
Book 3, chapter 3

The next morning, her rumbling stomach drove her from beneath the soft sheets.

Yawning, her eyes a little bleary she dressed in a worn uniform, still a little tired. Fastening her sword belt around her waist, she walked past the pool, then upstairs to the kitchen.

The house was fairly dark, faintly lit by morning sunlight casting the other end of the valley in a bright glow.

Zee walked out to the balcony, the air chilly. Shivering she went back inside. Instead, she watched out the tall windows, a smile tugging at her lips as she watched the sunlight slowly creep up the valley.

Allison came into the kitchen a while later, while Zee was watching the view, sipping on some tea. The princess looked well rested, her shoulder-length white hair in a tail, a content smile on her face.

The woman's steely grey eyes locked on the steaming cup in her hands.

Noting the look, Zee strode over to the stove and poured Allison her own cup of tea. "Thanks. Looks like you slept well," Allison asked, taking a large mouthful of burning hot liquid without even flinching.

Zee smiled. "I am very well rested, thanks. Though it was tough to stay focused with my spatial ripple skill keeping me up." Zee said innocently.

Allison sputtered, hot tea flying from her mouth all over the counter. The princess coughed several times into her hand, her cheeks suddenly bright red.

Zee grinned and continued before Allison could speak. "Apparently one of the two security guards is into high society fashion. Did you know that brightly colored tassels woven through fur are coming into fashion? Because I didn't." Zee said.

Allison smacked her chest coughing, though she quickly got control of herself. The princess cleared her throat, wiping her mouth with her sleeve, her cheeks flushed bright red.

"Ohh, you were just talking about the guards," Allison said relief evident in her voice. Zee watched the woman's face for a few moments, catching it just as a realization dawned on her.

"Zee... The guards are positioned on the far side of the estate, the furthest room from yours. Our room is somewhere in the middle." Allison said." If you could hear them, then…"

Zee took a long sip of the fruity, aromatic tea. "Yup, you guessed it. It means I had to suffer through hours of boring drivel about proper grooming educate." Zee said.

Allison didn't respond for a long moment. "So… You didn't watch?" Allison asked.

"I mean, not really. Okay maybe for a few minutes. There was one part where he was talking about sword fighting. The guard kept talking about how good at thrusting he is. Though now that I think about it, he was almost certainly talking about sex." Zee said.

"Now you are messing with me," Allison accused.

"I have no idea what you are even talking about?" Zee asked, cracking a wide smile.

Allison open her mouth to respond but stopped as the door to her room swung open. A sleepy-eyed Yukna stepped out, her hair a chaotic mess.

"Looks like I am the last one up,"Yukna said, raising her hands above her head in a languid stretch.

"I hope we didn't wake you?" Allison asked.

Yukna ran a hand through her short brown hair, shaking her head, her glasses falling partway down her nose.

"No, I actually woke up because I smelled fresh tea,"Yukna said.

Yukna walked over, kissing Allison on the cheek before, moving to pour a glass of steaming tea. She took a long sip, letting out a relived sigh.

"Ahhhhh, that's good,"Yukna said, eying Allison's flushed cheeks with curiosity.

"It has to be my favorite," Allison said, looking away to hide her embarrassment.

Zee clasped her own steaming cup in her hands sipping the sweet and tangy beverage. She wasn't sure what they used to make it, but she enjoyed the flavor.

"I have been meaning to ask you, what are plans today?"Yukna asked, sitting on a stool beside the princess.

"I don't know. With your two guards around, I am kind of useless. I guess I was going to do sightseeing." Zee said with a shrug..

Yukna straightened up. "I have a request." She asked nervously.

Zee smiled. "Ask away."

"Allison told me about your family cultivation technique. I was wondering if there is anything I can offer you to teach me it?" Yukna asked.

Zee didn't even have to think much about her response. "No. There is nothing you can offer me."Zee said immediately.

"Ohh.. Are you sure? We have lots of money."Yukna asked, looking down at the table, dejectedly.

"I am sure. It's a family technique, that I am not allowed to share with outsiders." Zee said.

"I figured,"Yukna said, her shoulders slumping in disappointment.

A smile tugged at her lips. "It's a good thing then that you are not an outsider."Yukna perked up." Allison is like a less beautiful older sister to me. Since you two are engaged, that makes you like family by proxy." Zee said.

"Really? You will teach me?"Yukna asked, suddenly excited.

"Sure. Though you should know about the downsides." Zee said.

"Oh, you mean the fact that I won't be able to sleep again. Allison told me about that part." Yukna said.

Allison grimaced. "Changing techniques is not a fun experience. I am still getting used to it, even after months." Allison said.

"Have there been any side effects?" Yukna asked curiously.

"Many, though they all seem good. Even with a smaller energy reserve, I am far stronger. My aura is denser, my flame burns hotter, and I feel, better." Allison said.

Zee raised a hand. "Don't forget about the aura compression. Once you change techniques you will need to let your body reacclimatize again." Zee said.

"Is that why you have a smaller energy reserve?"Yukna asked hesitantly. Allison nodded, not looking upset in the slightest.

"It's definitely worth it, though we may need some place we don't mind burning down afterward," Allison said.

"Why would we need that?"Yukna asked, confused. Allison patted her fiancé lovingly on the arm.

"You will see," Allison said with a devious grin.

"So when can we get started?"Yukna asked.

"Uhh. It will take most of the day. And you will need at least two more days to recover, maybe three to be safe." Zee said.

Yukna glanced at Allison nervously, a question in her eyes. "I would suggest four days. You are going to be exhausted." Allison said.

"Well, lucky me. I already told the royals I would be taking the next week off. I know we planned to spend the week together, but, this is a great opportunity I may never get again. "Yukna said her eyes pleading as she looked over at Allison.

The princess gave her a loving smile. "I was going to shirk my duties for a few days, but I suppose I can get some things done. When you are ready, I will shirk my duty then." Allison said.

Yukna smiled, a smile that quickly changed as she blanched. "I almost forgot, the king and queen of Carmanah arrived in Carden several days ago. They will most certainly send a messenger to retrieve you for a meeting." Yukna said.

Allison grimaced. "Now I see why you asked Zee to teach you her cultivation technique so soon," Allison said, her gaze accusing.

Yukna gave Allison an innocent smile. "Of course not. I would never find a way to avoid a meeting with your, parents..."

Allison stood and gestured to her chest. "Zee, take your sword and stab me in the heart. It will be a mercy killing." Allison pleaded.

Zee laughed, winking at Yukna. "I will pass." Zee said." I don't want to get blood all over your clean floors. As a guest making a mess would be the height of rudeness."

Allison's shoulders slumped. "Shit. Do you think Ducal has dungeons I can hide in?" Allison asked.

Zee laughed." I knew you didn't like your birth parents, but I didn't know it was this bad."Zee asked.

Allison snorted. "They are the bane of my existence. Lizards are better parents than they are." Allison said.

"Now you are just being dramatic," Yukna said, standing and walking around the island counter.

She wrapped her hands around Allison's narrow waist, looking up into her steely grey eyes.

"Will you be fine without me for a few days?"Yukna asked. Allison nodded, her playful smile turning serious.

"Don't worry, I am only meeting with a few nobles and two foreign emissaries." She paused. "I guess I should add the king and queen of Carmanah to that list. "Allison said thoughtfully.

"That doesn't make me feel any better, "Yukna said.

"You don't trust me to behave?" Allison asked giving Yukna an impish grin.

Yukna pulled the taller woman in tighter. "Just be careful okay," Yukna said, kissing Allison passionately.

"Don't worry love, I will be fine." The princess pulled away from the passionate kiss, looking at Zee over Yukna's head.

"Can I borrow Dern?" Allison asked.

"Sure. But, what do you need him for?" Zee asked with a raised brow.

"That's none of your business." Dern and Allison said in unison.

She cocked her head. "What are you two plotting?" Zee asked, suspiciously.

Allison only smiled, keeping her mouth shut. Zee grumbled, summoning Dern onto the island counter..

The small suit of armor ran across the marble countertop, leaping into the air, only to be caught by Allison.

Zee felt the energy drain drop to hardly a trickle as Dern shrank in size, now only the size of her pinky finger.

"You two and your secrets," Zee grumbled.

"Don't worry, it's nothing bad," Allison said, she then looked down into Yukna's soft brown eyes.

"I will be back later tonight," Allison looked back up at Zee. "Keep her safe ya," Allison said.

The princess left shortly after, Dern hidden in one of her pockets.

That left Zee alone with Yukna, well, and two guards watching the place. The guards were always nearby, though they stayed just out of sight.

"Shall we eat before we start?"Yukna asked hesitantly.

"Probably not. The smell might make you throw up." Zee said.

"Is it really that bad?"Yukna asked, adjusting her glasses higher on her nose.

"Yes. Oh, you might want to get in some clothes that you don't mind burning." Zee said, remembering the last time.

Yukna nodded. "If the smell is bad, how about we go downstairs, to the sparring room?" Yukna asked.

"That will work perfectly," Zee said.

A few minutes later, Zee was sitting in the midst of Allison's indoor sparring room. The entire room was made from a stone that was mirror smooth, and dark black, all the rock covered in intricate etchings.

It was actually super weird. The moment she entered the room, her perception of the rest of the house was cut off. It was like suddenly losing one of her senses all at once. It wasn't a bad thing either.

With her spatial ripple sense cut off, it gave her peace and quiet for the first time in weeks. She might actually come here to sleep instead of in her room.

Zee studied the etchings on the rock closely, though she couldn't make heads or tails of the markings. The door smoothly opened, and Yukna entered. The woman no longer wore silky pants, and a blouse, but instead wore a plush pink bathrobe.

"Are you sure you want to ruin that robe? It looks kind of nice." Zee said.

Yukna nodded and walked over, her bare feet slapping on the smooth stone. Yukna plopped down on her butt, mirroring Zee sitting on the floor.

Sitting wasn't strictly necessary, but this helped her focus better.

"How do we start?" Yukna asked. Zee focused on the task at hand, noting the woman's eagerness.

"First. Take your aura, and let go."Yukna looked hesitant but did as asked. Moments later, a wave of energy filled the room, the energy somewhat foul.

She could feel it brushing against her aura and the impurities within.

"Good. Now. Pull in energy, and push it to the splinter in your mind."Zee said.

Yukna did so, her eyes widening in pain, her face scrunching up in a grimace as her splinter pulsed, releasing a wave of pure energy through her body.

"Woah. That hurts, Is that supposed to happen?"Yukna asked, with a pained yelp.

"Yup, keep going. Push through the pain." Zee said.

Zee watched on, noting the pain Yukna was in, yet she knew it was necessary. The woman was frankly tough as nails, enduring the painful sensation for hours.

Over the next three hours, Yukna's bronze skin turned dark brown, a thick layer of gunk clinging to her skin.

"That's enough. Take a break, we will do some more when you are ready." Zee said. Yukna gasped, letting out a sigh of relief.

The older woman was breathing hard, her eyes squeezed shut, her fists clenched in a white-knuckled grip on her thighs.

Yukna blinked several times, opening her eyes and looking down at her hands. She noted the gunk already having soaked through her pink bathrobe.

"All this was inside me?" Yukna asked, horrified.

"Yup. You did well. We might only need two more sessions to get most of it out." Zee said.

Yukna inhaled through her nose, her face scrunching up in disgust.

"Oh, my word. I smell worse than a latrine that hasn't been cleaned in years."Yukna said, gagging.

"It helps to breathe through your mouth." Zee laughed.

Yukna took in several more deep breaths, through her mouth, steadying herself.

"I'm good now. Let's keep going."Yukna said.

Zee had to admit it the woman had nerves of steel. Whatever Yukna had been through in the past it gave her the will to endure the pain for almost ten hours.

That was no small feat, given that the princess said it felt like having every cell in her body set on fire. Zee knew she wouldn't have lasted even half as long.

Hours later Yukna sat in front of her, trembling, on the verge of passing out.

"That's enough. We are done for the day." Zee said.

Yukna opened her eyes, blinking blearily. To say she looked exhausted was an understatement.

Gasping, Yukna slowly rose to her feet, swaying.

"Need help?" Zee asked, standing up.

"I will be fine. It's not far to my room."Yukna said. She turned and like she was drunk, staggered from the room. Zee glanced down at the small puddle of gunk on the smokey rock of the training room floor.

Hopeful that came out. Or maybe Allison would need to replace some of the tiles. Zee left the training room, shutting the door behind her to trap the smell inside.

The fresh air was a relief, though she did note some of the smell clung to her. One whiff of her uniform convinced her to have a bath.

Cleanup first, then she would head to the kitchen to make dinner. It would do Yukna some good to get some food in her stomach.

A quick scrub and change of clothes later, she started making dinner.

Yukna trudged from her room, collapsing onto the couch. Yukna's short brown hair was still wet, her skin shiny and clean. She leaned back onto the couch, sighing, soaking in the light of the setting sun streaming in through the large windows.

Zee walked over and handed her a plate piled high with steaming eggs, fruit, and toasted bread.

"You are a lifesaver,"Yukna said, taking a large bite of toast.

"Would you like some honey in your tea?" Zee asked.

"Yes please,"Yukna said through a mouthful of egg.

She added some of the thick yellow honey to two cups, offering one to Yukna, who was sprawled out on the couch.

"Thank you,"Yukna said.

"It's the least I can do for all Allison has done for me. Without her, I would probably be dead right now." Zee said.

They fell into a long comfortable silence, both eating their food. Zee was the first to break the silence, reaching up and pulling an earring from her ear.

"Allie said you are skilled with etching. I was wondering if you could give me some pointers. I am trying to make a spatial storage, and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong." Zee said.

"May I see the earring?" Yukna asked, her eyes glimmering curiously.

She handed it over, the silvery chain, and embedded purple gem glinting softly. Yukna adjusted her spectacles on her nose, intently studying the earring.

"Huh. Such fine detail, and complexity. Is this Derns work?"Yukna asked.

"Ya. He is the brains, I am the power source." Zee said.

"I don't have the spatial affinity, but I can tell you that the etchings were done correctly."Yukna said as she cocked her head." What is the problem with it?"Yukna asked.

"Do you mind if I wreck one of your spoons?" Zee asked.

"I guess. Get one of the crappy scuffed ones, I keep them at the back of the drawer."Yukna said.

Zee got one and took back the earring.

With a small trickle of energy, the silver spoon vanished from her hand. With another mental tug, the spoon, or what was left of it came back.

The spoon was now a small hunk of crushed metal, compressed so much it was a jagged ball.

"Woah. That is, troubling."Yukna said, eying the earring curiously.

"I know. Though you should know that it doesn't crush everything. Malden's hammer is just fine going in. But most other things I have found are crushed." Zee said.

"Hmm. It must be an affinity or power issue." Yukna said thoughtfully.

"Do you only have one affinity or more?"

"As far as I know I only have the spatial affinity." Zee said.

"What about your sparks of incite? Do you have any yet?" Yukna asked.

"Yup, I have a spark of compression," Zee said.

"Oh. I think I see the problem."Yukna said.

"You do?" Zee asked.

"It's pretty obvious, no? You must have infused your spark of compression into the spatial storage."Yukna said, with certainty.

"Dern and I have been brainstorming on how to solve this for weeks and it's that simple?" Zee asked, dumbfounded.

Yukna shrugged. "Many things seem simple in hindsight."

"So how do I fix it?" Zee asked.

"You can't fix it, or you will destroy the earring. Dern created a complex framework of energy, tying each etching to the earring. All of those etchings are linked, creating pathways to circulate and contain the energy you infused into it. By now, that energy has become a part of the material." Yukna said.

"Can you help guide me? I don't know what I am doing." Zee said.

Yukna sat up much more attentive than before, her fatigue fading away. "Of course. First, you will need to get Dern to create a framework on another suitable item so this one doesn't break. The alloy of your earring wont be able to handle the stress if we try and use it a second time." Yukna said.

She leaned forward in her chair excitement bubbling up in her voice. "This why you can't just use random chunks of metal or rock to make a spatial storage. Spatial energy is highly volatile, and would corrode most things you try to use as a median."Yukna said gesturing excitedly.

"I see...." though she really didn't." So, will these make a suitable median for the spatial storage?" Zee asked.

Zee placed two items on the living room table. An intricate golden ring with a large gem, and a silver chain bracelet, both loaned to her by Malden.

He gave the bracelet to her in Jenndeer's hideout and the ring on the boat. If she remembered correctly, that bracelet was actually for Yukna now that she thought of it.

Yukna took each in turn, examining them closely.

"These are high-quality gems and metals. In fact, each one could buy you a mansion if you sold it to the right buyer."Yukna said, whistling softly.

And yet, Maldy just gave them to her to play around with. The thought was troubling. What if she broke these like she had her earring? Zee really didn't want to be stuck with the bill if that happened.

"So, can you help me turn both of these into a spatial storage?" Zee asked.

"Sure. Though not today, I'm exhausted and need some sleep."Yukna said.

Zee smiled, hating to break the news to her.

"Sorry. But no sleep for you. In fact, never again." Zee said.

Yukna groaned, at her words, "I'm starting to think I didn't think this through."Yukna said.

"It's not so bad. Once you learn my family technique you can sleep anywhere." Zee said.

"Does it make sleeping on the floor more comfortable or something?"Yukna asked, her eyelids drooping.

"Nope. Still just as uncomfortable. But you can if you want." Zee said.

Yukna groaned. "Alright, how do we start?"

Zee guided the woman through the process of splitting her focus. It was a tricky thing to do. You had to split your focus, one half on compression and the other on drawing in and purifying her energy.

It took her less than an hour to get the hang of it, which made Zee a bit jealous.

This was just unfair. It had taken her weeks to learn to split her focus on more than one thing. She was even more impressed at how fast Yukna fell into a deep meditation.

That in and of itself was a tough thing to do. The woman must have been extremely exhausted, going nearly comatose right on the couch, basically falling asleep.

The woman must have been far more exhausted than she let on. Zee took the plates from the living room table and cleaned them up.

The sun had long since set by the time Allison got back. Zee sensed her walking up the front stairs with her spatial ripple before she open the front door.

The princess walked in, and Zee mimed a shush gesture. Allison paused taking off her boots at the door and walking over, looking worried.

"How is she?" Allison asked, glancing at her fiancé, who was sitting perfectly still on the couch.

"She is well. Your girlfriend is something else. She pushed through three purging sessions today." Zee said.

Allison's eyes widen, her worry deepening. "That much?"

"Ya, but it's fine. She will actually be back to full recovery much quicker than you did because of it." Zee said softly.

"That's good I guess." She paused something dawning on her. "Wait, three sessions? That has to be some mess. Where did you do it?" Allison asked.

Zee smiled. "You may not want to go into the training room. It's a toxic environment right now." Zee said.

Allison walked over and pulled open a tall cabinet door. Inside were several wooden handled brooms, mops, and buckets.

"Well, get a mop, and a bucket," Allison said, gesturing inside.

"Ohh no. I just had a bath, and this is my last clean uniform." Zee said, backing away.

A gleam flashed in Allison's eyes.

"Well, I was going to introduce you to sword saint Hellen, but I guess you don't want to meet her." Allison said, moving towards the stairs, mop and bucket in hand.

Zee paused. "Now you are just messing with me?"

"Nope. Sword saint Hellen is here for the tournament. You should know she is considered the best swordswoman in all of Carmanah." Allison said.

"And you will introduce me to her if I help you clean up your sparring room,"Zee asked.

Allison grinned. "Yup."