
Star Legacy: Outlaw System.

Ever since a devastating nuclear war, Humanity has lived on spaceships far above Earth's radioactive surface. However, a cooperation between mankind and extraterrestrial species introduces them to a survival world of over a thousand Planet, an immersive virtual reality game 'Star Legacy,' made compulsory throughout the Universe, where merits achieved in-game decided ones status in the vast Universe. Confronted with the savage lands, Northern Bliss—an insignificant personality of the Human race—must fight to survive, embarking on an adventure to become the most renowned player in the Universe, with the aid of the mysterious system which grants him the power of the 'Supreme Extractor'. _ [WPC April Entry] Please support by adding to your library and sending power stones. Don't forget to leave a review on what you think about my work.

HashtagFamous · Kỳ huyễn
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Outlaw System

'The launch of Star Legacy commences at 6:00pm. It is requested for all workers of E-Sector to efficiently roundup their chores and return to their domiciles for the gameplay!

'I repeat!

'The launch of Star Legacy commences at 6:00pm. It is requested for all workers of E-Sector to efficiently roundup their chores and return to their domiciles for the gameplay!'

The articulate voice of a young female came through the speakers.

Northern sighed heavily as he scrubbed even harder at the announcement, washing away the grim dirts which had taken solace on the walls of the latrine pit, solitary.

[+1 DEX]

The notification flashed on his vision.

The scrawny middle-aged man who looked down on him in scrutiny from the edge of the pit, grumbled at the announcement, "You'd better be done and report back to me before leaving yah post," he spoke disgruntling.

"Yes, Sir," Northern replied diligently.

He watched the scrawny man walk away and waited till the footsteps sounded distant, before making mocking gestures of wanting to punch the man's face while cussing incoherently.

Sigh! He sighed sharply in exhaustion and wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead using his dirty sleeves, then paused to catch his breath.

"Star Legacy, huh?" He mumbled to himself thoughtfully, "A world of over a thousand planet… A life-changer," he scoffed and tilted his head in uncertainty.

An assembly had been called a few days ago for the inmates of the E-Sector, where the launch of the immersive virtual reality game, 'Star Legacy,' was first mentioned. 

They made it clear that every individual of age was to purchase it's game pod before the D-day. Today—tonight to be precise. Which turned out to be unreasonably cheap for such high-tech. And that merits achieved in-game would soon be used to determine ones status not just in the Arc, but the vast Universe.

Tsk. What a joke, Northern mused.

He moved those thoughts to the back of his mind and focused of what was most important at the moment; scrubbing the walls.

He undressed the yellow uniform stained with the guts of the pit soon after he was done, and quickly made his way to the office of the scrawny man from earlier, where he got his meager pay, barely able to sustain him for a day.

He then headed back to his dorm where he took a long, hot shower, and stepped out feeling invigorated.

[Ding! Stamina has been replenished]

The notification flashed on his vision.

"Un…" Northern nodded with a wide smile.

For as long as he could remember, he had been getting these virtual notifications which kept him updated on his wellbeing, and made him a lot more durable and vitalised than the laypersons. 

He had thought it was normal for everyone during his childhood, and didn't fuss about it. But as he got older, he realized he was the only one out of everyone he had known to experience such, and whenever he tried talking about it, they had always thought he was kidding.

He later came to learn it was called a 'System' in fantasy books, which soon became his favourite genre, as he sought to gain as much knowledge as he could about it.

But unfortunately, his couldn't do all the incredible things he had read about, asides displaying his attributes. Though it claimed he had a cool-name skill in his arsenal, of which he had tried out on several occasions, but had no idea on how to activate it.



Name: Northern Bliss

Race: Human

Age: 19


Level: —


Vitality: 120/120

Soul Force: —


STR: 14

DEX: 16

AGI: 10





SP: 0



Supreme Extraction: —

Northern ran his eyes through the bluish, semi-transparent virtual board on his vision, his gaze lingering on the mysterious skill on his arsenal.

"You should at least have a description," he mumbled to himself thoughtfully.

Ding! Dong! The digital bell toll for the launch of Star Legacy, began ringing out from the speakers.

"Hmm…" He tilted his head to the side to see his roommate laying dormant on the bunker bed right above his, his head adorned with a silk-black headgear.

"First things first," he muttered to himself.

He went ahead to cook himself a plate of noodles, taking his time to relish in it's flavour. Then made a set of light stretches, before laying down on his back and adorning his headgear.

"Here goes nothing," he muttered as he tapped on the activation button.

[Scanning biometrics… Biometrics verified]

[Welcome, to Star Legacy]

The articulate voice of a young female.

[Initiating character creation process…]

[Input alias: _____ ]

"Uhh… Northern… Lord," Northern spoke in uncertainty, involuntarily afloat in the expanse of the Galaxy.

[Alias 'Northern Lord' saved successfully]

[Default Race 'Human' saved successfully]

[Do you wish to alter 10% of your characteristics?]

"I… don't think so," he shook his head after a moment's deliberation.

[Character creation successful…]

[Late entry detected…]

"Huh…" Northern raised a brow in confusion.

[You are being sent to the end of the world as penalty for indecent behaviour]

"What the—"


Northern was dumbstruck as he found himself free-falling from the sky, down to what looked to be an inhabited barren land.

"W-what the hell!" Northern yelled in panick as he inched closer to the rocky terrain.

There'd be nothing left of him except a meat paste, if he were to actually fall to the ground.

[Warning: You have entered a danger zone]

"AHHH!…!" Northern kept screaming as it all felt so real.

The cold, harsh wind slapping against his skin. The dust particles getting into his sour wide eyes. Small insects getting choked down his throat. It was all too real to be mere codings.

His voice box was already at it's limit when he was a minute away from impacting the rocky terrain, his eyelids tightly shut with tears glistening at it's corners, he had already resigned to his cruel fate of being 'First Blood' in the entirety of Star Legacy—if this was actually a virtual reality—when his body suddenly halted a few inches away from the hard floor.

[Outlaw System Activated]

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