
star dominance

He found himself in the body of a young child inside a dark room in another world completely different from Earth. Unaware of the reason for his reincarnation or the reason for his existence, he decided to continue with this second life, to roam the different worlds one after the other, to spread his name in all the parts of the galaxy with friends, rivals, and enemies along the way to greatness, to live one of the most epic stories in history.

Dark_Monrach · Kỳ huyễn
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38 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Taking the first step on the path of cultivators

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Taking the first step on the path of cultivators

"Now I will talk about today's topic, which is how to advance in the world of profound sensing."

"In the beginning, you should know that profound energy is the lifeblood of the practitioner, as it is more like air for ordinary people, and the first step is to identify this energy, or as the name of the world of profound sensing suggests. In this world, you feel the deep energy around you and your fortune, the cave of the fall of geniuses, and especially the dwellings The Heaven Layer is more like the sacred land among the sacred lands with its profound energy density, and therefore sensing your profound energy is much easier than other practitioners in terms of the environment. The second and most important factor is talent. The higher your talent and affinity for profound energy, the faster you cultivate, and practice, and also the stronger you are within The same martial realm itself, now I will explain how to sense energy and how to gain strength from it."

"You sense the deep energy through only one recognized method, which is meditation. You meditate on the surroundings around you, and when you enter the state of deep meditation, you begin to sense the deep energy. I do not have much explanation for this point now. I will touch on the most important how to gain strength from sensing the deep energy."

In the beginning, each year has nine stages, or some nine heavens are applied to them, and that is because during each sky a certain event occurs, and in the realm of profound sensing, that is the entry of the profound energy sensed into your body and the increase of both your physical strength and the closeness of your body to the profound energy, and to the Profound energy types, for example, there is deep energy corresponding to each element you know, fire, water, earth, wind, lightning, darkness, light, and many others. And in the world of profound sensing, what exactly happens is a completely spiritual process, where you sense the energies with your soul and the soul of each person that differs from the other person and has a different affinity, and in most cases, except for some special cases, our physical bodies do not have a specific affinity for any kind of profound energy, how It has any affinity, and it has not interacted or mixed with it before, so in the world of profound sensing, when you break through the first sky, the deep energy enters your body corresponds of the kind that you sensed, and it modifies your body and increases your affinity to it, and the same happens in every sky until the ninth sky then. You should break through to the next realm, the Profound Warrior Realm."

"And here our class ends, and leave your questions for the next class now, bye," and the old teacher left immediately after that.

He didn't give anyone a chance to ask or talk, and at this moment, Tian Fei also felt that his explanation was very incomplete, but he couldn't complain to anyone.

So he got up and left the classroom, heading for the real library inside the Library of Mystery that contained the books

It wasn't difficult to find it at all, and fortunately, the library contained Tian Fei's destination

Tian Fei didn't want any martial arts or cultivation techniques. What he searched for were the experiences and memoirs of the previous profound practitioners of the Profound Sensing Realm.

Tian Fei spent nearly 6 hours reading the diaries of different cultivators. What surprised Tian Fei was that each of his diaries bore the resounding name of its owner.

Of course, Tian Fei didn't recognize them, but he could tell that they were powerful from their names

Demon King, Holy King, Fire Ruler, Dragon Rider, Tyrant of the Ages, King Without Feelings, and many other names

Of course, what Tian Fei read was only the Deep Sensing section of each notebook, which in most detail is less than 5 pages. In 6 hours, Tian Fei read more than 1,000 different notes.

Tian Fei benefited greatly from these notes, and the picture inside his head of the Profound Sensing Realm was completed, but what shocked him was that that old master had almost included all the important points in his speech despite his shortness.

Tian Fei walked out of his mystery office

The sun had already set and the moon had appeared

Soon, Tian Fei reached his dormitory, entered his room, and sat down in the middle of his bed

Tian Fei closed his eyes and began to meditate

Tian Fei was a man from earth, after all, so he knew some practical and scientific methods of meditation

Tian Fei wasn't sure if it was the same meditation state required for a Profound Sensing Realm, but after reading through the notes, he found some similarities.

This method of meditation calls for access to certain brain waves. These waves are called alpha waves. These waves greatly increase the creative ability of the brain. Tian Fei had trained in it in his previous life and helped him in many cases.

Soon, Tian Fei's guess was right. After 5 minutes, it synchronized with alpha waves, and a few seconds later, Tian Fei felt a strange object around them.

It may not be accurate to describe it as an object, but this is what it seemed to him because he could feel it, and little by little this feeling became clearer

Tian Fei could sense a lot of different kinds of profound energy right now

He was able to identify some of them and others not

Among them, fire and ice were the strongest, while the rest were earth, water, wood, wind, metal, lightning, darkness, and light. These energies were what Tian Fei could recognize.

But after a few seconds, this profound energy around him became more and more evident without any intervention from Tian Fei.

Surprised, Tian Fei came out of his state of deep contemplation

Tian Fei quickly opened his eyes and had a bit of confusion on his face so he quickly closed his eyes again, but this time he appeared on an island in the middle of the ocean.

Sitting on the beach a young man with black and white hair

Seeing him come to the island in surprise, Tian Bu Huai quickly said, "Is there something bothering you, boy?"

"Wait, can't you see what's outside?" Tian Fei said in shock

"I could, but I wouldn't, of course not out of respect for you, But because it's hard to hide from the notice of the many sovereigns around you Boy, they'll feel me right away If I try to peek outside, Now what's the matter with you? "

"Yes, I remembered. I have a question. What does it mean if I can sense many profound energies?"

"Many? Exactly how many?"

"I don't know, it's probably 12 or 11," Tian Fei said

"What?? Are you sure? If you sense 9 then you are a moderate body with an average affinity for all energies, but 11 says this is weird. Can you meditate in front of me?"

"Yes." Tian Fei said and began to meditate again

"Oh, what an outstanding talent he is, almost as fast as my younger brother, as fast as entering a meditation state."

Soon, Tian Fei began to sense the profound energies around him again

"What? It's impossible. I can't wait. The sensor's resolution is still increasing very quickly. I think I have an idea of what's going on. Boy, that's enough."

Soon, Tian Fei was knocked out of his contemplation by Tian Buhuai's voice

"What did you find?" Tian Fei asked

"Boy, you're lucky."

. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I'm sorry I didn't come out two days ago because I was sick, unfortunately, and I'm still sick. That's why this chapter is still undetected. I will check it later,

Dark_Monrachcreators' thoughts