
Shadow Realm

After everyone had prepared, Archangel Remiel called upon all the angels in charge of each group, including Gaspar who was in charge of Rod's group.

After a few moments, it was time for their journey to the Shadow Realm. Archangel Remiel opened the portals that would serve as their entrance to the mountain of Veridis.

As all the warriors entered the portals, Ezra's nervousness became noticeable.

"It seems like someone there is trembling with fear," Anna remarked with a smile, seemingly teasing someone.

"Are there creatures feasting on souls there?" Rigor asked, with a hint of anxiety.

"It's okay to be eaten, as long as they consume us whole," Ian said with a resigned shrug, "just don't tear apart or mutilate the soul when they eat it."

Ferdie added, ''I believe we're mortal when in another dimension, so our bodies are alive. It means there's human blood.'' Ezra seemed even more nervous.

Rod put his arm around Ezra and said, "Back in earth, we've all experienced dying just like that. Should we be afraid now? If we were to die, let it be for a purpose. Let us die for heaven, for God," Rod said.

"Haha but we shouldn't die, no matter what happens. Whatever it takes, let's not agree to die!" Rod added, laughing.

"Right, I even want to be counted among the angels, I want to have wings to experience the feeling of flying!" Ferdie exclaimed with a smile.

"Haha, me too!" Rigor chimed in.

"Of course, count us in too!" Anna and Ian, both said simultaneously.

"Isn't that right, Rod?" Anna asked.

Rod just smiled at Anna's words.

"Me? I want the wings of an Archangel! I want to become an Archangel…" Rod muttered to himself.

Ezra's anxiety somehow lessened and was replaced by a smile as he engaged in conversations and playful banter with his companions while entering the portal.

As everyone exited the portal and lined up in Mount Veridis, Archangel Remiel stepped forward. He knelt down and bowed his head, whispering words that no one else could hear. However, some of those near Remiel could hear his utterances, but they couldn't understand what he was saying.

In almost five minutes, lightning suddenly flashed as if signaling the next step in Archangel Remiel's actions. Following the lightning, Archangel sliced his palm and pressed it onto the ground.

After pressing his palm onto the ground, he suddenly created a massive portal that appeared frozen in ice, emitting a cracking sound that slowly intensified until it shattered. This served as the signal to enter the Shadow Realms. With the size and expanse of the portal, nearly ten thousand warriors could enter simultaneously.

As everyone entered the Shadow Realms, led by Archangel Remiel, they beheld the sight inside. They were greeted by the eerie atmosphere, enveloped in thick clouds that cast darkness all around. Despite the darkness, the surroundings were still visible, tinged with a reddish hue. The terrain was rocky, with chasms where magma flowed beneath.

In front of everyone, Archangel Remiel spread his glowing gray wings rose up in the air and began to speak.

"My fellow warriors of light, before us lies the challenge of darkness. But let us not fear, for we are not alone. We are bestowed with strength and courage from our leaders and God. With every step we take, let us remember why we are here. This duty is bestowed upon us to defend the light against darkness. Our unity and determination will be the key to our success. Let us show the forces of darkness the strength of our unity and love for the light. For victory and for the glory of heaven!"

After speaking, he advanced towards the north accompanied by two thousand angels and three thousand souls. Meanwhile, one thousand angels and fifteen hundred souls advanced towards the northeast.

The remaining one thousand angels and fifteen hundred souls, including Rod's group, headed northwest.

As Rod and his companions journeyed towards their designated destination, they encountered a challenging trial in traversing the rocky mountains. Despite the gradual descent, the terrain proved excessively rugged.

"Ferdie, can you handle more? Haha." Rod was teasing.

"Hahaha, the battle hasn't even started yet, but I already feel tired." Ferdie jokingly replied. ""Sigh, better for the angels, they just fly around."

"Where do you think our destination is? Do you have any idea, Rod?" Anna asked.

"I have no idea," Rod replied. "Just be vigilant. We could encounter enemies anytime. I feel something different about this place. It's strange."

After a few hours of journeying, they reached a place that looked like a wide ravine. Here, one thousand angels and one thousand souls veered off the path. Only Rod's group of five hundred remained.

"Huh? Wait, where are they going?" Ian asked.

"Comrades!" said Gaspar, the angel leading their group.

"We're going down into this ravine. Be cautious as we go down. And at the bottom of this, our assigned mission will begin." Gaspar said.

"Yes, commander!" The warriors replied.

After that, everyone went down carefully into the ravine. As they went down cautiously, the sound of falling rocks echoed around them. Despite the slow going down of each warrior into the ravine, it was still inevitable that some would slip, but fortunately, Gaspar was there to catch and assist them.

As Rod and all the warriors finally reached buttom, they were greeted by a multitude of large eggs and creatures that seemed to be juveniles with closed eyes. It appeared that various types of creatures were reproducing here, with some laying eggs while others were giving birth. The ground was muddy.

"Whaaat… is… that??? Ferdie exclaimed, his eyes widening at what he saw.

"The smell is so fishy!" Anna exclaimed.

"COMRADES!" Gaspar exclaimed. "It's their nest! This is our mission. Destroy all of this, all of these creature's offspring. These creatures will wreak havoc on countless places and people once they grow. So, leave no survivors!" Gaspar commanded.

"Is the smell fishy, Anna? Haha, it's going to get even worse!" Rod joked.

And they wasted no time. Without hesitation, they sprang into action, immediately destroying the eggs and killing the newly born creatures.

The warriors wielded their weapons, swords and spears, to crush the eggs and kill the newly born creatures. The powerful strikes of their weapons against the eggs resulted in strong spurts of blood and various fluids, accompanied by the unique sounds of splattering and cracking. These sounds mingled with the cries of the juvenile creatures they slaughtered.

As they carried out their mission, Rod suddenly stopped. He intensely heightened his senses, feeling something unusual. Rod grasped the sticky ground with his palm and felt it tremble.

"GASPARRR!" Rod shouted, still clutching the ground.

In their exchanged glances, Gaspar understood what Rod was trying to convey.

He immediately stopped what he was doing and spread his wings, started to take flight upward.

As Gaspar flew upwards above the ravine, he paused mid-air and from afar, he could see the huge number of different types of monsters, large one and flying ones furiously approaching…


Unbeknownst to them, other monsters possessed the ability to sense when something bad was happening to their offspring. They also sounded the alarm for other monsters with eggs and offspring in that nests.