
Painful Confrontation

Several hours passed and still no one had returned from the portal. Ferdie couldn't help but worry about his companions who entered the portal, especially Rod, who had become close to him. With each passing hour, the expression on Hicarius' face showed that the chances of anyone returning from the trial were becoming increasingly slim.

Unbeknownst to others, Hicarius knew that the souls who retain their memories had an extremely low chance of returning from that trial.

Meanwhile, back at the portal where Rod was, Rod entered the portal created by the angel where, according to it, he would find the place where his father, now a demon, was wreaking havoc.

As Rod emerged from the portal, he immediately noticed that there was chaos among the people there. It seemed like he was in a world of tribes, far from civilization. It felt like ancient times.

Not far away, he saw the tribe people battling a monster. They wielded spears, machetes, and bows. However, they seemed to be no match for it.

Dead bodies of the natives littered the surroundings, along with blood and severed body parts.

"Dad..." Rod whispered in disbelief at what his father was doing.

"This weighs heavy on my chest, dad. But this is the right thing to do," Rod whispered to himself as tears streamed down his face towards his father.

As he approached his demonized father, he picked up a machete from the corpse he passed by.

With the machete in hand, he stood in front of his father and assumed a stance.

"YOU FACE ME!" Rod shouted with a heavy heart.

While holding up a strangled native, his demon father faced him. Before speaking, he decapitated the native he was strangling.

"And who are you to have the courage to speak to me like that?" it said with a growl.

"Dad, it's me, Rod, your son!" Rod said, hoping his father would remember him.

"Haha. I can feel that you're not from this world!" his demon father replied. "Nevertheless, I'll grant your request. Accept that you will be laid to rest in this world!" he said, his eyes narrowing even more.

In an instant, it swiftly moved behind Rod like a gust of wind.

Rod's reflexes caught onto it immediately, but due to the unexpected speed, he was too late to react.

It quickly delivered a reverse slap to him. "WHAAAAAAP!"

Due to the extraordinary strength, Rod's body was thrown far away and landed on a house. "Thudddd…"

After the fall, Rod gradually attempted to stand up. As his demon father approached him, it was smiling as if he was just playing with Rod.

"Dad..." Rod uttered weakly as he stood up and recovered from the fall."

Once again, in a swift movement, the demon lunged behind Rod and delivered a slashing attack with his right arm, armed with sharp claws. However, this time, Rod managed to evade it. He ducked, dodging the sharp claws, and as the demon's arm passed over his head, Rod quickly stood back up and simultaneously struck the demon's arm with his weapon.

However, Rod's strike didn't sever the demon's arm. Due to its toughness, it only inflicted a small wound.

"What? Why? It's so tough! What now?" Rod exclaimed in surprise to himself.

Then the demon immediately countered with a slash using its left hand towards Rod. Sensing this, Rod quickly stepped back to evade, but still, the tips of its claws reached his chest. Fortunately, it wasn't deep, but it left a shallow cut on his chest.

"Hahaha! That has no effect on me!" the demon taunted. "Even if I don't dodge your strikes on my body, they won't affect me! You might not even be able to cut off my finger! Hahaha!"

Rod stood and formed again, his brow furrowing slightly.

"How can I defeat this?" Rod asked himself.

"Whooosh!" The demon quickly lunged forward again.

The demon's sharp claws slashed swiftly from left to right, which Rod managed to dodge. However, with each of Rod's counters, he struggled to inflict huge damage against his demon father

The battle continued as Rod kept dodging and countering, but he began to feel the fatigue despite his skill in evasion and counterattacks. Gradually, despite his skills in dodging and parrying, Rod started to receive cuts and slashes on his arms, shoulders, back, and thighs.

In the next attack by the demon, it swiftly moved to Rod's side. Seeing this, before the demon could execute its attack, Rod immediately thrust his weapon with full force towards its shoulder.

No matter how sharp the machete he used was, it couldn't make a deep cut on the demon. However, it still managed to pierce about 2 inches into the demon's shoulder.

The demon just smiled wickedly and gave Rod a strong kick in the abdomen, sending him tumbling far away once again.

"Seems like you're tired, huh? Nevertheless, I still admire the skill you're showing," said the demon as the sword remained lodged in his shoulder. "Where did you come from?" it asked.

Despite the difficulty from the fall, Rod gradually forced himself to rise until he was seated.

Suddenly, Rod had a flashback of what Hicarius had said to him.


"Often, we'll face adversaries from the forces of darkness who possess extraordinary speed, rendering the weapons you mentioned ineffective," Hicarius explained. "The swords we'll use in battle aren't just ordinary swords. These swords are blessed by God, imbued with the utmost capability to end the lives of the minions of darkness."

End of flashback…..

In response to the demon's question, Rod answered with his head down, seemingly smiling and lightly chuckling.

"Are you asking if I'm tired? Yes, I'm tired of playing and fooling around with you," Rod replied, still with his head down, sporting a slight smile and chuckling lightly.

As Rod stood up, still with his head bowed and holding his stomach with one hand, he staggered slightly as he walked to get a machete nearby.

After grabbing the machete, it responded to the demon's earlier question, "And where did i came from?"

FROM HEAVEN!" while looking at the demon with a smirk.