
Hidden Sanctuary

"We've bought ourselves some time, but we cannot afford to rest. Yaihr will stop at nothing to crush us." Zecharia told them.

"I fear what lies ahead, but I know we must press on," Zecharia added.

In their journey, the travelers, led by the mysterious Cereal, keenly felt the fatigue weighing upon them. And after the difficult trek, they finally arrived at their destination: THE KINGDOM OF GRIGORI.

Hidden within the chaotic terrain, unexpected yet majestic, it was surrounded by towering cliffs and rugged rocks that enclosed a small kingdom. There stood a natural fortress seemingly unaffected to threats from the outside.

This kingdom can only be discovered by those who dare to venture and climb the towering rocky hills and delve into the deep valleys. It's as if nature itself conspired to form the place to protect its inhabitants. Despite the small size of the Grigori kingdom, there's a strong aura enveloping it.

Upon their arrival, they were not greeted by towering walls serving as barriers or armed guards, but by the tranquil beauty of nature and the serene strength of the land. The leader of the Grigori welcomed them with open arms, his gaze steady and his presence commanding.

"Welcome to the kingdom of Grigori, I am Shemhaza," his voice carrying the weight of authority. "Here, amidst the dense forests and towering rocks of the mountains, you will find sanctuary from the chaos of the outside world."

Zecharia and his companions express gratitude for the acceptance they've received. After their hardships on the journey, they can finally rest. They marvel at the tranquility of their surroundings.

Despite the challenges they've faced and the distance from their kingdom, they feel a deep sense of peace enveloping the air, as if the very land has decided to embrace them to alleviate their toil and worries.

As night fell and the stars twinkled overhead, Zecharia found himself engaged in conversation with Shemhaza, their words echoing in the quiet of the night.

"We are honored to be in your kingdom, Leader Shemhaza," Zecharia began, his tone respectful yet curious. "But I cannot help but wonder why I never heard about your kingdom and it seems untouched by the conflicts that plague the rest of the world."

Shemhaza smiled, his eyes reflecting the wisdom of ages past. "Our strength lies not in walls of stone or number of soldiers, but in the very land that surrounds us. The terrain is harsh, unforgiving, but it is also our greatest ally. Those who would seek to do us harm find themselves thwarted by the very landscape that we call home. And sometimes, the most effective defense lies in anonymity." Shemhaza smiled.

Upon hearing that, Zecharia felt somewhat envious.

"I asked for nothing but to protect my loved ones. But even with my parents, I failed. What more the entire people of Eldoria?" Zecharia uttered with sorrow.

Shemhaza nodded respectfully, his eyes conveying his understanding of Zecharia's burden. "I understand, young warrior. The shadows grow darker, and no one is safe from their reach. But as long as you remain within the walls of my kingdom, hold onto my word that you will be protected."

With a grateful nod, Zecharia accepted the Shemhaza's offer, knowing that they would need all the allies they could muster in the coming days. Even when everything seemed incredibly gloomy, a glimmer of hope could be discovered in the most unexpected places.

In the peaceful Grigori Kingdom, Zecharia finds Princess Liora immersed in grief, gazing at the horizon. Her sorrow stems from the loss of her father, King Burton, who sacrificed himself to save them from Nosferatu.

Zecharia approaches Liora gently and sits beside her. With a compassionate voice, he acknowledges her pain, sharing that he has also experienced loss. He reminds her that King Burton's sacrifice was heroic, protecting them and the kingdom from danger.

Liora turned to Zecharia, her eyes still filled with tears and her heart heavy with grief. "I miss him," she whispered softly, almost just a sigh. "My father… my King… my whole world."

Zecharia reached out, placed his gentle hand on her shoulder to comfort her. "Though he is no longer here, his spirit lives within you," he said, his voice strong but filled with understanding.

"You are his daughter, his heir. You carry his strength, his courage, his wisdom within you. And as long as you hold onto those qualities, he will never be gone." Zecharia added.

Princess Liora looks up at Zecharia, her eyes shimmering with gratitude and resolve. "Thank you,Zecharia," she replies in a composed voice despite the tears still glimmering in her eyes. "Thank you for being there for me,for reminding me of who I am and what I must do."

Zecharia shows her a reassuring smile, his own heart is also heavy with the weight of their shared grief. "We are in this together, Princess." He replies,his voice filled with conviction. "No matter what challenges lie ahead, we will face them together."

"With a newfound determination, Princess Liora rises to her feet, her spirit unbroken despite the pain she still feels. "I will honor my father's memory by fighting for the kingdom he loved," she declares, her voice now filled with hope and determination. "For Eldoria, for its people, for everything he held."

As they stand together, both united in their resolve, the shadows of sadness and loss gradually fade away, replaced by the rays of hope and determination. For in that moment, amidst the serene beauty of the Grigori Kingdom, Zecharia and Princess Liora find strength in each other, prepared to face whatever challenges the future may bring.


Earlier, upon their arrival, Cereal and Shemhaza exchanged meaningful glances.

And when they were close together earlier, Shemhaza quietly asked, "Are you sure that man is truly him?" with a curious tone.

Cereal met Shemhaza's gaze, her expression unreadable. "Yes, Shemhaza, I am certain. Though it may be dimmed by the shadows that surround him, he carries that blood within him."

A slight smile played across Shemhaza's lips.


Meanwhile on Earth U5...

In a city that seemed abandoned, with towering buildings and cars littering the streets like an apocalyptic world, there were five gigantic ants, each the size of a large truck, chasing after Rod. As Rod ran, he temporarily found refuge behind a large truck, with no weapon or equipment in hand. While hiding in the vehicle, he couldn't help but be shocked by the events unfolding around him.

"Sigh, one of Archangel Rafael's instructions when I'm here in the world is to be discreet, no one should know my identity, since my strength is now otherworldly. But what about in this situation? I don't have any weapons to use. I can't even summon my sword, and demons are said to sense my presence," Rod muttered to himself. He looked around to see if he could find any makeshift weapons to use.

"Nah.. I didn't have a choice," Rod said after looking at the signage by the roadside.

He immediately ran to a signage where he quickly attempted to pull out the large steel pipe.

With an extraordinary burst of strength, Rod managed to pull out the ten-foot-long steel pipe with a four-inch diameter from the concrete it was embedded in. He swiftly struck the head of the large ant that charged towards him, causing it to fall, followed by Rod striking the steel pipe repeatedly on its eye until it reached inside its head.

"Haha, Archangel Rafael is right. I indeed have a different strength when I'm in the human world," Rod said, amused.

After killing the large ant, he pulled out the steel pipe and prepared to face the remaining incoming ants.