's an instant spark between them, an unexplainable connection that seems to transcend familial ties. They exchange warm smiles and engage in light-hearted conversations, leaving a lasting impression on each other's hearts.

Days go by, and Aish and Devin find themselves unable to forget the encounter they had at the family gathering. Fate seems to have its own plans as they unexpectedly cross paths once again, this time in the virtual world. Devin takes the initiative and reaches out to Aish through direct messages, initiating a conversation that would change the course of their lives.

As they exchange messages, they discover a shared love for art, music, and deep conversations about life's wonders. The more they communicate, the stronger their bond becomes. They find solace in each other's words, sharing their dreams, aspirations, and even their deepest fears. Aish realizes that Devin is not just another relative but someone who truly understands her on a profound level.

One day, Devin musters up the courage to express his feelings to Aish. He confesses that he has fallen deeply in love with her and envisions a future together. Aish is taken aback by the sudden revelation, her heart torn between the fear of the unknown and the excitement of a potential love story. She contemplates the depth of her own feelings, questioning if she's ready to embark on a serious relationship.

They had been in a long-distance relationship for about three months, with Aish living in one city and Devin in another, about 600 kilometers away. Despite the distance, they managed to stay connected through constant messaging, sharing their thoughts, dreams, and daily experiences.

One fateful day, on October 4th, 2021, Aish was pouring her heart out to her best friend about her relationship with Devin. Little did she know that her brother happened to overhear their conversation. Filled with anger and a sense of betrayal, he wasted no time in rushing to their father to reveal the news.

When their father learned about Aish's relationship, he was overcome with a mix of anger and disappointment. He couldn't understand why Aish would choose to be with someone so far away. In his eyes, this relationship was a betrayal of their family's values and traditions. Without a second thought, he confronted Aish, his anger boiling over, and subjected her to physical punishment.

The punishment was not just physical but emotional as well. Aish's parents decided to cut off all communication with her for nearly a year. The once warm and loving home became a place of silence and isolation for Aish. She felt abandoned and desperate to mend the broken relationship with her family.

In her desperation, Aish turned to Devin, hoping that marriage could be the answer to all her problems. She messaged him, pouring out her heart and asking him to marry her. However, Devin, being a thoughtful and considerate person, declined her proposal. He understood that marriage should not be used as a solution to fix family conflicts. Instead, he shared screenshots of their conversations with Aish's parents, hoping to bridge the gap and encourage open dialogue.

Unfortunately, Aish's parents were not receptive to the messages. Instead, they became even more distant and refused to communicate with her. Aish found herself in a difficult and heartbreaking situation. She felt rejected by both her family and the person she loved.

Those days were just straight-up brutal for Aish. It was like everything was going wrong, and she started losing faith in love altogether. But you know what? Despite all the pain and heartache, she couldn't help but cry for Devin every single day. It's like he had this hold on her heart that just wouldn't let go.

Devin messed up big time. He had a good thing right in front of him, but he went searching for something else, thinking he could find something better. What a fool! Aish was a gem, a real treasure, and he let her slip away. And you know what's even crazier? They lost touch with each other. Time just kept on ticking, and they drifted apart.

Fast forward two years, and Aish decides to pursue her studies in a whole new city. She's staying with her aunt, trying to move on from all the heartbreak. And wouldn't you know it, fate has a funny way of working. Enter Sam, this handsome dude who happens to be friends with Aish's cousin brother. He sets his sights on Aish and starts trying to impress her. But here's the thing, she's still hung up on Devin, so she's not having any of it.

But let me tell you, Sam doesn't give up that easily. He puts in the effort, day in and day out, trying to win Aish's heart. And you know what? It actually starts to work! Aish starts to feel something for Sam, despite her lingering feelings for Devin. It's like Sam's charm and dedication are breaking through those walls she put up.

And get this, Sam goes the extra mile and creates a whole Snapchat account under a girl's name just to stay in touch with Aish. Now that's some dedication right there! Love can be complicated, but it's also a beautiful thing. Aish is starting to open herself up to new possibilities, and who knows where this journey will take her?

One day, Aish finds out that her cousin, Reet, is head over heels in love with Sam. Now, here's the twist - Aish has actually had a conversation with Sam before and they had a connection. But, instead of telling Reet about it, Aish decides to keep it a secret to spare her cousin any heartache.

But you know how it goes, secrets have a way of coming out. Reet, being the determined person she is, takes matters into her own hands and starts talking to Sam. She lays it all on the line and pours her heart out, expressing her feelings for him. Unfortunately, Sam doesn't feel the same way and turns her down. Ouch, that's gotta hurt.

Now, here's where it gets even more complicated. Aish, who had a special connection with Sam, feels a twinge of sadness. She realizes that Sam actually meant more to her than her ex-boyfriend. But wait, there's more! Enter Justin, a friend of Sam's who also happens to have a crush on Aish.

Reet, being the matchmaker she is, comes up with a plan. She talks to Justin and asks him if he can somehow make Sam fall for her. Why? Well, if Sam ends up having feelings for Reet, then Reet will convince Aish to give Justin a chance and be in a relationship with him.

Phew, that's a lot to take in, right? Emotions are running high, relationships are getting tangled, and it's a rollercoaster of a situation.

Reet, in an attempt to manipulate Aish, threatens to talk to Devin if Aish doesn't start talking to Justin. Aish, wanting to settle things and avoid any further complications, agrees to talk to Justin but strictly as friends. However, Justin takes advantage of the situation and misleads Sam into believing that he and Aish are in a romantic relationship.

This leads to Sam becoming enraged and demanding that Reet and Aish meet him in the backyard of their house. Unfortunately, on that day, Sam is intoxicated and behaves inappropriately. He forces a kiss upon Aish without her consent, which is completely unacceptable.