
Zecharia's Mysterious Dream

In the middle of his dreams, Zecharia was surrounded by the echoes of a distant war. The clash of swords and the shouts of unseen warriors created a celestial noise, as if a battle raged in the heavens above.

In this dreamlike moment, Zecharia found himself holding a sword, its heavenly glow casting and supernatural light. The weight of the weapon felt both unfamiliar and ancient, adding to the dreamlike quality of the experience.

The air hummed with energy, and the clash of celestial steel resonated like distant thunder. It was as if he had stumbled upon a forgotten chapter of history, a celestial conflict that transcended mortal understanding. But after that, he found himself surrounded by darkness, and it seemed as if he saw himself with red eyes, resembling a demon.

However, the dream swiftly dissipated, and Zecharia awoke, the memory of the flaming sword fading like wisps of smoke. The dream left behind a sense of mystery, a hint of a past he couldn't quite grasp.

Awakening to the soft symphony of morning, Zecharia found himself nestled in the castle's embrace, the gentle sunlight weaving through the curtains.

The room held a quiet intimacy, interrupted only by the rhythmic melody of Liora's tranquil breaths.

As his eyes adjusted to the light, he discovered Princess Liora nearby, having fallen asleep while keeping watch over him.

Her features softening in the gentle glow of the room.

Unable to resist, Zecharia found his gaze drawn to her face, aglow with an ethereal beauty that seemed to intensify with each passing moment.

As he gazed upon her, the dawn's tender light revealed the delicate contours of Princess Liora's face. The morning hues painted a canvas of warmth on her skin, accentuating the graceful curve of her cheek, the way the sunlight played in her tousled locks.

In the quite, Zecharia couldn't help but admire every little things about the princess. The way her eyelashes made soft shadows on her cheeks. The tiny smile that stayed on her lips, and how her chest move up and down showing she was peacefully asleep. The room felt like it was respecting the special quietness of that time.

Zecharia, captivated by the ethereal beauty before him, felt a connection that transcended the battles and challenges of their reality. In the soft morning glow, he discovered an unexpected serenity, a silent understanding that whispered promises of something deeper, something that unfolded in the silent dance of dawn.

Liora stirred, her eyes fluttering open to meet the morning light. Zecharia, realizing he had been lost in contemplation, quickly averted his gaze, a faint blush coloring his cheeks.

Liora, with a gentle smile, noticed his subtle shift and teased, "Enjoying the view, Zecharia?"

Zecharia, attempting to deflect the moment, replied with a light chuckle, "I was merely appreciating the morning light. It does wonders, even on castle walls."

Liora raised an eyebrow playfully, "Castle walls, or someone's enchanting presence?"

Caught off guard, Zecharia couldn't help but to smirked.

Liora, her gaze softening, asked, "How are you feeling, Zecharia?

Zecharia, with a hint of nonchalance, replied, "Oh, surviving, I suppose. Battles and I are old acquaintances, nothing I can't handle."

Liora, raising an eyebrow, said, "Your bravado won't mend exhaustion. It's good you had someone to keep an eye on you."

Zecharia, with a sly smile, added, "Indeed, though I'm not accustomed to needing babysitters. But I appreciate the effort."

As they delved into conversation, the morning sunlight bathed the castle chamber, casting a warm glow on the start of their day together, despite Zecharia's snobbish demeanor.

Liora and Zecharia strolled through the intricate corridors of the palace, engaged in a conversation that flowed like a gentle stream.

Yet, amidst their words, Zecharia caught a whisper, soft and elusive, tugging at the edges of his consciousness.

Intrigued, he followed the subtle murmurings, which led him to the palace chapel.

As he entered, the air seemed to hum with an ancient energy, and a gentle breeze rustled through the sacred space.

In the heart of the chapel, a book lay open on the lectern. Its pages turned by an unseen hand, revealing intricate script and celestial illustrations.

Drawn to the mystical pages, Zecharia felt a resonance with the ancient text. The whispers now formed coherent words, a voice from the ages, guiding him through the verses that held secrets and prophecies.

Liora, sensing something profound, joined him in the chapel. The ethereal glow of the sacred space and the ancient words seemed to weave a tapestry of destiny.

As they read the verses together, the Book unveiled forgotten histories, celestial realms, and a connection to Zecharia's own mysterious past. The chapel, once silent, echoed with the whispers of ancient knowledge, and the threads of their destinies intertwined with the revelations within the sacred text.

As Zecharia looked into the Book, his eyes fell upon verse 10. A flash of images unfolded before him,like a remembering of forgotten memories.

Noah, a man of righteousness, was in charge of making an ark in a world corrupted by the fallen angel Azazel..

The vision was chilling yet amasing, giving Zecharia a glimpse into an ancient time when heaven and earth were closely linked. Zecharia felt a connection to this distant past, realizing that his journey was intertwined with events that spanned beyond the confines of his own understanding.

As the flashback faded, leaving echoes of divine warnings, Zecharia looked to Liora, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. The revelations within the Book had unveiled not only celestial mysteries but also fragments of Zecharia's enigmatic history.

As the flashback still lingered in Zecharia's mind, the chapel's tranquility was interrupted by approaching footsteps. Turning, Zecharia and Liora found themselves facing the imposing figure of the king.

King said, "Zecharia, Princess Liora, what brings you to the chapel? A moment of reflection, perhaps?"

Zecharia, still processing the revelations from the Book, replied, "Indeed, Your Majesty. The chapel's serenity provides a respite from the chaos."

King continued, "A wise choice. Later, join me for the feast. The palace is filled with delicacies that will surely lift the spirits. We can continue our conversation over the feast."

"Liora and Zecharia, grateful for the king's invitation, later went to the grand dining hall for dinner."

—after that scene the book revealed as the "Book of Enoch".---

At the dining hall the air was filled with the smell of rich stews, freshly baked bread, and sets of fruits.

The long table was set with silverware and goblets, a proof of the luxury of the royal palace. And when they took their seats, the king gestured for the feast to begin.

King declared, "Eat, my friends! Today, we celebrate life, knowledge, and the bonds that bring us together."

The atmosphere in the hall became festive as they indulged in the royal feast, the king regaling them with tales of the kingdom's history and its enduring resilience against the forces of darkness.

As the meal unfolded, Zecharia couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie, an unexpected connection with the king and Liora. The feast became not only a celebration of sustenance but a communion of shared stories and shared destinies.