
Book 6, chapter 14

The sky lit up with a brilliant luster, as streaks of light descended towards the lunar surface. A hail of projectiles lanced up from several array towers on the surface, creating a minefield of explosions. Two dozen drop ships weaved and dodged, doing their best to avoid the projectiles. 

Their shields took a beating, with one of the drops ships being ripped apart in a fiery explosion. 

Descending rapidly, the drop ships finally got in range, their nose mounted weapons lighting up. Streaks of incandescent energy burst down, creating a field of annihilation on the surface. 

Bursting through the mushroom clouds, the ships settled down, with many of their members having flown down on their own power. Leading the group, the star team commander led the combined strike teams. 

They met the disoriented blood gorgers on the surface with speed and ferocity. They put up fierce resistance, with the strike squads wiping them out down to the last. 

Spreading out through the surface fortress, they fought a street to street battle as they searched for the capacitors. Some of the fortress was abandoned, with many of the combatants fighting the fleet above. 

Finding the shield's capacitors took a while, but after some searching, they found them. The fortress wide barrier flickered and dissipated, as the large array pillars were turned to rubble. 

In the wake of the battle, Zee found herself under a mostly intact tunnel, looking up at the dark sky through the cracks, only intermittent flashes appearing. With the combined efforts of the star teams, the battle on the ground was over in under an hour. 

Toning out the flashes above, she focused on the five blood gorger corpses lying in a pile on the floor. A ritual construct swirled around her, lighting up the tunnel and forming a complex pattern in the tunnel. 

Dern sat in a second nearby diagram, his cracked armor leaking energy like a siv. With a shudder, the bodies turned to ash, and five ethereal souls were pulled out. They struggled, fighting with all their might as they were dragged into the abyss that was Dern's maw. Zee watched on, almost feeling some pity for those bugs. None of them had been all that powerful, just foot soldiers. 

Part of her knew these bugs had no say in what happened on Draug, but the other part of her didn't care. So what if they were just low ranking soldiers? They had tried to kill her, and so they would be used as food for Dern. 

"Well, that was disturbing," came a gruff male voice behind her. 

Both her and Dern turned to face the intruder. 

"OH, it's just you. Brick, I thought I told you to wait outside with the others," Zee said.

Brick huffed, his eyes lingering on the piles of ash in the center of the ritual diagram. 

"We just got word from on high. The blood gorger's fleet has fled the battle, with the ones who can't surrendering. We are victorious," Brick said, his expression hard to read. 

Zee let out a long drawn-out sigh. 

"It appears our time together has come to an end," Zee said. 

The large man nodded slowly. "It's been an honor serving under you, Ensign," Brick said. 

"Are you joking? I got nearly half of our squad killed," Zee said.

"The costs of battle. Six of us may have died under your command, but many more would have died if you hadn't been here to pull our assess from the fire," Brick said, genuine respect in his eyes.

She waved a dismissive hand. "No, I can't take credit for that. You did most of the work. That is why I am recommending you for a promotion before I leave," Zee said. 

His thick lips turned into a wide smile. "Wouldn't that be something? Ensign Brick. Has a nice ring to it. Imagine that, a commoner becoming an officer. If only I were that lucky," Brick said wistfully.

Zee laughed. 

"You forget who I am. This whole princess thing has to have some benefits," Zee said.

He huffed, not seeming convinced. 

With one final glance towards the dissipating ritual, she headed back up the tunnel, Brick falling in step. Behind her, Dern's form turned to a cloud of mist as he shot towards her back, melding into her body. 

Brick shuddered at the sight. 

"I still can't believe that thing lives inside your body," Brick said. 

She shrugged. "He's not so bad. Having a soul sucking monster around can be quite handy," Zee replied. 

Bricks expression turned thoughtful as he eyed the cracked tunnel walls. 

"Isn't it weird having two other beings inside your body?" Brick asked, finally asking something that had been on his mind for months. 

Zee nodded. "It can get awkward at times, especially since they can read my thoughts, or at least Dern can. But If I try, I can keep them out. Kur Zul keeps to himself, mostly. I wish Dern was so courteous. Dern is always causing me trouble," Zee said.

In her mind, Dern's annoyance flared. 

"Hey! You cause just as much trouble as I do," Dern retorted.. 

"Says the guy who runs headfirst into a booby trap filled tunnel, like a drunken lizard with its head cut off," Zee countered.

"That was a perfectly sound strategy. As I recall, it worked flawlessly," Dern said. 

"You had most of your armor destroyed in that suicidal attack. If Zul and I hadn't come down here to save your ass, you would have been a pile of slag metal," Zee replied reproachfully. 

Dern grunted. 

"I was fine. I didn't need you and that brown nose of a ghost to win," Dern replied.

A spectral apparition poked partly from the wall. "I have seen tornados that are more subtle than you," Kur Zul replied in her mind.

She rolled her eyes as she felt Zul's angry glare directed at Dern. Dern didn't back down. 

"This coming from a cowardly ghost who hides in the walls and floor like a scared nat," Dern shot back. 

Brick could only hear one side of the conversation in Zee's head. But based on the last year, he had a good idea of what they were saying. Her face said it all. 

"Would you two please stop bickering? You are starting to make me go nuts," Zee said, massaging her temples.

"You hear that Zul? She thinks she is sane," Dern snickered. Kur Zuls' soft laugh echoed through the hallway. 

"Forget I said anything," Zee grumbled.

Walking in stride, Brick gave her a consoling slap on the shoulder. 

Trudging up the rubble covered stairs, they met their squad at the top. They were all hunkered around the damaged drop ship, only six in total. 

One of their combat cultivators had died in the descent, leaving them with nearly half of the squad since this blasted war started. They all looked exhausted, but perked up as the two officers exited the tunnel. 

Tag, looking the least injured, was leaning on the door to the cockpit, eyed her thoughtfully. "What's with the sour look Ensign? Did you not find what you were looking for?" Tag asked. 

"All is well Tag. How is Olson?" Zee asked. 

"Lost an arm but I think he'll pull through," Tag replied, glancing to his left. About ten feet away, under one wing of the dropship, Olson lay on the dusty ground. Genevieve and Geleta knelt on either side of him, talking in hushed whispers as they worked on his injuries. 

"How is he doing?" Zee asked. 

The twins looked up as Zee approached, with Geleta, the most outspoken of the two, talking first.

"He is stable now, but his arm was torn to ribbons by shrapnel. There is nothing left to reattach," Geleta said.

Lying on his back, Olson brushed the hair from his pale face with his one remaining arm, forcing a smile.

"Don't worry about me mam, it was thankfully born with two arms," Olson replied weakly. 

He sounded optimistic, but she could tell he was just putting on a show. 

She couldn't blame him. Reattaching an arm was fairly easy even for E grade healers, but regrowing an arm was much more difficult. Luckily, there was a Celestial grade healer in the battle group who could do the job. It might take a year or more before the healer could make time for Olson, but he would get his arm back, eventually. 

One dead and half the squad injured to one degree or another. There were less casualties than expected. After a few minutes of waiting, her command crystal buzzed. 

A hissing voice came out. "Are you alive Ensign?" Tanra asked.

"Yes sir, I'm alive," Zee replied tiredly. 

"OH, well, that's good, I guess. Would have been a pain if you died. Can you make it back to orbit, or do I need to send down a drop ship?" Tanra asked.

"What's the hurry, sir? Has the remaining blood gorger fleet returned?" Zee asked, concerned. 

Tanra scoffed. 

"I doubt they would return after the beating we gave them. After that bone lord from the Terlashar turned their leader into an unloving flesh golem, they ran for their lives," Tanra laughed.

"I see… So what is the hurry?" Zee asked.

"General Danma has given us leave to proceed with the expedition. And I want to leave before he changes his mind, and we get stuck here helping to clean up for the next month," Tanra said.

"Very well, send your coordinates to our drop ship and we will meet you within the hour," Zee replied. 

The command crystal clicked and he was gone without so much as a goodbye. 

"I like him," Dern piped in. 

"Of course you do," Zee muttered. Eying each of her squad she cracked a smile.

"Tag, can this rust bucket make it back into orbit?" Zee asked, eying the scraped and dented drop ship dubiously. 

"Of course it can. Matilda might have a few dents, but she runs like a charm," Tag said, patting the plating of the ship fondly. 

"You named it?" Zee asked dryly. 

"Of course I named it. Do you think I'm crazy or something?" Tag asked, as if it were the most natural thing.

Zee cocked her head. 

"Soo, you named the other two drop ships you destroyed?" Zee asked. 

Tag nodded sadly.

"Maldy and masaka were good ships. It's a shame they were turned to scrap," Tag said.

Zee burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Tag asked, curiously.

"Nothing, just board the ship already, the others are waiting," Zee said with a grin.

Luckily Tag was right, and the drop ship, though a bit worse for wear, was able to climb into orbit. 

If it was an actual planet instead of a small moon, Zee doubted the ship would have survived the journey. 

A few minor air leaks kept them on their toes, but they made it back to The Fist in one piece.

As she walked down the back ramp into the docking bay, Zee could already hear one of the mechanics throwing a tantrum.

"Tag, what the hell did you do to my ship?" asked a disgruntled mechanic. The short, gangly pilot gave the irate man an innocent smile.

"I brought it back, didn't I?" Tag replied defensively.

"Brought it back? It looks like you crashed it into a mountain or two," the mechanic exclaimed.

"I would like to see you fly this thing head first into enemy fire and come out unscathed," Tag snapped.

They stared intently at each other for a few seconds, the docking bay tense. Both of their foe serious expressions faded, and the mechanic grinned, slapping Tag on the back. 

"Good to see you made it back. And don't worry about the damage, it will buff out with a bit of elbow grease. You can help me fix that after we get black out drunk," the mechanic said.

Tag laughed boisterously.

Zee smiled, noticing that Genevieve joined the two as they strode out of the docking bay. The taller of the twins looped her arm with Tags, confirming Zee's suspicions. 

Well good for them. Protocol could go stuff it. They had just survived a harsh battle and deserved a little happiness. Brick lumbered up beside her, with a pale Olson leaning on him for support. 

"What's with the somber face, Brick? Spit it out," Zee ordered.

Brick grunted. "It's nothing. Just dreading garrison duty. I almost wish we could come with you into the endless storm," Brick said. 

"I can put in a word with the captain if you want?" Zee suggested.

Brick laughed, shaking his head.

"I'll pass. I need a break from the madness for a while," Brick said. 

She nodded and offered him a hand. 

He took it in one large, meaty fist and shook it firmly. 

"It's been a pleasure serving under you, Ensign. For a noble you aren't all that bad," Brick said.

Zee laughed. "Good to hear I didn't embarrass myself too badly. Hope to see you again, Brick," Zee said.

"Likewise ensign. Now if you'll excuse me, I best get Olson to the infirmary," Brick said. 

Olson gave Zee a loopy grin,"Why is your hair so silky? Can I touch it?" Olson asked drunkenly. 

Gelta stepped forward.

"Don't mind him Ensign. I gave him enough tally wart to make a lizard high," Geleta said apologetically. 

Olson waved at the air with his stump of an arm at short haired healer. 

"I'm not that high. Hey, does anyone else see that spider monkey over there? It's staring at me and I don't like it," Olson said, staring at one corner. 

"Maybe I gave him too much of a dose?" Geleta admitted sheepishly. 

Zee sighed. "Just take him to his bed. A bit of sleep will do him some good," Zee said.

"Right you are Ensign. Good luck on your expedition," Geleta said.

As Geleta and Brick practically dragged the blitzed man out of the room, she could hear him mumbling under his breath. 

"What's with that kid standing next to the Ensign? I didn't know there was a kid aboard the ship," Olson muttered.

"Come on Olson, there is no kid, you are just seeing things," Geleta replied, her voice distant as they left the docking bay. Zee glanced to her side where Olson had gestured, and strangely, the living book was floating next to her.

The pesky book had somehow escaped from its case yet again, without rhyme or reason. Her eyes narrowed as the air seemed to ripple around the book, a faint outline shimmering in the air.

For a moment, the image of a young girl with auburn hair, and verdant green eyes was standing next to her. 

The child was grasping a familiar book in both tiny hands, a forlorn expression on her face. 

"I hope he will be alright," came a childlike voice. 

Her eyes widened. "Raina? How did you get out here?" Zee asked, her mind racing.

Raina giggled, her laugh like wind chimes echoing through the forest. As if to mock her, the ghostly apparition of Raina faded along with her laugh, with only the book remaining. 

"Please tell me I'm not the only one who just saw and heard that?" Zee asked inwardly.

Dern grunted in her mind.

"I didn't see anything, I think you are going nuts. Before you know it, you will be just like Kur Zul," Dern said.

"What does that say about you?" Zul retorted.

"Shut up ghost, I'm perfectly sane," Dern snapped.

"That is debatable," Kur Zul muttered.

Zee massaged her temples.

"Would someone please show me to the nearest airlock? Anything to end this torment," Zee said. 

"Hear that Zul, Zee would rather throw herself out an airlock than endure your presence any longer," Dern said.

"She was referring to you blockhead," Zul countered. 

Zee let out a long, suffering sigh, doing her best to tone them out. Perhaps she was really going insane? It might explain everything that was happening. Two spirits that lived in her mind, a book that was actually a kid, and a freaking world stuffed inside her body.

Not to mention the death spirit hibernating inside her sword. Yup, insanity would explain it. Calling it madness would be more plausible than the truth. 

She laughed at the idea, not even noticing the other teammates in the docking bay giving her concerned looks. 

The Ensign was muttering to herself again, probably arguing with those spirits she kept inside her body. They all knew by now to get out of her way when she got like this. She was an excellent fighter and a good commander. Too bad she had a few screws loose.