World is at a war, a big war. We don't fight against another human but we struggle against the living dead. No one survive, except the chosen one. The chosen one can't survive without spirit of live. The chosen one must start to fight to kill the living dead. Note : This story will be like a post-apocalyptic story. You will see the main character adventure. He/she will fight the living deads or zombies. Survive is main priority.
At the afternoon, Kein and Wen saw at the giant crocodile which was chasing a woman and two men. They are seem at dangerous situation.
"Over here!" Kein shouted.
"No, don't shout! Or the crocodile come to us," Wen talked.
"We can't let them in danger. The giant crocodile must be a mutant," Kein said.
"But, if the crocodile chasing us, I can't run. Think about that," Wen said panic.
"Alright. My mistake to let you come with me. You should to stay with Helen and Keira. By the way the gun will not work on that creature. We need a bigger weapon like tank or artilery," Kein said.
"Talk to the croc. I have to leave to get something helpful. You can distract the croc but don't let it grab you or you will be die," Wen said then leaving with limping steps.
"Alright. Croc, let's talk," Kein muttered then going under the building where he was.
Kein ran to a building nearest with the crocodile.
"Over here!" Kein called the woman who is running with the crocodile is behind her for at least 6 meters.
Then Kein escorted the girl to a basement which is located inside one of these buildings.
"Thanks for saving me. But my boyfriend and his friend are still up there. Could you escort them to here?" the girl said frantic.
"Okay, wait here. Don't go anywhere," Kein said while leaving the girl.
Kein went out from the basement then going to where a man were hiding behind a ruin.
"Are you the girl's friend? You can follow me. She is in basement, now. Come one," Kein said while approaching the man.
"Who are you? That girl? Did you mean Velisa?" the man asked.
"I don't know. She didn't tell me her name." Kein looked at a giant crocodile's head behind a ruins window. "Shit! We can't go out easily. I must distract the croc."
"You have no plan? The thing is very horrifying. It ate my friends. One thing you have to know. It increased to bigger after swallowing people," the man said.
"What? That's horrifying. But be calm. I am waiting for my friend's help," Kein answered.
Suddenly heard a shout from southeast the ruins.
"Aaaahhhh! Fuck! I am being eaten!"
"Yezak! Fuck! We must save him!" the man exlaimed panic.
"Alright! Assist me! I will try to distract the creature," Kein said while jumping pass the ruins window through.
Followed by the man, Kein ran to source of that shout. He jumped out every ruins or object that blocked way.
After a minute, Kein saw a man climbing a tree when the giant crocodile is ready to catch him.
Suddenly a flare launched then hit one of the creature's eyes.
"Gotcha!" Wen standing over a ruins while holding a flare gun.
Because of Wen's shot, the giant crocodile diverts it's target. Now, it moves to get Wen.
"Oh, crap! It is catching me!" Wen swore while trying to go away although his leg is in pain.
Kein looked at Wen then running to leave the man and his friend.
"I am sorry. My friend is in great danger. He isn't on good condition," Kein said while running to the giant crocodile which is chasing Wen.
Wen couldn't run fast. So, the crocodile almost reached him. But suddenly a big projectile hit the crocodile.
The projectile exploded making the cryptid creature roaring to to the sky. The projectile couldn't take the creature down. But the effect of the projectile succeeded to drive it away.
After the projectile hit, a tank appeared. It's a big tank which drove toward the ruins.
"Is it Wen's plan?" Kein muttered while approaching Wen.
Several minutes later.
Four soldiers were looked to talk with Wen, Kein, and the survivors who was helped by Kein.
"I am Rudy Sarjono. I am the captain of this tank," a soldier talked while approaching Kein and Wen. "I just happened to be passing by here. Then I saw you in grave situation. The mutant is very dangerous. Moreover when it grows into titan. That will be very big problem."
"Is there injured one?" another soldier asked.
"No, sir. Just little wound. I think they are all fine," another soldier who checked Kein and the others said.
"Thank you for the help. I really thought I was going to die when that thing chased me. Moreover, my leg was injured. Not hurt by the crocodile. But it was injured by a rock," Wen said
"It doesn't matter anymore. But we have to leave. My batalion is waiting for us to drive the Narahita soldiers away from Oyster City. That city is our destination. Not for traveling but for battle," Captain Rudy said while approaching his tank. "Come on, boys. We need to continue our work."
"See you, guys," one of these soldiers said while closing the hatch.
"Good luck, men," Kein replied.
After two hours gone.
The survivors were gathering inside house where Kein and friends have gathered there before.
"So, the City of Peace? Why are you so obsessed to go to there?" one of these survivors named Yezak asked.
"The city offers peace to survivors. Many survivors were in hopeless. So they wanted to go somewhere which guarantee their safety," Helen answered.
"It looks promising. I want to go there. I want to live in peace without chased by zombies or Narahita soldiers. Right, right, Ilon?" the woman survivor named Velisa said while staring at her another friend.
"Ya, I think so. We need to reach the city. I hope we can live in peace. So, from now I have new hope to live in peace. What are we waiting for?" Ilon spoke optimistic.
"But the car can't shelt all of us. We need to find another car. We need at least three. I can't ride your car anymore, Helen. It's too narrow," Kein said while looking at Helen's car which is parked near windows.
"Yeah, find another car by yourself. I know my car can't shelt more people. But don't you see the wagon? The big wagon that has four wheels. I think we can use it," Helen said while pointing at a wagon parked accross the road.
"It has four punctured tires," Kein commented.
Time skipped.
Nine days later.
Kein and the others succeeded to repair the wagon. The wagon that can be towed by car has medium size that can accommodate at least ten people.
After succeeded to fix the wagon and attached it behind Helen's car, with the wagoned car, Kein and the others left the village.
"This wagon isn't safe when she drives car like a freak. Moreover this wagon has no brakes," Kein commented making the others looked at him.
"Why didn't you attach the brakes when fixing it?" Keira asked.
"We have no more spare parts. Moreover we stopped over in abandoned village. Not abandoned city," Kein replied while staring at Keira. "By the way, you carry the Teddy Bear. It is so touches."
Keira just diverted attention to another direction. She looked at Velisa who huged Ilon while fingering the man's genital.
"They were used to do that," Yezak said while opening his softdrink bottle cap.
Suddenly the wagon shaked followed by brake's sound.
"Helen, what's going on?" Kein exlaimed while peeking through a wagon's window.
"Zombies! They are very many. We can't pass them through. This car and this wagon will end here," Helen replied.
"God damn it! We must turn back, Helen!" Kein shouted.
"No can do! This street is too narrow. I can't turn this car around," Helen replied.
"We need to leave this vehicle! We can't stay here to wait for the death. Come on!" Yezak said while opening wagon's door then going out.
Velisa, Ilon, Keira, and Kein did what Yezak did. But suddenly the car that towing the wagon thrown to the wagon.
"Wen! Helen!" Kein shouted while running to the car where Helen and Wen were still inside. "Help me to get them out!"
Helped by Yezak and friends and Keira, Kein gets Helen and Wen out of the car. These two people are injured light.
"Fuck! The zombies are coming!" Ilon shouted when seeing a huge wave of zombies are approaching.
"Run!" Yezak shouted then running followed by the others.
Because of the zombies horde, Kein and the others were scattered to everywhere. Even one of them was lost after apart from group.
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