
star dominance

He found himself in the body of a young child inside a dark room in another world completely different from Earth. Unaware of the reason for his reincarnation or the reason for his existence, he decided to continue with this second life, to roam the different worlds one after the other, to spread his name in all the parts of the galaxy with friends, rivals, and enemies along the way to greatness, to live one of the most epic stories in history.

Dark_Monrach · Kỳ huyễn
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38 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Six: Attending the First Class

Chapter Twenty-Six: Attending the First Class

Tian Fei couldn't decide whether he and this child were the same person or were two different people who just had the same experiences, but Tian Fei knew that this was not the time to think about these things.

Tian Fei got up and decided to head to his Mystery Bureau to attend the classes he had signed up for. After all, those 4 classes cost him nearly 7,000 Dragon Coins.

Using the map and the directions on his bracelet, he was able to reach his mystery office half an hour after leaving his residence.

Tian Fei was shocked by what he saw in his mystery office

It was not his office in any way but an entire university campus

What surprised him, even more, was that there were so many people walking here and there that Tian Fei noticed that most of the people in the library were at least from the first layer.

Well, Tian Fei could only explain that there were only first-class people, as all the lessons in his office of mystery cost a lot of money.

What he couldn't explain was the atmosphere surrounding this group of people

The atmosphere is very friendly and reminds Tian Fei of his days when he was at the university

Friends gather here and there, and useless talk abounds between them

"What is this? Are they kidding me, not realizing that they will die if they don't get stronger quickly? Well, this has nothing to do with me. They will realize their mistake later when the people on the second floor catch up to them," Tian Fei shrugged and said sarcastically.

Since it seems that the people in the first layer thought themselves safe and underestimated the people who got worse results than them in the liquidation

But Tian Fei knew that thinking this way would only lead to death

Tian Fei didn't pay much attention to them and started walking to where the lessons were being given

But in contrast to Tian Fei's indifference, no person passing by who did not cast a glance at Tian Fei

"Look, if I remember, he is Tian Fei of the Heaven Tier."

"I've never seen him come to his mystery office before as he's the only one who hasn't picked a chapter yet."

"I have heard that it was not that he did not want to, but that he was receiving a gift from the Sovereign."

"What? It's not fair for the Sovereign to treat him so special."

"Not particularly, but everyone on the Heaven Tier received the same chance, but only he was late entering the Cave of Fallen Geniuses."

"It is still not fair for them to treat the Heaven Tier with such favoritism."

"Haha you are a fool if you are looking for justice it is better to die because you will not find it no matter how hard you try"

"I think you're right, let's go, we don't have much time, or the class will start."

Such a conversation passed through Tian Fei's ears more than once, but he didn't pay much attention to it, because by this time he had reached his first chapter.

Profound energy and cultivation that cost him 2,500 Dragon Coins

Tian Fei entered the classroom and found that the classroom was similar to the old classrooms, without the low chairs and tables used when sitting on the floor.

There were 3 people in the class with him, and they were all from the Heaven Class just like him

Putong Megui, the ordinary-looking girl, and the others were Gray Nightlight and Sa Dan

Gray Nightlight was the fair-haired boy, while Sa Dan was the white-haired boy

While Tian Fei was looking at them, they were also looking at him as they had not expected someone new to appear in the class other than them

You should know that they have registered for classes for 3 days now

So in fact, each of them had chosen a cultivation technique suitable for him, and with talent as high as Heaven's layer, none of them took more than a day to enter the profound sensing stage, and some of them even reached the second and third layers of profound sensing.

The three of them nodded at Tian Fei, and Tian Fei saluted them back and quickly chose a place to sit down.

And then entered an old man with a long white beard. He did not emit any distinct aura, but his eyes were unlike his old and hunchbacked body. They were very bright and deep.

The old man looked at them and smiled at them and said, "Good, good. I see that most of you have already entered Profound Sensing. I also see a new person in the class."

The old man then looked at Tian Fei and said, "What's your name, little one?"

"Tian Fei." Tian Fei replied without much elongation

"Tian huh? It's a name that evokes some old memories." The old man said as if he was recollecting some old memories.

But he quickly returned to his normal self and said, "My name is Ye Shaojie, but you can call me Grandpa Shaojie."

"Now that we have a new person in the class, I'm going to briefly explain everything we've had so far."

"We started with the class title Profound Energy, What is Profound Energy? In fact, there are many theories, but the most accepted one is that it is an energy that is disseminated by the world where every world has a core and this core over time secretes profound energy and this profound energy We, the practitioners, use it in what is called agriculture, and it is a process of increasing our strength and our lifespan little by little, but the term agriculture has some deeper meanings, as this matter can be likened to the regular farming of farmers, where you need good soil, water, and fertilizers with suitable conditions for any plant to grow on the ground. With time and proper nutrition, this plant grows into a tree and continues to grow."

Thus, since we have explained the meaning of cultivation and what profound energy is, we begin with the matter that really matters to us! How do we use profound energy in practice? At the outset, you should know that there are stages in cultivation, and the first of these stages is the stage of deep sensing. At this stage, as its name suggests We start by sensing the profound energy around us, and this stage depends entirely on talent, as the higher your talent is, the faster you can sense profound energy. In the first heaven, you can sense a few particles of profound energy, and the higher your level of cultivation, the more particles of profound energy you will be able to sense. around you

"Don't underestimate this stage, because this stage is the stage that will lay a solid foundation for you in the future, and after this stage, it will be difficult for you to increase your sensitivity to profound energy in the future.

"Now that's all we took in the previous lessons, Tian Fei. Do you have any questions?"

" Yes sir "

"Oh go ahead"

"Sir, I want to ask, does profound energy have a physical state?"

"Well, this question is difficult to answer, because if you can feel the profound energy, it will be something tangible to you, and if you cannot, it will not be, that is, ask him another."

"Yes sir, you said that it would be difficult to improve your sense of profound energy after the Profound Sensing Realm, so does a person's sensing in the Warrior Profound Realm and Sky Profound Realm have the same sensing? Also, is there a limit to what a person can reach this point?"

Well, your question is a bit interesting. For the first question, its sensing capacity is the same, but the area it covers is different. For example, those in the world of deep sensing can sense 10 feet around them, while the deep warrior is 100 feet. Of course, these numbers differ from one person to another. As for your second question, there is no. There are no limits, but there are nine heavens in each world. This number is fixed. Many people in history tried to penetrate the so-called tenth heaven but later discovered that this process consumes their time and talent for an insignificant increase. Therefore, most major powers do not care about this tenth heaven. On the contrary, who penetrates The Tenth Heaven of their children loses his ability to compete for any future position within those powers, any other questions?"

" No sir "

"Now I'm going to talk about today's topic, which is how to advance in the world of profound sensing."