
Wispher of Wings

Back on Earth U17.....

In the midst of tragedy, Princess Liora and Zecharia, along with their steadfast companions, stand facing the challenge, the reclaiming of Eldoria's castle from the grip of darkness. Even as their hearts feel the weight of sorrow, their spirits remain resolute, ready to confront the dangerous journey that awaits them.

Seeking both guidance and aid, Princess Liora turns to Shemhaza, the leader of the Grigori Kingdom. With determination blazing in her eyes, she implores him to lend his wisdom and resources to train Eldoria's warriors for the imminent battles.

"Leader Shemhaza, we stand at the brink of war, and Eldoria needs your aid. Will you help us train our warriors for the battles ahead?" Princess Liora's voice carries both urgency and determination.

"Your resolve is commendable, Princess Liora. I shall lend you the strength of the Grigori Kingdom. Our warriors will train yours to be a force to be reckoned with," Shemhaza responds with a calm assurance that belies the gravity of their situation.

The mysterious Shemhaza agrees to her request, offering the vast knowledge and martial prowess of his kingdom to strengthen Eldoria's forces. Under his watchful gaze, the warriors undergo rigorous training, sharpening their skills and fortifying themselves for the trials ahead.

Everyone with the ability to fight, regardless of gender or age, is practicing. From wielding swords to shooting arrows.

As the days turn into weeks, Princess Liora emerges as a beacon of strength and leadership, guiding her people with her unwavering determination. Alongside Zecharia, she inspires her people, filling them with the strength and determination needed to confront the impending darkness they will face.

"In the face of challenges, we shall not falter. Eldoria's strength lies within its people, and together, we will overcome all of this," declares Princess Liora, her voice resonating with confidence.

"Yes the Princess is right, the shadows grow darker, but together, we shall prevail. Trust in our bond, and we shall overcome any obstacle," Zecharia reassures Princess Liora, his voice filled with determination.

Meanwhile, within the serene confines of the Grigori Kingdom, the warriors of Eldoria continue their relentless training under Shemhaza's watchful eye. Amidst the clash of swords and the thunder of combat, a challenge arises as Barracudo, a formidable Grigori warrior, steps forth to test Zecharia's courage.

"Zecharia, you show promise, but can you match blades with a Grigori warrior?" Barracudo's voice carries a hint of skepticism, his eyes glinting with anticipation.

"Hmm, I accept your challenge." Zecharia responds with unwavering resolve, his gaze locked with Barracudo's.

With determination etched upon his features, Zecharia accepts the challenge, ready to prove his worth against the formidable opponent.

The two warriors face off in the center of the training grounds. Their swords collided, creating a powerful gust of wind and a resounding boom.

As their swords trembled, they both sensed that their opponent was no ordinary adversary.

Zecharia's agility and quick reflexes give him the upper hand at first, his every move calculated and precise. But Barracudo is no ordinary opponent.

Zecharia's speed and agility allowed him to swiftly pivot and circle around Barracudo, aiming to catch him off guard and deliver an elbow strike. Despite being taken aback by Zecharia's rapid movement, Barracudo managed to quickly duck and evade his attack. He immediately attacked using his sword, but it was blocked by Zecharia's sword.

As the battle rages on, Zecharia begins to sense a hidden power flowing from his opponent, a strength that seems incongruent with Barracudo's external appearance.

With each passing moment, the intensity of the battle increases, the two warriors pushing each other to their limits in a test of skill and endurance.

Zecharia's determination strengthens his every strike, his blade cutting through the air with sharp and piercing certainty.

And with a swift twist, Zecharia disappeared from his sight, until from a high leap, Zecharia delivered a strong blow to bring Barracudo down. He countered it, but with the force of the blow, Barracudo was brought to his knees. His body kept descending from kneeling due to Zecharia's force pressing against him.

But just as victory seems within reach, Barracudo unleashes a glimpse of his power which sends shockwaves through the training grounds, a flash of light in his eyes and the faint outline of wings threatening to spread from his back.

And with a strong push upwards, he momentarily caught Zecharia off guard, allowing Barracudo to gain the upper hand and deliver a decisive blow.

"What... What power is this?" Zecharia wondered to himself as he floated in the air, slowly falling. His mind was astonished by the unearthly strength displayed by Barracudo.

Despite Zecharia's valiant efforts, Barracudo emerges victorious, his strength and resilience undeniable.

"You fought well, Zecharia. Your determination is admirable," Barracudo acknowledges Zecharia's efforts, a note of respect in his voice.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Zecharia rose from his stance, his determination burning brighter than ever. Though Barracudo's hidden power remains a mystery, Zecharia's interest and desire to uncover the truth have intensified.

After the heated challenge, they returned to their respective practices. Zecharia approached Jack and Cole and asked, "Did you notice something peculiar about Barracudo's strenght? Did you notice that his eyes seemed to glow and there seemed to be something wanting to emerge from his back when I was about to defeat him?"

"I didn't notice anything, brother. Everything happened too quickly," Cole replied.

Jack, who had been observing closely from the beginning, chimed in, "I didn't notice anything either, but I could feel that his power wasn't ordinary. It's not just him," he said, then suddenly glanced at Shemhaza.

"Be careful and vigilant. There's something unusual about the people here," Zecharia cautioned.

As the dust settles, Barracudo approaches Shemhaza, a knowing glint in his eyes.

"Yes, Shemhaza," Barracudo begins, his voice low and cryptic. "That's him. But his strength is different from what I expected."

"If only he would know who he truly is and release the true being within him, he could easily defeat me," Barracudo added.

"Well, among all the Watchers, Azazel is the strongest," Shemhaza said with a slight grin, as if harboring deeper thoughts.


Meanwhile in Earth U5, after finishing off the last gigantic ant by burying the steel pipe into its head, Rod leaped down from atop the ant, brushing his hands off.

"Whew, that was quite exhausting," Rod said, wiping his forehead.

Suddenly, a voice spoke from behind him. "Wow, you're so strong and skilled, mister," said a young man.

Rod was surprised and swallowed hard, thinking about how to explain what happened to the witness of his strength.

Facing the man, Rod spoke with a smile, trying to downplay it. "Oh, it's nothing. Just got lucky!" Rod said, chuckling.

"Alright then. I'm off," Rod bid farewell and started to walk.

"Wait, mister! The direction you're headed to leads to abandoned areas as well. I'm heading to the city of Furu where most survivors are and it's protected by the government and the Armed Forces," the young man said. "If you want mister, you can come with me."

Rod paused to consider the young man's offer. "Since I'm not familiar with this world, I may need the help of the locals here. Perhaps it will make it easier for me to find Abaddon," Rod said to himself.

"What year is it here?" Rod asked.

"2105," the young man replied.

"I'm Kenji," the young man said.

"Rod," replied Rod.

Rod joined the young man on his way to the city he mentioned, hoping that in the place they were heading to, he would gain more knowledge about the true state of that world and find leads to uncover the cause of the appearance of the giant insects wreaking havoc on that world, and ultimately locate the demon responsible for it.