
Soul and Angel Sparring

Rod walked towards the center of the field, his hesitation still lingering. Upon reaching the middle, Hicarius handed Rod a sword and said, "If you can no longer fight, you are free to surrender, just say that you surrender." Rod nodded.

The field was filled with anticipation as Rod and Octavius faced each other, their eyes locked in determination. The air crackled with energy as they prepared for the upcoming clash.

Octavius, with his graceful movements and formidable presence, wielded his celestial sword with expertise. Octavius initiated the first attack by utilizing his wings to unleash devastating blows, creating whirlwinds of force around him. With each strike, he demonstrated his dominance in the fight. With that, Octavius quickly gained the upper hand, showcasing his superior skills.

Meanwhile, Rod, though struggling, he's trying to stand his ground.

In Octavius's final strike, Rod was forced to sink backwards.

While Rod was gasping, once again Octavius lunged forward, his sword aimed a swift strike towards Rod. With a quick sidestep, Rod dodged the attack, his movements surprisingly agile.

Seizing the opportunity, Rod countered with a series of swift punches and kicks, his movements fluid yet precise. Octavius parried each blow with skill, his sword creating a dazzling display of sparks with every clash.

The spectators watched in awe as the two warriors engaged in a mesmerizing dance of combat, their movements a testament to their skill and determination.

As the intense sparring continued, Octavius observed Rod's movements. Sensing the right moment, with a sudden burst of speed, Octavius feinted a powerful overhead strike towards Rod's left side. Reacting instinctively, Rod raised his sword to block the attack, focusing his attention on defending against the perceived threat.

However, in a split-second adjustment, Octavius swiftly changed the direction of his strike, angling his blade towards Rod's exposed right hand. With precision and speed, Octavius's sword sliced through the air, aiming directly for Rod's hand gripping the hilt of his sword.

Caught off guard by the unexpected change in attack, Rod's reflexes were not quick enough to evade Octavius's strike. With a sharp impact, Octavius's blade made contact with Rod's hand, disrupting his grip and causing him to involuntarily release his sword.

The sound of metal clattering against the ground echoed through the field as Rod's sword dropped from his hand, leaving him momentarily defenseless against Octavius's continued assault.

With Rod momentarily disarmed, Octavius pressed his advantage, increasing the intensity of his attacks and pushing Rod further on the defensive. Despite the setback, Rod remained determined, his resolve unshaken as he prepared to face Octavius's relentless attack.

Despite the relentless attack, Rod refused to yield, displaying remarkable resilience and determination. He retaliated with calculated strikes of his own.

However, Octavius's relentless assault continued, leaving Rod battered and bruised. With precision and agility, Octavius delivered slashing attacks, leaving deep gashes on Rod's body.

Despite the pain and exhaustion, Rod refused to give up, his unwavering spirit shining through the chaos of battle.

As Octavius relentlessly pressed his assault, Rod found himself struggling to keep up with the barrage of attacks. While he managed to dodge each strike of the sword with nimble footwork and quick reflexes, his focus on the sword left him vulnerable to Octavius's close-quarters combat techniques.

With each evasion of the sword strikes, Octavius seamlessly transitioned into unleashing a flurry of kicks, elbows, and knees, exploiting the openings in Rod's defense. Despite Rod's best efforts to evade, Octavius's strikes found their mark, landing with precision and force.

Rod's movements became increasingly frantic as he attempted to defend against Octavius's relentless assault. With each strike that landed, Rod felt the impact reverberate through his body, sapping his strength and resolve.

Caught in Octavius's relentless attack, Rod struggled to find an opening to mount a counterattack. Despite his agility and determination, he found himself constantly on the defensive, unable to gain the upper hand against Octavius's superior combat skills.

As the battle raged on, Rod's stamina began to wane under the relentless barrage of attacks. With every blow, he felt the weight of Octavius's superiority bearing down on him, pushing him to his limits. Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against him, Rod refused to give up, his determination burning bright amidst the chaos of battle.

Dodging an overhead strike, Rod sidestepped, but this was accompanied by Octavius's spinning kick that hit his side, sending Rod thrown far away and causing him to fall.

"I'm impressed by the reflexes of your warrior, Rafael, but he won't be able to dodge two attacks at once. He's choosing to avoid the swords," said Archangel Uriel.

"There's something you don't know yet, Uriel," Archangel Rafael replied, a smile playing on his lips as he watched intently.

When Octavius approached Rod's fallen body, he spoke, "for a soul, we all recognize your skill, but you still have a long way to go compared to me. So surrender now, because when I get close to you and point my sword at your neck, the fight will be over," said the angel Octavius.

As Octavius neared Rod, Rod prepared himself. And as Octavius was about to deliver the final blow, Rod rolled away. Despite the difficulty in moving due to the bruises and wounds he had sustained.

Meanwhile, from the armory, the old sword is shaken slightly, as if it is communicating with Rod.

After the failed attack, Octavius immediately followed him. Before Rod could even position himself, Octavius using his wings, he quickly charged forward.

As Octavius swiftly flies forward towards Rod, pointing his sword at him in an attempt to stab him, Rod reacts with lightning-fast reflexes and quickly positions himself. With Octavius closing in, Rod quickly calculates his next move.

Instead of evading to the side, Rod makes a split-second decision to jump over Octavius, utilizing his agility to leap into the air while maintaining a diving position. As he jumped over Octavius, suddenly, his hand lit up, and a fast line of light streaked from the armory to Rod's hand. In an instant, Rod was holding the old sword, Lucifer's former sword.

While in the air, he adjusts the position of his sword, flipping it into a reverse grip as he passes overhead.

With Octavius's wing exposed beneath him, Rod sees an opportunity. With a swift and precise motion, he slices downward with his reversed grip sword, aiming directly at the vulnerable upper part of Octavius's wing.

The blade makes contact with Octavius's wing, slicing through the delicate membranes with ease. As the blade slices through, Octavius lets out a roar of pain and surprise, his wing now damaged and impaired.

With one of his wings damaged, Octavius struggles to maintain control as he veers off course, temporarily thrown off balance by the unexpected attack. Meanwhile, Rod lands gracefully on the ground, ready to press his advantage and continue the battle.