
The Debate

Meanwhile, from heaven. The seven archangels converse together.

"As time goes on, the situation on Earth U17 worsens. What's your plan, Rafael?" Archangel Michael asked.

"As soon as Rod finds Abaddon in Earth U5 for me, I will send him immediately to Earth U17," replied Archangel Rafael, his face showing deep contemplation.


Back on Earth U17 in Eldorian Palace.

The grand hall fell into a hushed silence as the king, with a heavy heart, revealed the true cost of the alliance with Nosferatu.

"To solidify this alliance, Nosferatu demands a significant sacrifice—a union between our kingdoms. Princess Liora is to be wed to him."

The revelation sent shockwaves through the assembly. Gasps and whispers spread like wildfire, and the nobles exchanged incredulous glances.

"Marry the vampire king? Surely, there must be another way!"

"This is an outrage! We cannot sacrifice our princess for an uncertain alliance."

"Our kingdom's survival must take precedence. Sacrifices are inevitable in times of war."

Liora, though visibly shaken, maintained her composure. Zecharia's expression darkened, a storm of conflicting emotions crossing his face.

"I am a princess of this realm, and I will honor my duty if it ensures our people's safety," Liora added with quiet resolve.

The king, recognizing the gravity of his decision, spoke with a heavy heart. "This decision weighs on me more than any battle we've faced. But our kingdom teeters on the edge, and desperate times call for desperate measures. I implore you all to consider the greater good."

Zecharia, concern etched on his face, stood forward amidst the heated debate. "I understand the urgency of the situation, but marrying Princess Liora to Nosferatu is not a solution; it's a pact with darkness. We cannot sacrifice one for the supposed safety of many. There must be another way to face this threat without compromising our values."

As the debate reached its climax, a sudden disturbance interrupted the proceedings.

The royal guard swiftly entered the hall, expressions tense and urgent. The head of the guard bowed before the king. "Your Majesty, we apologize for the interruption. We bring grave news."

"Speak, Captain. Whag is it? We are in the midst of an important discussion," the king commanded.

"Nosferatu and his entourage approach, accompanied by Marcus and Drako. They request an audience."

The king, weariness and resolve on his face, nodded. "Allow them entry."

The massive doors creaked open, revealing the ominous figures of Nosferatu, Marcus, and Drako. The air seemed to grow colder as they entered, their presence commanding attention.

Nosferatu, with a bow that held a blend of courtesy and malice, addressed the king. "Your Majesty, I appreciate your willingness to entertain us during such tumultuous times."

"Get to the point, Nosferatu. We are not in the mood for pleasantries," the king demanded.

"Very well. I understand the deliberations regarding our alliance. I assure you, it is in the best interest of both our realms," Nosferatu stated.

Drako, eyes gleaming with arrogance, chimed in. "This alliance is a boon for your kingdom. Our forces alone can repel any threat."

"Your Majesty, if we desire to enter your palace at any time, no guard or barrier can thwart us. We are beyond mortal impediments," Drako added, and his words hang in the air, a bold declaration of the vampiric trio's perceived invincibility.

Marcus, more reserved but equally imposing, added, "Your Majesty, we bring power and security. Your people will surely thank you for this decision."

Amidst Nosferatu's diplomatic words, his gaze lingered upon the Princess with an intensity that went beyond political courtesy. His admiration for the princess was evident, a hunger that transcended the diplomatic discussions.

Liora, feeling the weight of Nosferatu's gaze, couldn't shake a growing sense of familiarity. As realization dawned, her eyes widened in surprise. A memory from the tavern surfaced of the mysterious man who had engaged her in conversation, leaving an indelible mark on her thoughts.

"Your... your face. I've seen you before. At the tavern i think," Liora exclaimed.

Nosferatu, with a sinister yet intriguing smile, acknowledged, "Ah, Princess Liora, the tavern encounter was but a glimpse of our intertwined destinies. Fate has a way of bringing together souls bound by a greater purpose."

The nobles in the hall exchanged uneasy glances, torn between the immediate benefits promised by Nosferatu and the moral quandary of the sacrifice.

As Nosferatu continued his diplomatic discourse, Marcus, in the midst of surveying the hall, locked eyes with Zecharia. An electric tension crackled between them, the memory of their recent battle casting a shadow over the diplomatic proceedings. Marcus, though more reserved in his demeanor, could not conceal the disdain and lingering hostility that surfaced upon recognizing Zecharia amidst the assembly. The air became charged with the unspoken acknowledgment of a recent clash, a silent understanding that their paths are destined to cross again.

Amidst the uneasy atmosphere, a mysterious figure cloaked in shadows silently entered the hall, unnoticed by most. This enigmatic stranger observed the unfolding events with keen interest, their motives shrouded in ambiguity.

As the tension escalated, the king raised his hand, silencing the room. "Enough!" he declared, his voice echoing through the grand hall. "We will deliberate on this matter further. Leave us, for now."

As Nosferatu prepared to depart, his piercing gaze lingered on Princess Liora. In a final proclamation that echoed through the hall, he uttered words that carried both promise and menace.

"Consider your decision wisely, Your Majesty. The union of the princess and me would not only secure our alliance but also seal the fate of your kingdom."

With a flourish of his cloak, Nosferatu exited the grand hall, leaving behind a fraught atmosphere and a kingdom grappling with the weight of an impending decision. The nobles and the royal court were left in the aftermath of his unsettling words, pondering the consequences of a pact that demanded a royal sacrifice.

Meanwhile, Princess Liora, accompanied by her maiden Martha, sought solace in the castle gardens. The moonlit night provided a serene backdrop as she grappled with the weight of her impending destiny.

Liora uttered, "I never asked for this, for our kingdom to be thrust into darkness. But duty binds me to a sacrifice I did not choose."

Martha offering words of wisdom, spoke gently "Princess, fate weaves intricate patterns. Your strength may yet unravel the threads of destiny in ways unforeseen."