
Tactical Clash

"Tak... Tak... tak... Tak," the sound of dripping blood from the tip of Rod's sword echoed, accompanied by the heavy breathing of each one after their finished battle with the monsters.

"Ugh... I hope no more come," Ferdie muttered after they had defeated all their monstrous foes.

From the sky, Cyrus looked around and upon seeing no trace of the monsters, he descended to inform his comrades.

"Comrades, the monsters are gone," Cyrus said.

"YEAAAAAAAAAH!" The warriors shouted.

The situation calmed down, and everyone seemed to have been given a momentary relief to catch their breath.

Of the two thousand five hundred souls and angels who began their journey in the northwest, only eight hundred remained. Three hundred were souls, while five hundred were angels.

"I know it's been tough, but we can't stay here any longer. We're heading north to find Archangel Remiel. The battle might start there," Cyrus said.

"Got it," the warriors replied.

Without hesitation, they started their journey.


Back at the whereabouts of Archangel Remiel…

The Archangel knew he was helpless. Because of the barrier created by Gaap, this would be a battle of strategy.

"Hmmmmm… Peter!" the Archangel called one of his right-hand angels.

"Yes, Archangel, how may I serve?"

"Lead one thousand of your warriors on the left flank!" commanded Archangel Remiel.

"Understood, sir," Peter responded. Then, he pulled a thousand warriors from the formation in the center.

"Ahmir! Two thousand warriors on the right!" commanded Archangel Remiel.

"Understood, sir," Ahmir replied. And with that, the two thousand warriors marched towards the right under the leadership of the angel Ahmir.

As a thousand warriors remained in the middle, Archangel Remiel realized that he had underestimated Amaymon's tactics. He relied on his own abilities and strength as an Archangel, believing they could accomplish the mission despite being outnumbered by their foes.

"Forgive me, my Lord. I placed too much trust in my abilities. Even though it was clear from the start that the enemy might outnumber us, I became overconfident that we could handle it with just a small number of warriors. Please guide us, especially my comrades," the Archangel whispered to himself.

Afterward, with a signal, Archangel Remiel gave the command for the two thousand warriors on the right side to advance and attack.

While there were only a thousand warriors on the left side, Archangel Remiel knew they were the more skilled ones.

"Hihihihi, do you think I'll move our beasts to the middle and left flanks?" Gaap said confidently. With a loud growl, Gaap instructed the beasts, which they understood well. The battle on the right flank ensued.

From a distant and elevated part of the shadow realm, Rod and his companions finally see and can observe the ongoing battle.

"The right flank forces are attacking!" Ian exclaimed.

Upon seeing that the enemy forces in the middle weren't moving, Archangel Remiel ordered the left flank forces of a thousand warriors to advance and attack.

"The left flank, advance as well!" Ferdie said.

"But why isn't Archangel Remiel attacking?" Rod wondered to himself.

While the battle raged on the left and right flanks, the central defense of the demons remained stationary.

On the left flank, despite Archangel Remiel's smaller force, they were noticeably gaining ground. This seemed to displease Gaap.

"Hmmmmm. Hihihi," Gaap chuckled, showing increased interest in the unfolding events. With a loud growl, he commanded to divert a portion of the demon forces from the middle defense to aid the ongoing battle on the left flank.

After the middle defense of the demons shifted, Archangel Remiel then ordered all his warriors to advance towards the middle area.

"Now is the time! Show them our strength! Charge!" Archangel Remiel exclaimed.

"YEAAAAAAAAAH!" shouted the warriors as they surged forward to attack.

"Everyone is attacking!" Ferdie shouted as they watched from afar.

But unexpectedly, monsters from northeast came and poured in the right side, penetrating Gaap's magical barrier, and launched an assault on the two thousand warriors who were fighting on the right side.

"Ugh... This can't be..." Archangel Remiel sobbed, seemingly taken aback by what had happened.

"The warriors who journeyed northeast earlier seem to have been depleted," the Archangel worriedly muttered to himself.

As a result, the forces of the monsters on the right side gained the upper hand.

"Hihihihi... Once the ones on the right side are depleted, next will be the middle, and lastly the left. Hehehe... Looks like you'll be returning to heaven alone, Archangel Remiel! Hehehe..." Gaap said, laughing at the Archangel.

"Ugh... This isn't good. We need to hurry. We have to get there!" Rod said.

Rod and his companions quickly moved.

After a few moments, they were within sight of Archangel Remiel.

"Archangel Remiel, we have successfully completed the mission," Cyrus greeted.

"Excellent," Archangel Remiel said, glancing at the remaining warriors.

"Gaspar?" the Archangel inquired.

Rod replied, "I regret to inform you, he did not survive."

Seeing Rod, Archangel Remiel suddenly remembered his conversation with Archangel Rafael.


"Look at that soul, Rafael. Every time I come here, I always catch him practicing," Archangel Remiel said to Archangel Rafael as they observed Rod from afar.

"Same here. The other day, we sparred, and I invited him. Though he's still far from our level, I can say his abilities surpass those of other souls. With the determination he has, perhaps he could even match some angels. He simply lacks wings for now," Archangel Rafael said.

"Hmmmmm..." Archangel Remiel pondered, his expression thoughtful.

"I believe that when the time of need comes, you can rely on that soul. Just give him a chance," Archangel Rafael said, his words carrying a sense of trust in Rod and his potential.

Back in the present…

"Rod? Is that right?" Archangel Remiel asked.

"Yes, I am," Rod replied.

The Archangel attempted to pass through the invincible barrier but failed. Upon seeing this, the warriors accompanying Rod were surprised and puzzled.

"This barrier prevents an immortal Archangel like me from crossing and entering into Amaymon's whereabouts," Archangel Remiel explained.

"The one responsible for this is Gaap, his right-hand demon. I will give you a new mission, Rod," Archangel Remiel said.

"I am ready. What is it?" Rod responded, filled with determination and courage.

The Archangel replied, "As long as Gaap lives, this barrier will remain, and I will continue to be unable to reach Amaymon, assist our warriors and prevent depletion. The mission is to end Gaap!"

Rod was taken aback by what he heard. Despite being full of courage, he didn't expect to be entrusted with a mission like this. It was a mission that seemed to hold the key to their victory, and on the other hand, the trust bestowed upon him by the archangel.

"Lead the remaining souls with you and finish off Gaap," added the Archangel.