
Unexpected Mission

As Octavius's damaged wings hinder his mobility, his movements become erratic and unsteady. His once graceful maneuvers are now replaced with clumsy and faltering steps, as the pain from his injuries gnaws at his strength.

With each passing moment, Octavius's balance wavers, and his attacks grow weaker and less coordinated. His attempts to counter Rod's onslaught are feeble and ineffective, as he struggles to keep pace with the relentless barrage of strikes.

Despite his best efforts to regain control of the battle, Octavius finds himself increasingly vulnerable to Rod's relentless assault. With each hit, his strength wanes further, and the realization of his impending defeat weighs heavily upon him.

Desperate to turn the tide, Octavius fights on, but with each passing moment, his movements become more sluggish, and his once formidable presence diminishes. It is clear that without the full use of his wings, Octavius is at a severe disadvantage, and victory slips further from his grasp with each passing moment.

As Octavius's damaged wings hinder his movements, Rod seizes the opportunity to unleash a breathtaking display of skill and agility. With a swift feint, Rod darts to the side, dodging Octavius's faltering counterattack. In one fluid motion, he vaults into the air, using the momentum to execute a stunning mid-air spin. As he descends, Rod unleashes a flurry of lightning-fast strikes, each blow aimed with pinpoint accuracy at Octavius's vulnerable spots.

Octavius, caught off guard by Rod's acrobatic assault, struggles to defend himself. With each strike, Rod's sword sings through the air, creating a mesmerizing symphony of steel. Sensing an opening, Rod launches himself into a somersault, flipping over Octavius's head and landing gracefully behind him.

With Octavius momentarily disoriented, Rod takes advantage of the opportunity to deliver a devastating kick to his opponent's weakened side. The impact sends Octavius staggering backwards, his balance teetering on the brink.

But Rod isn't finished yet. With a lightning-quick movement, he spins around, his sword slicing through the air in a dazzling arc. The blade connects with Octavius's armor, sending sparks flying as the force of the blow sends him crashing to the ground.

As Octavius lies dazed and defeated, words of surrender are heard in his voice.

Upon hearing Octavius' voice, Rod rushes to him. With a hand extended in friendship, Rod helps Octavius to his feet, offering a supportive shoulder for him to lean on.

"Are you alright?" Rod asks, concern evident in his voice.

Octavius nods, gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thank you, Rod. That was quite the battle."

"It was," Rod agrees with a smile. "But it's all in the spirit of training. We both pushed ourselves to our limits and came out stronger for it."

As they walk together, Octavius claps a hand on Rod's shoulder. "You fought well, my friend. I have much to learn from you."

"And I from you," Rod replies, returning the gesture. "Let's continue to spar and grow stronger together."

Before going back to his place. Rod decided to address the angels who watched the sparring.

Rod speaks with a sense of reflection and insight.

"Angels, I've noticed something during our training sessions and battles," Rod begins, his voice carrying a tone of contemplation. "Many of you rely heavily on your wings as a source of your strength and agility."

"There's no doubt about Octavius's strength among the angels." Rod asserted, his voice carrying a tone of respect tinged with observation. "But as I observed his movements, I realized that while his strength is formidable, he also heavily relies on his wings."

With a thoughtful pause, Rod's expression grew more earnest. "We must not become complacent in relying solely on your wings, for there will come a time when they may fail us."

As his words settled among the attentive audience of angels, Rod's message resonated with a sense of introspection and determination.

After that, the sound of applause and cheering echoed throughout, showing admiration and appreciation for the two warriors. It was a demonstration of respect and recognition for the bravery and skill exhibited by the two warriors.

Meanwhile, Archangel Rafael gave Archangel Uriel a fleeting smile as their eyes met.

"Hicarius, Rod is correct. That's something we should focus on in our training," said Archangel Uriel.

"Yes, Archangel Uriel," nodded Hicarius.

Hicarius rose into the air and spoke loudly to everyone. "That concludes our training session. Everyone can now take a rest!" he announced to the watching warriors.

"Thank you for your performance, Rod and Octavius. Your wounds will heal soon. May this experience enrich your knowledge and inspire all who witnessed your skill and bravery," Uriel said.

As the two made their way back to their positions, they were greeted by their comrades.

"Does Rod know about the sword?" Uriel asked Rafael, as if the realization of what they witnessed still hadn't sunk in.

"Yes," replied Archangel Rafael.

The choice of the sword for Rod as its new wielder left a mark and raised questions among the Archangels…


After a few days, Archangel Samael received a mission. Hicarius gathered all the warriors who would accompany him.

While they were preparing, Rod, along with Ferdie and Ezra, was approached by Hicarius.

"Rod, you won't be joining them," Hicarius said. Rod's companions were surprised by what they heard. "You'll stay here," Hicarius added.

Rod could do nothing but nod to Hicarius.

"Ferdie, Ezra, take care. Please pass on my regards to Anna and the others," Rod said, his sadness evident.

"Of course. We'll be waiting for our return," Ferdie said with a smile, trying to cheer up Rod.

Moments later, Archangel Samael's entire contingent departed.

Left behind, Rod continued his training and studies in the chamber of knowledge.

One day, while Rod was reading in the chamber of knowledge, Archangel Rafael approached him.

"Is it true that one day for us is equivalent to about a year in the human world?" he asked Rod, surprising him.

"Yes, Archangel Rafael," Rod replied, taken aback by the unexpected visit. "It's 330 days."

"Well, the world created by our God is not just one. Like the universe. If I'm not mistaken, you're from Earth U10," Archangel Rafael continued.

"Each world faces its own set of problems. It's up to the people how strong their prayers will be to convey their plea for help and draw closer to our God," explained Archangel Rafael.

"On Earth U5, the people's prayers for divine assistance are particularly strong. They suffer due to the influence of the demon Abaddon. The people there are facing gigantic creatures, once mere insects, now towering over them," Archangel Rafael mentioned, his words filled with concern and determination for the people's safety in that world.

"Usually, demons are not seen by humans; instead, they manipulate humans to sow chaos," said Rod.

"Correct," replied Archangel Rafael.

"Sometimes, their targets are those thirsty for power, and they'll do anything to gain physical and influential power. Just like what's happening now in Earth U17," Rafael stated, his eyes reflecting deep concern.

"Long ago, the demon Astaroth was sent by his master Beelzebub to that Earth and created a vampire creature. Also, Asmodeus sent a servant named Gamigin who created werewolves," added Archangel Rafael.

"What? Those creatures are real? Because in our world, they're just fictional beings, made for books and movies," said Rod, his face displaying surprise and bewilderment.

"That's right, it's true, it happened for power. In the struggle to rule over all of humanity in that world. The people there are suffering and oppressed. They feel like they've been forgotten by heaven," said Rafael.

"I have something I want you to do, Rod," said the Archangel.

"What is it?" replied Rod.

"I want you to go to any of the worlds I mentioned. May you serve as their light in their dark and perilous world. Prove to them that our God is real," explained the Archangel.

"Me?" Rod couldn't believe it.

"Because once I step into any of those worlds, the demons will immediately sense my presence, and this will make it even harder for me to find them."

"So your mission, aside from helping the people there, is to find the demons for me," said Archangel Rafael, his face reflecting his trust.

Rod couldn't believe what he was hearing.