
Zecharia's Natural Skills

The days have passed in Earth U17, Shemhaza approached Zecharia, his gaze filled with curiosity as he sought to uncover the mystery surrounding Zecharia's identity and the origin of his remarkable skills and strength.

"Zecharia, could you share your past and where you came from? You have remarkable skills." Shemhaza's voice was gentle yet probing. "Your abilities are extraordinary, and I am curious about the journey that has brought you to this moment."

As if driven by instinct, Zecharia introspected, and memories of his courageous past suddenly emerged, sharp and vivid. With a solemn acceptance, he began his narrative, his voice filled with both sorrow and steadfast determination.

I was raised by loving parents. They are the best parents, their kindness shaping me into the person I am today," Zecharia began, his voice steady but filled with emotion. "But tragedy struck mercilessly when my parents were slain by lycans, leaving me alone in a world shrouded in darkness."

As he spoke, the weight of Zecharia's past was evident in his eyes, the scars of loss seemingly etched deep within his soul. Yet amidst the pain, there was a strong determination, a resolve to seek and deliver justice for his slain loved ones.

"After their deaths, I vowed to avenge my parents and cleanse the world of the creatures that stole everything from me," Zecharia continued, his voice growing stronger with each word. "I enhance my skills in combat, relentlessly pursuing and hunting down lycans and vampires, with each one I slay seems bringing me one step closer to my goal."

But as Zecharia explored deeper into his tale, he admitted to Shemhaza that there were aspects of his abilities that remained a mystery even to him.

"I cannot explain the source of my strength or the origin of my skills," Zecharia confessed, a furrow forming on his brow. "It is as if they were ingrained within me from birth, seems like a natural gift that has guided me through countless battles.

"When my father was still alive, he always reminded me to conceal my abilities, aside from the fear of being judged by people, he also warned me about the dangers that awaited in revealing my true nature to the world."

As Zecharia's story unfolded, Shemhaza listened intently, a mixture of fascination and concern evident on his face. The revelation of Zecharia's mysterious and unique abilities only deepened the mystery that surrounds him.

"Your story is remarkable and inspiring, Zecharia," remarked Shemhaza, his voice filled with appreciation. "It seems fate has woven a complex narrative in your life, one filled with secrets yet to be discovered. But be cautious, for there are forces at play around us that we do not fully understand, and your talents may hold the key to understanding their true nature."

In a nod of understanding, Zecharia agreed with Shemhaza's words, and his determination to uncover the truth grew stronger. As he prepared for the challenges ahead, he realized that his true identity was the key to discovering his true destiny, a destiny intertwined with the fate of Eldoria and the world beyond.

In the midst of their conversation, Shemhaza's gaze became serious and intense as he was about to ask him a question.

"Zecharia, if you were to discover your true identity, would you be able to embrace it fully?"

"What do you mean, Shemhaza?" Zecharia asked, sounding puzzled.

"You are more than you realize, Zecharia. There is a strength within you, a power that defies explanation. But to wield it, you must confront your past and unlock the secrets that lie buried within," Shemhaza explained, his tone unwavering.

"Who am I, really?" Zecharia's voice faltered with uncertainty as he tried to understand the full meaning of Shemhaza's words.

"I... I don't understand. How can I uncover something when I know so little about myself?" Zecharia's voice trembled with uncertainty as he grappled with the weight of Shemhaza's words.

"You must journey inward, deep in your own soul, to unlock the power that lies dormant within you," Shemhaza advised, his words carrying a sense of urgency.

"I will find the answers I seek, Shemhaza. And when I do, I will unleash the full extent of my power upon those who would seek to do us harm," Zecharia vowed, his voice resolute.

"Go forth, Zecharia, and discover your true identity. Only then can you face the challenges ahead and emerge victorious," said Shemhaza, his words echoing in the chamber as Zecharia began his journey of self-discovery.

"And when that time comes and you uncover your true self, you will stand tall and lead the oppressed, the downtrodden, and the deprived towards a life of freedom," Shemhaza whispered with a hint of deeper meaning.

As Shemhaza looked at Zecharia, he carried a profound thought, and his eyes harbored secrets yet to be revealed. Although he knew Zecharia's true lineage, he chose to remain silent, understanding that revealing it would be meaningless until Zecharia willingly discovered his true identity.

Thus, he remained a silent guardian, continuing to guide Zecharia on his journey of self-discovery, knowing that only when Zecharia learned his true self and learned to fully accept and embrace it could unleash the full extent of his abilities.

After their conversation, Zecharia walked around and saw Father Andreas busy with his work. He approached him.

"You seem very busy, Father. What are you working on?" Zecharia asked with a smile.

"Do you still have the pendant? It's a necklace. You can place your pendant here so you can wear it around your neck. This way, it's like a protection that will safeguard you on your future missions," Father said as he finished arranging the necklace.

Zecharia chuckled slightly and said, "Alright, Father, since you put effort into it and it added a few more wrinkles to your forehead, I'll follow what you said and wear it." He said playfully.

Zecharia carefully took the pendant from his side and handed it to Father Andreas. After receiving it, Father Andreas attached the pendant to the necklace and placed it on Zecharia's neck while whispering, ''Remember, my child, whatever trials and hardships come your way, always choose the right path.''

As the days pass, the Eldorian people continue to train tirelessly, determined to reclaim Eldoria. The day is drawing near when the resilience of the Eldorians, led by Princess Liora and Zecharia, will be put to the ultimate test. Will they succeed in reclaiming Eldoria from the darkness?